Why is nobody talking about this? It's the ss13 of survival games.
Why is nobody talking about this? It's the ss13 of survival games
I like it and have been playing it with my bro, but I don’t know how to progress really. He built us a furnace and all I did was carve a dick out of stone and then do gangnam style on top of it
the frame rate, ez return
Works on my machine. Constant 60 fps.
Is it fun?
>buzzwords on my Sup Forums
How is it like ss13?
Lots of subsystems with plenty of content in each one to justify their existence.
the fuck is this game even about?
is it worth buying for solo?
I don't have anyone to play it with
It's $12. I already got 30 hours in it.
just building shit or something?
how is this different from Dark and Light, Conan Exiles, 7 days to die, Ark survival evolved, and all those open world crafting survival games?
Art style is good and consistent, there's actually a reason to explore, there's so many more different things to do, etc. Enemies are pretty simple, but they have plans to add some interesting ones.
what's the reason to explore?
sounds like dev got scared to talk about his own game
>by the devs who made and abandoned DayZ
>Early Access
Is this a joke?
Random things like Wilson from cast away, pirate chest, puzzles, and so on. They have some nice equipment in them too.
>made dayz
I bet you think Activision and EA make games too.
Solid base, but building is really time consuming. Not in a grindy boring way like Ark and Conan, but just placing things piece by piece can take awhile. And heaven forbid you want to change things after the timer expires, than you have to recraft the item.
I'm still undecided if it was a good purchase or not other than the $12 price being reasonable.
Yeah, block durability feels like 7 days. I wish they'd make it easier to break for the person who placed it. You can easily fine tune things using g and h and building is a lot easier once you build a few things and get used to it.
Any good 'reviews' on YouTube yet of this game? I had a look but can't see any. Maybe it's too early. Or are any of you Sup Forumsirgins streaming it?