Sup Forums the videogame

>Sup Forums the videogame

why would anyone play a video game about fucking a fake 2D pixel girl instead of fucking real girls in real life? the only reason I can think of is if you're crippled and physically can't fuck a girl.

2d girls are objectively superior to 3d pig disgusting

3D girls are boring as fuck

Why are you asking a question if you already know the answer? What is the point?

What's fake about them? If anything, 3dpd """women""" are fake.

>16 Y/O

Imagine being so undesirable you have to lie to yourself that women are gross just to cope. You people deserve to be lonely

3DPD is not worth the effort and maintenace they demand from you. That's what I learned in the past 28 years of my life.

Everyone look at him, he fucking shat himself xD

>You people deserve to be lonely
but that's what they want though

t. Roastie

reddit manchildren like you dont count.

If a real women walked up to them and showed any interest in them they would instantly jizz their pants and throw away all their stupid anime shit

>I know exactly what these anonymous people think
Imagine being this full of yourself.

>a boy sent his love to me

>he actually believes that

Pathetic incels

user waifuism is much more complicated than that, and sometimes that's not even the road taken, get over yourself.

Im mentality crippled and cant get a girl

Haha it's the frog from Sup Forums!!!!!

>you can do whatever you want after raising a girl to her adulthood
I can't wait that long, that 6yo is literally built for sex.

You pick a character, they are now your waifu/husbando, and if anyone claims their waifu is anyone but yours, their waifu is shit.
I hate this garbage but fuck, it's really not complicated

user if a woman even demands that from me she can take a fucking hike.

Imagine coming from neogaf

>I love you
How do you react Sup Forums?

Something Awful had its own Sup Forums? Whoa

Anyone can do that, laugh and forget about it a month later. Actual commitment to said character throughout the years (and I have seen of those) is another matter entirely.

>Woody Allen the videogame

Different from a real life girl you really feel attached to the cartoon since it isn't a bitch

First day on Sup Forums?

Just like in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes back.

Send her to a church immediately.

I play this game and even I don't get it.

alright thanks

>can convince his mom to spend hundreds of dollars on videogames
>can't convince a girl to put his peepee in ber vagina

Can non-nips get it?

Ok dude sure. Enjoy jerking off to your cartoon character downie.

I didn't say I was a waifufag, just that I have seen many. You are even more shallow than you think if you make it all about jerking off.

Wow user literally showing complete lack of knowledge, and going right for what meme culture taught me, nice.

>"y-you too"

10 y/o is the sexiest.

Costs less, it will not give you a desise, it will not get angry once a month, it will aways want you. It will not acuse you of rape

>not the 6yo
you have problems

So you're telling me I can't fuck her before she is 16 year old? This game is garbage.


>If a real women walked up to them and showed any interest in them
Any time a woman has done that to me I've considered it an instant red-flag.

It was a hard choice but the 10 y/o version is wearing pantyhose if im seeing this correctly.

Perfect lolidom material right there.

Where's the TOTALY NOT GAY on the Trebuchet?


>you can do wathever you want with her
Can i give her some eggs?

its a trebuchet, it goes whitout saying

>playing jap trash

princess maker mobage?

just put a pantyhose on the 6yo then?

Saving all of these


2d a best

I never understood why the game advertises itself lik this, when there is nothing like this in the game at all.

Fuck, and I thought it would be some kind of raising sim. So it's just like that League of Angels bullshit all over again.

What is going on there?

Hanging out with your childhood friend.

No, I would act oblivious to her obvious advances as if it was just her being nice, untill she gets the message. Being goodlooking but socially retarded sucks, they used to come, and we started talking and allways the same face, the same tone, the same dissapointment in their face when they see I'm not intersting/fun/witty/alpha, and I'm done with feeling that shit. So yea, anime lolis for me.

A dirty hobo waches what happens when your childhood friend confesd to you and you say yes.

>People fell for bait this weak

Wait, what, if you say yes to her confession she kills herself?

why do you thing all MC's from anime act as such faggots, they are protecting the girls from killing themselves if they accept the girls' advances.

I want to push up her fucking glasses Jesus christ get a tighter frame. You'd think they fit after some time but even at 16 they're falling off

She isn't confessing it because she wants to you to love her, it is just another attempt to get the pain off her chest. She believes she isn't worthy of anyone's attention, so she tries to shove other girls in your life.
Saying "yes" to her means she failed and you are wasting your affection on a broken mess that hates herself and just wanted to die after doing at least one useful thing in her life (helping you get some pussy).
Saying "no" destroys her heart because she always loved you and actually wanted to be with you forever, even though she thinks this is an extremely selfish desire that will just ruin your life.

Looks like she has a pretty tight frame to me.

What, no she doesn't, they're clearly falling off. Is it some tradition to have loose fitting glasses in Japan?

she doesnt have a now how are the glasses supposed to stay?

Oh, it's one of "those" games. I'm starting to understand why it's popular.

>feels bad because she made you waste your affection on her
>fixes it by making you feel even worse than you could ever be and probably traumatizing you
What a dumbfuck.

Did you really miss that or?


who the fuck are you

>tfw was flirted with a few times with different women in my life
>too autistic to notice until chad friend pointed it out after

Now I'm old and mediocre enough that I definitely won't have to worry about that anymore.

>person wearing almost the exact same clothing for 10 years straight
unless she's a hobo or homeless or something this is straight bullshit.

>Now I'm old and mediocre enough that I definitely won't have to worry about that anymore.
A-at least we have waifus

Girls are probably still flirting with you you just don't have your chad friend to clue you in anymore