Is this going to be the first game to reach 3 million concurrent players...

is this going to be the first game to reach 3 million concurrent players? the desert map is about to come out(i know its on test now). should PUBG win game of the year rewards considering the impact on the industry it had this year

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The rubberbanding is fucking horrendous, hitboxes are fucked up and servers are still 20 tick. GG.

>should PUBG win game of the year rewards considering the impact on the industry it had this year
Lets be honest. It is extremely clear it's the game of the year, and honestly is the closest thing to game of the decade.

It won't win anything since the goty competitions are based solely off hype/shills/fanboys and the "true" goty only becomes obvious years later. e.g. minecraft wasn't even nominated years aga

its horribly unoptimized, full of bugs, clunky as shit, and overall a case of very bad programming.

but it is pure.
no badly written story, no cringy characters, no retarded attempts at romance, no hamfisted political commentary, no dumb progression system, no handholding, no pandering, no cutscenes, no trying to be 'artsy', no pretentiousness.
just a game. nothing but pure gameplay for its own sake. it's been a long time since we got a pure and unadulterated game like this, with minimal amounts of bullshit tacked on, and i think that's part of the reason for its massive success. and for that it actually deserves GOTY awards more than any of the modern trash released this year.

>Lets be honest. It is extremely clear it's the game of the year
>asset flipping buggy, laggy shit is GOTY

>pure gameplay
>still can't get the one thing it does right
You're just highlighting how incompetent they really are.

Too much time designing loot boxes and modelling pointless clothing clearly.

>every game full of laggy chinamen
>runs awful while looking like a ps3 game, buggy, with dogshit tickrate
>basic mechanics got delayed for lootboxes

If a game should go down in history, it should be the original arma mod and not this shit.

>Online multiplayer shooter survival
>Requires a 1k+ Pc to run at medium settings
>Looks like a shitty ps3 game
>Buggy to all hell
Play some real games

all true.

It's still the only game this year which is actually going to be remembered and played by people years in the future

>asset flipping
Using assets you purchase to create a game isn't asset flipping.
Is buying a licence for an engine 'engine flipping'?