Why the fuck do I have to buy a gay ass 720p tablet to play Bayonetta 2 and 3? The original was a multiplat on the 2 real consoles of the generation. Platinum games is on my permanent boycott.
Why the fuck do I have to buy a gay ass 720p tablet to play Bayonetta 2 and 3...
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But the Switch is comfy, I'm sure you'd enjoy it.
qq faggot
hes mad
You don't, there'll be an emulator in due time.
Why did you have to leave this shit post?
Kamiya blocked Sony and MS After they shat on Bayo2.
Well done, you've discovered what platform exclusives are.
Don't bother, just be glad that the Switch is the biggest seller in Japan, so it will surely lead to more Bayonetta hentai.
>getting mad
>not realizing that 2 and 3 wouldn't exist without Nintendo
its just a video game dudes
>The original was a multiplat
>PS3 version was crap and ported by another development company instead of Platinum Game
>Nier Automata was PS4 exclusive
>No complain by anyone
It's ok when Sony does it
oi, requesting the salt version of this image. Thanks gents.
I can see people being legit upset over Bayo 2 since it was WAS exclusive to a shitty console no one wanted, but the Switch is actually kinda worth it for Bayo 3 I guess. I don't know, I didn't actually like Bayo 1, so this has no affect on me one way or the other.
It was on PC dude
But not on Swich. Yet no Switch fan complained. You get the image?
>waaaaaah mommy will only buy me one console!
Get a job.
>Stylish/Character/Whateverthefuck Action game threads will be shitposting for the next several months due to another Nintendo-exclusive Bayo combined with DMCV leaks
>DMCV being announced will still lead to shitposting when it's not on the Switch
>Falseflag idiots who don't care about the games and/or the systems will argue DMC & Sony vs Bayo & Nintendo forever just for kicks
I fucking hate Sup Forums sometimes.
5 years is not due time
>exclusives are fine as long they are on MY underpowered platform of choice
So are they porting Bayo 1 & 2 to Switch or not?
I don't want to buy a Wii U to play Bayo 2.
>or not
its confirmed friend
why do you think people are going to be asspained that its on Switch? Switch owners here tend to own PCs, and DMC5 will definitely be on PC.
No one else would fund Bayonetta 2 you dumbass.
>Switch owners here tend to own PCs, and DMC5 will definitely be on PC.
You're talking about people who play and enjoy video games. You damn well know that's not who I'm talking about.
They're coming, same as the Wii U 1+2 bundle. Japan is getting both bundled together with the system even, not sure if that's coming to the West though.
Platinum said they would port it to the switch if square enix lets them
meant "its not on switch"
>You know damn well
Actually, not really. You sound defensive user. Relax, I love video games too.
Simple, Sony and Microsoft didn't want it after the first. Nintendo stepped in decided to support them, so they have it on their system now. It's purely a business decision
Thanks. That'll probably be enough to convince my lady friend to get one.
Sorry. I just mean I think it's obvious that a vast majority of console fanboyism on this board is falseflagging done by people who don't really care that much, whether it's them arguing about games they don't care about to defend a system, or defending a system they don't care about at all because they either don't play vidya or they own several systems but are too bored to play anything so they shitpost.
I just threads where people discuss Bayo 3 and other stuff like that, and DMCV if and when it's announced. 80% or so of threads about Bayo 3 will end up being about what system it's on.
Because Nintendo was the only one willing to fund it. You wouldn't even have a bayonetta 2 and 3 to bitch and shitpost about if it weren't for Nintendo.
>tfw your favorite character gets threads but 90% of them are just shitposting
It sucks, but at least at this point you can proudly claim her the queen of salt.
>First game was vastly superior on one console compared to the other
>Also pissed off sex-negative SJWs from the get go.
>Second game got picked up by Nintendo
>She beat out all the bullshit in the Smash poll (she was my vote. told all my friends that she was my one hope, and I fucking came so hard when it happened)
>Now we're getting 3 still with Nintendo
She's just so good at pissing people off.
>mfw Bayo is still the queen of salt in 2017 and will continue to be for years.
Can't wait until the game comes out and salty console warriors start lying about playing it and not liking it, while people who actually buy the game will be absent from Sup Forums due to playing the 3rd installment in one of the best 3D action series on the market.
I'm actually kinda glad that Nintendo's getting some major games again. In due time, 80's/90's Nintendo will be back, where they have all the relevant games that come out in addition to their first party output. I welcome the return of the king.
I can't wait to see what kind of crazy shit they throw at us in 3, especially for the "Rodin" fight.
We already fought Rodin Heaven and Hell, maybe it'll be someone else this time?
Fucking hate how it'll be like a year before we get any real info about the game.
There aren't Kings nor Queens anymore. Nintendo is just Nintendo doing right thing now.
If most Switch owners also own a PC, most of them won't be so assblasted by MHW not being on Switch and Cemufags pirating their only worthwhile exclusive.
>Legs are only about as long as the torso
>Obviously like 3 inches shorter than Reggie even in those platform heels
Costume is great and the girl is cute but no normal human can do accurate Bayo cosplay.
>The original
How many people bought the original? Faggots pretend like they care when Bayonetta 1 sold less than 500k. Nice support, homo.
This. Most of nintendo players never play anything not on nintendo consoles.
This is why Zelda and other old shit seems like revelation to them.
Bayo 1 and 2 are probably going to be 1080p docked on Switch, and you can get an adapter so you can play the games with a real controller. Bayonetta 2 is the ultimate monkeypaw, so you must pay the Nintendo tax to enjoy the sequels.
I bet it won't be locked 60. Still will be drops to 30s.
Bayo is designed after supermodels, which I guess aren't easy to find.
vote nigges
>nintendo has no games!
>those don't count! they're held hostage!
You people are sad
>duhhhh c-comfyy, durrrrr *posts a funny brainlet picture*
I don't feel like browsing for a funny one.
That's how you market and get people to buy your console over the others. It's what cucked xbox should be doing.
it sold over 2 million
Is that Asanagi Bayonetta?
360 and ps3 were released almost 15 years ago. There's still no emulators
>b-b-but this random neckbeard on the internet promised me it'll be done soon!! I see the dashboard
Go play it then, oh right, because they don't work :^)
Mustards made it worse when Bayo 1 came to PC.
So do we know who the director is yet? Kamiya? Hashimoto? Someone new?
>There's still no emulators
Demon Souls already playable on ps3 emulator.
Nintendokids, they never know anything outside of nintendo bubble.
RPCS3 can play Persona 5 to completion, and Xenia can play Sonic '06 with enhancements.
>Sonic '06
>he thinks the developer has distribution rights
It is by Asanagi, but a character from Idolmaster with Bayo's guns
Yeah but still has a lot of issues.
I mean, even SNES emulation isn't perfect yet.
Isn't Bayo technically a Sega IP too?
Meant for
>even SNES emulation isn't perfect yet.
Holy fucking shit, nintnedokid.
We have 100% perfect emulator for snes for ages now.
Get out from your nintendo bubble once in the while.
It's one of the few games that runs perfectly on that emulator for some reason. I wouldn't be surprised if money was involved like how BOTW got special treatment for CEMU.
>360 and ps3 were released almost 15 years ago
>"lol stop meming the 360 came out in 2005 which was... 12 years ago... oh no..."
Just how many Nintendo fans would you need to know to make this statement not dumb?
It is 100% Sega's IP, but Sega doesn't want to deny free funding from Nintendo for some reason.
Oh good, I was getting worried for a second.
Why doesn't Sega sell the IP to Nintendo or give it fully to Platinum?
You seem very mad about "nintendokids", you're salty because of Bayonetta?
I'm assuming you're talking about Higan. Yeah not it's not perfect even with the "cycle-accurate" meme I managed to find flaws in certain games.
Not that you can notice anyway, I bet you don't have real hardware and proper display equipment to compare.
I loved Bayo 1 on pc and enjoying the second one right now on cemu. It's shame i'll won't be able to play the third one now. It's a shame with all the exclusives, fans are forced to be divided and a game series they enjoy. I'd really want a switch but for now i just could not afford it, specially since im in college, having to pay my students fees and all that. Also 299 dollars in my country is like 2k or more which means i'm gonna have to sell an arm and a leg literally to purchase it. I do have to thank nintendo at least for keeping the series alive. Enjoy the game switch owners. I'll just keep replaying the first one for now.
I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually do
>I managed to find flaws in certain games.
So name them.
he said Switch owners here, as in Sup Forums, not twitter. and you don't think criticism of mhw can't possibly because they think the game will be changed and made worse? there's more reasons to be apprehensive of games than the piece of plastic you play them on dumb warrior
>the 2 real consoles of the generation
[One stamp has been applied to your Hardcore Gamer Card]
Falseflagging, I'm buying MHW on PC, doesn't affect me in the slightest
>4 years later and still salty as fuck
I have all consoles, but I would probably never play this unless it was on switch or another portable console. If I can actually use my PC I'd be playing/doing something more interesting. It makes me wonder why I bothered to get all those home consoles games, I would have finished them all by now if they were portable.
Not like you can fault her for trying her best.
people here sound like those steam faggots being assblasted about the game at least people here aren't ignorant about the circumstances surrounding bayo 2.
Don't get too stressed out, gramps.
Mario RPG had some sound issues when I tried it.
It was disappointing that even when using powerful resources from my gaming PC, SNES emulation still can't be better than the real console. It's been 27+ years since the system was released.
Hope a Switch emulator comes your way as soon as possible my dude.
Yeah, after various clerence sales throughout several years. It was a flop initially. Meanwhile 2 surpassed the one million mark in a fraction of that time, on a 10 million install base, without ever going on sale.
If you people really want this game so bad then just buy it
Thanks man but that will most likely not be possible or just take a hell of a long time. Even cemu is not really that stable with bayo 2(just a few issues here and there). Hopefully at one point when i'm done with college, i can get a job and buy all that i can. SO for now it's just the waiting game and im gonna need all the patience i can get when the game comes out. But again thanks for the thoughts dude.
>56 posters
Why the fuck do people keep making false flagging threads? And why the fuck do people keep replying to them?
>tfw Bayo 3 will be constrained by the Switch's weak CPU
It is hard to port normal games on tablet
They won't port it because they must have exclusives. Imagine how poor switch would sell if all nintendo games would be on other platforms, especially considering price-value since it is half handheld half normal console that has shitty performance for price tag it have