Fighting games

What is it about fighting women that awakens a mans primal nature?

Is that Blair? Was she always that swole?

Goddamn, look at dat back

muscle gril thread

No joke, I love women’s backs. [sooiler]but not as much as their feet.


Blair is like if Cammy and Chunli had a baby.


is that fuckin Doctrine Dark?
did he get added as dlc to street fighter or something?

Here's some old artwork as well.



hey thanks user!

post dope vidya backs


all men have an urge to subjugate and assfuck







Fighter EX Layer, new Arika fighter. Skullomania and Darun Mister are back too.

Does this game have some kind of armor breaking mechanic? These two just look too bulky to me.

is this done with UUNP?

>Author of Sabas gave her blue hair in celebration of Blair since she's apparently a fan of that character


How did Dark go from a military suit to robot armor?

Imagine putting your duck on her back and she jerks you off with her shoulderblades

oh fuck
thanks for the info user

No, this isn't UNP or CBBE. It's a special muscular body with body slider support. Max weight is bulked the fuck up.

>Kojima likes author of Sabas

There's a reason I've been a fan of hers.

NP, Arika is going hard with this game. Killing people with nostalgic shocks. It's been 15+ years since we last saw these characters.

Has this faggot released his bodyslide preset yet? I don't give a shit about his deviantart OC.


>fan of muscle girls likes a muscle girl

Also, I think they overdid that character's growth. Too bulky now.

> xe caring about xir's gender

>Being mad a woman is better than you at something

Nah, she's just right. Fantasy warrior women have no excuse not to be fucking enormous in a universe where magic exists.

This, roids turns women into men in the real world but straight up magic is an easy excuse for that.


Wait didn't Sony say there was going to be a fighting layer EX demo this month?

Are her muscley arms a weapon to surpass Metal Gear?

> projecting so very hard over a comment that I don't care what le genderre of le artiste was
where the fuck do you think you are

Why does D.Dark look like he just stepped out of Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball?

she's too covered now. but i love her back. hope there's alternate outfits where she's wearing less. a bikini maybe? i wanna see her abs

We're yet to see how she looks from the front.

Who cares about the excuse? There's still a point where it goes too far. This was perfect.


Your image actually would be okay if it didn't have so many veins. Just a few on arms would be alright.

she's wearing the same white onepiece from the old games. i'm sure her abs are toned (hopefully more than cammy's). still, i wanna see her less covered a bit and her abs without any clothing

We can hope for some costumes at least.

I like muscle girls as much as next person but people need to fucking learn anatomy. I mostly mean those veins, jesus christ.

No, pic related is perfect. should have skipped a leg day or two.

>female fighter with actual muscle


Which body is it? I need this shit

I appreciate all kinds of muscles like these
But your image is kinda freaky with these veins


"UUNP with Janebod sliders"



Thisll always be one of my favorite makoto pics. I love the sweat and cooldown after a workout







Fighting and fucking are man's two most natural behaviors. Human civilization is about sublimating those two activities.


I could smell all these sweaty fightangirls from page 1! All those cute sweaty girls and their sweaty smelly armpits and feets!


Leaked art for Capcom VS SNK 3



My brethren


>your duck

Best outfit, simple but sexy.




Is that actually her buttcrack exposed because her leotard was moved?

Didn’t know about this. Thanks!

ah yes, the ideal

I want to slap her tits.

I will be Elphelts perfect husband!

I want to lick her sweaty abs.