What is your biggest gaming pet peeve?

What is your biggest gaming pet peeve?

Is this Rush Hour 4?

what is her problem?


big boobs

FPS caps are still not universal in PC games.
Every game has vsync, but it seems one in three or four has a seperate cap option. I shouldn't have to go into the ini or cap with an external program.

This. Only developer I've seen who adds an FPS cap consistently is Ubisoft.

I don't even know what peeve means.

open world games (breath of the wild)

games that are too easy (mario odyssey)

Feminist pressure groups paying publishers to push their propaganda into them, the ultimate form of ad placement.

>inb4 no EA and Ubisoft don't do it for money, they REALLY care!

How fucking stupid is it that she's Luke's daughter?

Don't hate titties, love titties.

half the game devs cant even implement V-sync properly
i have no screen tearing in Siege or The Division even with v-sync off no matter what settings i use, meanwhile in Dark Souls 3 i get screen tearing even if i have v-sync on.

Good stuff getting ignored for shit like Assassin's Creed and Skyrim.

whats her name

I can't stand vsync due to the input lag. Completely destroys my aim.

Idris Elba


chibi the hutt

>ubisoft games having good stuff and getting completely ignored
like what?
modding is acknowledged but beyond that?

im srs you guys i have a terminal case of yellow fever

i hate it too but i hate screen tearing more
on my 60hz monitor Siege has 0 screen tearing at 100+ fps
in other games i try to lock the fps or use adaptive vsync but i cant do shit in games like DS3 where literally nothing works and have screen tearing anyway for some fuckretard reason

el mao

Imagine having reading comprehension this bad


You'll be dead soon, so what's the point?

Dull storylines in a 50 hour plus game. There is nothing wrong with a short game that is amazing.

I think you're the only guy with yellow fever here user

Quick time events

Excluding Oogie's Revenge, though.


image being this bad at english

you completely misunderstood his post retard

Games that are trying to be films/tv shows by having overly long cut scenes and not much focus on gameplay .



he can have her



When a game isn't fun

Holy fucking shit.

The quickest way through the maze is going around the longest path.

In the middle of heated gunfights your character reloads slow as humanly possible.

They look like community college actors