What would you consider to be a "perfect" game?

What would you consider to be a "perfect" game?

Pic slightly related.

I wouldn't call FTL perfect, although it's very, very close

It needed a little more variety, a couple more ships, a couple more weapons, etc.

Spelunky would probably my standard for a perfect game, and the first Long War is probably up there too

>explosions in space
Haha, no.


That's why I used the quotation marks.

Other than the original DOOM and Starcraft I really can't think of other games that excel so much in doing what they set out to do.

Blast Corps

Agreed, I would say FTL + mods gets closer to perfect than 99% of games.

Sly 2 or ME2


A slot-machine-the-game is pretty far from being a perfect game.