Could i play Okami HD on i3 4GB RAM lenovo laptop with no problems?
Could i play Okami HD on i3 4GB RAM lenovo laptop with no problems?
who cares, it's locked to 30fps anyways
depends if capcom decides to make the port non-shit. Them being too lazy to make it work in 60fps is a pretty big red flag that it will be a technical buggy mess.
Who cares?
What graphics card you got
I actually looked it up, and apparently they did try to get 60fps and even uncapped, but they're still working with the legacy code for the PS3 version, any simple solution causes a bunch of issues, and it'd take a lot of effort to rework the game to get around it
60fps would have obviously been preferred, but i'm not gonna avoid a game just because it's 30
I'm gonna pirate it anyway because I've purchased it on the PS3, but want to play it in proper HD now that I can
How the fuck would anyone know if the game isn't even out yet?
they're really pulling it from the ps3 version? God, hopefully they at least give it the ps2 ending song
Depends on your CPU and GPU. You say you've got an i3, any idea what kind? There's a lot of i3 processors.
Is Capcom really just porting the PS3 version to PS4 and PC?
From what I understand, yes
So that means no Reset during the credits? Lame.
Wonder if kb+m is better than gamepad, never play okami before
cant check now, its lenovo g510
mustardrace reality itt.
That means someone will make the mod in 20 seconds.
Wasn't it downsampled 4K on ps3?
I have no idea, but the PS3 still doesn't look as great at 720p as games on my PC at 1080p do
i agree why is 30 fps so bad lol
It's half of "smooth".
specsheets say an i3-4000M processor and Radeon 8570M GPU. that GPU might be an issue, but i would say at 768p you could probably keep a solid 30fps, maybe after tweaking some graphics settings.