So I just beat Persona 5. Holy shit this game was a masterpiece...

So I just beat Persona 5. Holy shit this game was a masterpiece. It's been so long since I been invested into a video game. I loved every minute of it. It's just so rare to see a game with this much love and care put into it because most game companies these days just release half ass unfinished games and then riddle it with DLC and try to finish the game with patches (Fuck Final Fantasy XV).

My only real criticisms are that the major plot twist was made apparent the minute a certain character appeared on screen and that it takes a ridiculous amount of time to level up stats. Also, Makoto is best girl

Also, I want to say that the dub is fantastic.

I don't doubt you OP, in fact I envy you, but Atlus won't let me play it on my platform.

I'm glad you liked it OP. I personally fucking hated it and if I hear that horrible fucking battle theme again I'll lose it.

so, congrats I guess?
What do you plan on doin now?

This game was easy as hell until I got to the final dungeon and now I’m getting the shit kicked out of me

Makoto best girl, Haru worst

Out of the 200 hours I put into this game, I swear 150 of them were either loading screens, scene transitions or non-interactive shit at the school.

I liked it a lot, it's a good game, but god damn what a fucking waste of time it was

I'm glad you enjoyed this game OP, even though I didn't.

This game takes like no time at all to load. Longest load screens are when days switch and even then it’s not much

It's really the worst nu-Persona and I was completely disappointed.

Who’s the best waifu and why is it the teacher?


Where can I subscribe to your blog?

Can you guys explain why didn’t you like it?

Now I know how P4 haters felt when 4 was getting all the love.

I loved both 3&4 for the record.

Holy shit.

The pacing was completely whack. After an hour of interesting gameplay, I'd get two hours of characters I don't like in a setting I don't care for.
I don't think it's a bad game, it just really wasn't for me.

Are Persona 1 & 2 worth playing? I loved 3, 4, and 5.

>ridiculous amount of time to level up stats
I maxed them out in September, same as in 3 and 4.

Fair enough. Although I do admit that it starts off VERY slowly but I knew that Persona games are notorious for having slow starts. But I do love how they throw you right into the action to give you a taste of what's the come. It's the completely opposite of 4 where it literally takes hours before anything interesting happens

A river in a dry land.

Makoto > Ann > Futaba >>>>>>> shit >>>> Haru

Why is Futaba so fucking OP in both worlds?
>supah haka
>can hijack a TV signal
>can install a bug in Akechi's phone in 5 seconds whie he's watching
>gets tons of useful Confidant abilities


Is reaper grinding still in the game or did they patch it?

>makoto is best girl

thread ruined

the actual best girl is pic related

Depends on what you mean by patched. I can never get a Reaper with despair. Does this count?

It's always been a bit of a low chance. You are probably just getting really unlucky.

I'm going to kill you.

>I loved every minute of it.

>I personally fucking hated it

My final playing time was 125 hours on the first playthrough, and I missed most of the books and minor achievements. I don't understand how people got so much fulfillment out of it, when it was a grindfest for me. I kept trying to progress in gear and demon fusion, before eventually getting nowhere.

I see you are fighting for everyone's (You)s. Here is my link.

1 isn't. It's almost irredeemably terrible unless you're really into unpolished 90s JRPGs.

2 is alright, but it also is quite inaccessible unless you like older JRPGs in general. It's completely different from the later games and the story doesn't really sense at times, but it's still pretty solid.

Not only is Makoto the best girl but she's also the best party member. How can one person be so perfect?

Who's your party Sup Forums?

Joker, Ann, Makoto, Yusuke master race

Aside from the setting, no. Both were pretty bad. Persona 2: Eternal Punishment was polished, but the party is filled with dysfunctional assholes.

Joker, while using a transferred skill of Firm Stance and Divine Pillar.

Who's the best Persona?

I've heard this several times now, but can you or anyone else explain what exactly made this a masterpiece and to whom exactly?
Know that I haven't played the game.

Would this game be fun to, let's say, a JRPG player?
To someone who plays only waifu simulators?
To a casual console player who plays only stale fighting games and popular AAA's?

What about hardcore players, who tend to play simulators, permadeath-games or even just small management games even if it's just stardew valley or smth similar?

Because from what I can gather, it just looks like a JRPG with story-focus and dating sim elements.
Does that evaluation do the game justice?


The thing that makes Persona 5 so magical is that you get invested the characters. The game does an amazing job of hooking you in and making want to know what happens next. Most of the characters here have a surprising amount of depth to them and they actually feel like real people.

Example, Futaba. Without spoiling it, you actually see her grow and her story actually makes you feel something. I thought I was going to hate her at first so I came in with low expectations of Futaba (I thought she was going to be an annoying gamer gurl i'm such a nerd you all suck character) but she ended up being one of my favorite characters in the entire game because the game did an amazing job of telling her tragic past and showing you how much she is progressing

- good plot twists
- interesting themes
- very good and strategic battle system
- one of the best dungeon design in any jrpg
- most stylish game ever

I agree with everything except the plot twists. It was more obvious than Persona 4 plot twist

>Would this game be fun to, let's say, a JRPG player?
Maybe, it's really barebones as far as gameplay goes but it's better than other persona games at least. The thing about it is that it has a bunch of stuff to do and none of them are outright bad so you're pretty much always having a good time, especially if you like the characters.
I enjoyed other 2017 JRPGs like Xenoblade, Sen no Kiseki 3 and DQXI a lot more but if you like VN elements no other game does it quite as well as Persona.

Swap one two three and Kawakami and we're golden

I'm at the part where Haru's dad dies and I'm enjoying the game, but I dunno. The characters are likable but I'm not as attached to them as I thought I would be, and I do not give a single fuck about the boring story so far. The first dungeon and the events surrounding it were amazing, and I liked Yusuke's introduction too, but everything since has been kind of downhill. Not bad, just not great either.

It's a good game but I'd never call it a masterpiece.

>You will never hug Futaba and tell her everything will be okay

Oh come on, I loved it and this is bullshit.
>good plot twists
It has highs and downs, but both P3 and P4 did them better. The nice trick was that actual plot twist was something else.
>interesting themes
Some of them. Not every, though.
>very good and strategic battle system
The only time you need strategy is boss fights and occasional enemies without weaknesses. And it's basically using strongest stuff you have on hand in castrated Pokemon style combat. This game is so easy even dumbest of fucks can do it on Hard. Merciless is a meme.
>one of the best dungeon design in any jrpg
The only well designed dungeons are Kamoshida's and Madarame's, Maybe Sae's. Rest is awful, with the boredom topping at Okumura's.
>most stylish game ever
Style is the only thing that is flawless in this game.

>You will never betray the PT, save Akechi, kill Shido then take over his plans for using the metaverse for world domination

>betray the PT

Why would you do this? Are you some kind of piece of shit?

Not that guy, but I do heavily agree on the battle system. Its mindless. And not only is it mindless, your party members are much too similar for their own good. Their only defining features are their element and their support abilities which are just buffs that aren't even exclusive to their personas.

>That bad ending
Jesus that got dark as fuck fast

It's the first Persona game where i liked every character well enough, which is surprising because i was almost sure i would hate Morgana and Futaba, but "let's not do that today" memes aside (because it's obviously a game mechanic that gets unfairly blamed on him) Morgana is at the very least tolerable for a cutesy mascot character

They barely accomplished anything and the public only cared about them as a fad, better to be a benevolent overlord.

I'm going to date all the girls.

I'm 130 hrs of play time but I'm at Futaba's palace on my NG+, the farthest I had gotten was Novembre 18 and I got shot by Akechi.
>tfw you rent a DVD (in-game) and because of story reasons you can't watch/return it for days! So you have a huge debt to rental store.


yeah a masterpiece of shit

Why would you do that to them?

I wanted to hug Ann during this scene but I guess that would be kind of weird since you just met her.

>"let's not do that today"

Honestly the biggest flaw of the game. Holy fuck

I'm with you, OP. I loved every minute of it. If the game was 100 hours longer, I would have played it without hesitation.

and yet it won JRPG of the Year over a FF game

The next dungeon is the climax of the game, so just keep at it. I will admit, I loved P5 but I didn't care for the space McDonalds dungeon either.

It wouldn't me more weird than Ann completely trusting a total stranger who was chasing after her

Yeah, getting transported to your but not being able to do anything save, use plant nutrients or save is pretty annoying, but blaming it on the cat even though Joker imposes it on himself when he's not there is just dumb, it's a flaw of the game's mechanics and not of the character

you are not supposed to sell out your friends

>one of the best dungeon designs
>What are Souls games
>What is Etrian Odyssey
>What is Wild Arms

Just to name a few. The dungeons were obscenely long for the lack of depth or anything interesting to do.

I mean, it's not that weird. You're the only person that actually tries to help her instead of just labeling her as a slut and moving on.

I loved Persona 5. It is the best game I ever played and in my opinion the greatest game ever made.

I was really attached to all the characters and I cared about everything. Battles were also hard as hell for me on my first run since I played the game without internet, so I didn't know anything about the Twins final confidant ability, and completely missed Shinya's.

I thought every dungeon was great, even the ones certain people seem to agree on that are bad, like Shido's and Spaceport. They were awesome.

Yeah, getting transported to your room but not being able to do anything other than save, use plant nutrients or sleep is pretty annoying, but blaming it on the cat even though Joker imposes it on himself when he's not there is just dumb, it's a flaw of the game's mechanics and not of the character

Will I like this if I liked danganrompa 1?

Should I play P4 Golden on my Vita first?

> if I hear that horrible fucking battle theme again I'll lose it.

Proof that you didnt play it

So you didn't care about the complete shit story, poor characterization and repetitive combat (as expected of a Persona game)?

But she literally just met you and you're first impression comes off as stalkerish. Yeah she's in emotional pain and the approach came off as genuine care but for her to just trust you and tell you her problems is no more weird than hugging her to make her feel better

> but "let's not do that today" memes aside (because it's obviously a game mechanic that gets unfairly blamed on him) Morgana is at the very least tolerable for a cutesy mascot character
Not really, that bitch arc confirmed that he was a really shitty character.

I thought I was going to hate Futaba too. In fact, I was dreading getting to her dungeon but to my surprise, she's a solid character. God I just knew for sure she was going to be an annoying and obnoxious bitch but after finishing her dungeon I just wanted to cuddle up next to her and whisper sweet things in her ear. Watching her interact with the party and becoming in touch with reality and not being a shut in anymore was heartwarming. Best girl no doubt

I didn't mind his character arc, yes it was a repeat of Teddie's arc, but Morgana didn't constantly annoy me like he did and he had more reason to feel bad about himself since he was just using the PT for his own goals at first

Different kind of games user. It doesn't matter outside of a minor reference 4&5 have nothing to do with each other.

>When you finally finish the game you get this sudden feel of permission to nut to your waifu rule34

>The game does an amazing job of hooking you in and making want to know what happens next.

I'll admit, even if the story did begin to grate during the closing parts, I was interested enough to find out where it was going so yeh I agree.

>Most of the characters here have a surprising amount of depth to them and they actually feel like real people.

OK, I want to play the version of P5 you've played because I found myself generally uninterested with a lot of the main group (and that was way before Haru was introduced) be it in the main story or through their confidant arcs. Agreed, Futaba was probably the most interesting and enjoyable character and one of the few confidant arcs I actually gave a shit about to max out.

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed P5, but its characters and its story are flawed in numerous ways.

Fuck off casual

>tfw no side with the culprit ending like in P4 golden

>OK, I want to play the version of P5 you've played because I found myself generally uninterested with a lot of the main group (and that was way before Haru was introduced) be it in the main story or through their confidant arcs

Well for example Kawakami had a surprising amount of depth to her character and I got invested into her confidant. I'll admit the game does showcase more emotional depth to some characters more than others though. And I loved how the game handled Akechi

>I loved how the game handled Akechi

>Mfw it's September and I find out Temperance could've been maxed out before the Hawaii trip but the earliest save I have is in July and there's no way I can get the mentos quest before then
At-least I had a moment with priestess

Despite the obvious plot twist he's an interesting character. Maybe I'm a sucker for tragic characters

I agree OP. And im usually not into weeb shit OR turn based. But the game is fucking great. I wish i had a teacher waifu

>I loved how the game handled Akechi

You must have extremely low standards if you felt the game handled Akechi well. Possibly one of the most obvious "plot twists" the literal second he's introduced on-screen and then the game attempts to make up for it by unloading lots of back-story and exposition during his boss fight which doesn't make up for the fact he's obnoxiously annoying to begin with.

They could have salvaged it by have him permanently join the group pre-Shido fight...but instead every cutscene he's in prior is so obviously telegraphed and poorly disguises the fact that he's the traitor in the Casino palace.

It wouldn't be so bad if he had started neutral towards the PT instead of being "They're no better than criminals sidestepping the law and basically mind-control the targets, the confessions might not even be true" when Kamoshida and Madarame both have a shit ton of victims that help back up the confessions

I didnt like the futaba arc

I like Makoto but her mask is really ugly, that is my only complaint

>Nobody posted best girl
I knew Sup Forums was full of faggots

Then you have no fucking soul

>tfw we'll probably have to wait like 5 more years until we even get to see any news about Persona 6

*Steals your spot on the phantom thieves*

>Have PS4
>Buy Persona 5
>Love the game
>Lose 2 hours of progress after dying against a trash mob
>Get a little angry with the game
>Gf leaves me
>Feel like I have to move on
>Sell all of my consoles
>Never finished it

I was playing TitanFall 2 and I was having a blast. It was a nice situation, she was sleeping next to me, while I was playing it with my headset, explosions everywhere around me while I was flying and shooting everyone.

Then she wakes up, starts crying. I ask what's wrong while trying to make her feel better, she ends up telling me : "Maybe you should leave for a week. I don't know if I love you anymore"

Fook that shit, now I have no PS4 and I never finished P5. I hope it will be released on PC.

Nice blog post.


5 years? There's an eight year difference between persona 4 and 5 unless they decide to keep the same engine expect nothing but spin-offs and new editions until 2024 then maybe some announcement

Persona 5 got its first release date in 2013. 5 years after P4 came out. It's already been over a year since P5 came out now.

Fuck off autistic Futabafag

This. The english voices were very good