Best 4x games?

Best 4x games?

I find the Endless games most appealing.


I don't know about best, but I like Stellaris.

They're so simple though. I have ES and it's just so....basic. Well made obviously, but

Same with SOASE. I feel like nothing after mastering HoI3, Vicky 2, and SRU are autistic enough.

>best four times games

Modded Stellaris is pretty great. Huge variety of playstyles.

Is it called 4x because you could have four times the fun if you played a different game?


Xplore, Xpand, Xploit, Xterminate.


yeah, like civ 6 :)

Space Empires IV

Do not touch V, it's absolute horseshit

>diplo victory
kek, this will be easy

Unironically this. It's usually cheap af during sales and is totally worth it.

"endless" games are horribly balanced



Only 4X I've ever played to stand up to MoO2. Solid suggestion. Good modding community, too.

>civ 5

It's fun
good time sink
But I've played enough to see its flaws run very, very deep. I can barely play it nowadays because I keep encountering the same retarded shit over and over and over.


Word of warning about this, Kerberos managed to fuck up the CD key activation on Steam so now the game won't run for most users. I dunno how the fuck those people are still in business.


From reading the forum it's Paradox not Kerberos that fucked this up and refuses to fix it.

kys yourself

>civ games where AI is dump and cheats

We're at Dom 5 now

Roll baby

>I feel like nothing after mastering HoI3, Vicky 2, and SRU are autistic enough.
I feel the opposite, once I got over the hurdle of learning how to play Paradox GS games and sink a couple hundred hours into them, they become mind-numbingly easy, boring and railroaded to the point where I already know how most of the game is gonna play out, and it's especially true with the games that are fairly short like Victoria 2. I can start a game with any great power in Vic2 or any major country in HoI3 now, and predict with 90% of accuracy how the entire thing is gonna play out based on what I do.
On the other hand I can still feel somewhat challenged while playing AC, modded CiV4, GC2 or MoM and games sometime play out different then I expected them too.

Oh shit I didn't even realize it came out. Thanks friend

Dominions games

Oh you can feel the challange where the AI actually unfair and cheats. Tell me more


I'd take AI that is "unfair" and cheats over AI that can't actually play the game like in Paracucks games any day of the week.

Hello, newfriend.

What the best space 4X?

Remember when games came in real boxes with real instruction manuals?


I know 4x has something to do with strategy but what's it mean?

Master of Orion 2, Galactic Civilization 2 and Distant Worlds are all favorites of mine. MoO2 is a good starting point because it's so simple and does so many things right. Every new space4x will always be compared to MoO2.

Picture hopefully unrelated. 4 and 6 are better.

So why isn't is 4e?

aurora 4x
you aren't a casual are you?

Civ V may be shit but VI is even worse. Kill yourself retard.

6 is what 5 should have been if it wasn't made by a Panzer General fanboy-retard

There are no 4x paradox titles
(stellaris is a garbage, not a video game)

>video games
>it doesn't have video
Fuck this garbage.

This kind of autism makes me anxious

"AI that can't actually play the game" applies for civ games too desu

Come on Hunnic Diplomacy

Please rate pic related

Amazing taste, user. I can't believe I forgot about this masterpiece.


X is cooler

Because the e is silent in all of those words. It could be 4ex but why bother when 4x works.


Blame this guy.

> 4X is a genre of strategy-based video and board games in which players control an empire and "eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate". The term was coined by Alan Emrich in his September 1993 preview of Master of Orion for Computer Gaming World.[1] Since then, others have adopted the term to describe games of similar scope and design.

it means squares... like, squares over a grid, ya know?

Endless Legend is fantastic.
ES2 maybe in a few months, but it's decent enough.

Moar details.

> The term "4X" originates from a 1993 preview of Master of Orion in Computer Gaming World by Alan Emrich, in which he rated the game "XXXX" as a pun on the XXX rating for pornography. The four Xs were an abbreviation for "EXplore, EXpand, EXploit and EXterminate".[1] By February 1994 another author in the magazine stated that Command Adventures: Starship "only pays lip service to the four X's",[2] and other game commentators adopted the "4X" label to describe a game genre with specific gameplay conventions:[3][4][5]

I'm not autistic enough for this.
>i say this as a ss13 player

They all suck

Computer Gaming World no longer exists

Let's give this a shot.

Meh, whatever, I'll procrastinate a bit tommorow morning after gym.

Rollan for something not shit.

It's not even that hard. You just have to get used to where all the menus and commands are.

All AI cheats.

Okay, I haven't played for a long fucking while
Let's see what we get

I really hope that was bait.

you have rare taste user

I want to try playing this again

Endless Space 2 or Endless Legend?

Do you prefer space or fantasy?

Anyone feel like setting up an unranked AoE2HD game?

Not him but I prefer fantasy.

Shame combat sucks in that game.

The biggest problem with getting into 4x games is the heavy nostalgia delusion from the community, to the point it borders actual brain damage, so it's almost impossible to judge which "classics" are actually still good, which classics were good but have aged like shit and are outclassed now, and which classics aren't 4x games in the first place.
Here's three examples - Alpha Centauri, Master of Orion 2 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
Alpha Centauri is still one of the best designed 4x games, still hasn't been surpassed in a lot of aspects, and an absolute must-play for anyone interested in the genre.
MoO2 is the most-influential space 4x game, but objectively speaking it has been heavily outclassed in every single aspect by a shit ton of games. What makes it especially bad to play nowdays is just how incredibly tiny the game is, on the largest galaxy size you still feel like you're playing in a shoebox, which is something a space game should never feel like. However none of this stops idiots from spouting ridiculous nonsense, like claiming it's the pinnacle of gaming and nothing ever coming close to it.
And then for some unknown reason you have people who love to bring typical turn-based strategy games that never were and never tried to be 4x games in to the discussion, and HoMM3 is usually the first one to get namedropped.


you mean a $40 update to Dom 4 with no improvements to the shitty UI? no thanks

Space a bit, but I want to know how they differ besides the setting.

I was going to ask in the thread if HoMM counts as 4x or not. It has some similarities but you're right it isn't part of the genre.

How do I diety in civ 6? I can deal with early game barbs and wars most of the time but then I get fucked because all the other civs have the 40% increase to science and shit and I just lose. Do I just need to make a fuckton of cities and spam theater/science districts?

If a game doesn't even let you build cities and forces you to use ones hardcoded on the map, it's safe to say it's not a 4x game. Even the original X-Com had more 4x elements than HoMM, and I almost never hear that game being called 4x, and yet HoMM pops up all the time.