You can play Sophitia barefoot.
Soul Calibur VI
what else can you play bare as
>super meter levels are back in
>armor destruction is back in
>Tekken style hit effects
>super moves are back
>parrying uses meter again
>elemental weapon buffs (?)
It's shit.
Oh god, I want to fuck Sophitia so badly.
If they release limited edition art of her, I'm forced to buy this game.
>foot fags
Oh man. If they have the character viewer too I'm gonna spend too much time fapping to this game.
i can understand high heel fetish but footjobs just feel awkward as fuck.
it's wouldn't be so bad if it was just degenerate, but it's degenerate and cringe-awkward.
It feels better then getting your balls tickled. It's annoying as fuck and doesn't feel good. At least to me.