Rank them from best to worst

Rank them from best to worst.


PS4 > PS2 > PS1 > PS3
Patricians know this is the answer. Most sub-humans will try to argue PS2 is better but don't believe in them
Also sorry for saying sub-humans but I have to insult someone





2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4


PS1 > PSP > PSV = PS2 > PS3 > PS4


Only contrarians will disagree.

2 > 1 > 3 > shit > 4.

2 > 3 = 4 > 1


3 Would be the best if it was easier to get the one with PS2 backwards compatibility.

Why are nintenbros always the first to post


>4 >
Spotted the underage console warriors. How sad.

Although I think I might switch 3 and 2.

1>4>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Atari Jaguar* >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3

Objectively best to worst list.

For me now as of 2017


Idiots, you don't matter.
You can live.
You are the Chosen One, will win the powerball and have a happy life.



PSOne>PS>PS4>PS3 Slim>PS2 Slim>PS4 Slim>PS3>PS4 Pro>PS3 Super Slim>PS2


PSX >>>>> PS2 >>> PS4 >>>>>>>>>> PS3

What makes you say this? I was planning on getting a vita at some point in the future for the new shinobido if nothing else.

2 > 1 > 3 >>>> 4
My PS4 turned into a fucking £300 Yakuza machine

it is already done in the pic, maybe put 4 in front of the 3 after this gen ends



If PS4 online subscription was free then it would be in 3rd

2 > 1 > 4 > 3


1=2 > 3=4


GC > Snes > N64 > Wii >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wii U

dont have a switch but looks like its going to be before n64

1 = 2 > 3 > 4

Underrated post, since nobody else is fucking commenting.


>not better than PS3 and PS2
Nostalgia is a great thing. I have nostalgia for my childhood friends and my first kiss but not for my PS3 and PS2

4/3/2/1, I'm 28 years old. Also nostalgic, believe me. But what the fuck can I say. The newer system are better and the games are better.

Go ahead, compare the last of us / uncharted / resident evil 7 and vr porn with crash badicoot and spyro.

This is about VIDEO GAMES, son, and the PS4 lacks them.

Two reasons, one more personal than the other.
1. Installing or preserving content from the Vita is a hot mess compared to the PSP, partly because of proprietary memory (that seems to fail more the larger it gets) and the need to use the slow and clunky Assistant program to transfer to PC.
2. Many of my favorite PSP games can't be played on Vita because digital versions never released. Sure, this is lessened if you plan on hacking the thing, but it's happened with enough of my faves that I'll always regard the Vita library as lesser than the PSP's.

I came to realize 3 was the worst when I hacked it a few weeks ago and realized there wasn't any games I wanted to put on it.

PS2 >> PS1 >>>>> PS4 > PS3

ps3 was over saturated as fuck but it had a few gems.

I think the problem is it was a port machine, and most of its best games were ported over to next gen.

Ididnt get a ps2 until about 2012 whem i found a working fat model in the shed of the house i was renting. yes i stole it.

1 > 4 > 3 > 2

>ps2 & 3 combined library literally hundreds of good games
>ps4 has bloodborne


This is bait right?

Its a great weebmachine

p5, LG, MH:W, GR:2, RE:7, FF XV, Nier, BB, DKs3.

Those alone make it better than ps3 in my books.

>third party and multiplats don't count

I love this meme!

>1 = 2

I need to admit you are right here, both are the best consoles ever made with the snes, we will never have something like that again, sadly...

PS3 that can play PS2 games>PS2>PS1>PS4>PS3

PS > PS2 > PSP > Vita >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS3 = PS4

Honestly I have a hard time not just making 3 and 4 equal. On their own 4 is a better console but it has paid online and the industry is making even less good games than they were making in 3's gen. Meanwhile 3 really suffered with almost every multiplat running like PURE SHIT on it.
2 is really overrated.

I'll give you GR2, sure, but P5 and Nier are multiplats, and the rest are not good.

Man, they really started shitting on the bed since PS3.

They are all really good but 4>2=3>1

>3 Yakuza
>two EDF
>Dynasty Warriors 9
>Upcoming Dreams
>Tearaway Unfolded
>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon Best Girl
>Shadow of the Colossus remaster
>Crash trilogy
>Wipeout collection
>Ni No Kuni II
>KH collection in 60fps
>upcoming samurai game by Sucker Punch
>Raiden V
>new EDF spin-off
>MGSV: Death Stranding
>3 Digimon games
>Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT
>The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia
>Code Vein
>A Hat in Time (ok not exclusive...)
>Valkyria Chronicles 4
>Ace Combat 7(not exclusive...)
>Fist of the North Star


>all those remasters, remakes and multiplats
How sad, holy shit.

The average of all answers in this thread are in this order: 2 > 1 > 3 >4

We can at least conclude that the PS2 was the best and the PS4 is shit.

Way to prove his point, dummy.


Judging solely by their individual lineup and disregarding backwards compatibility.
PS2 > PS1 > PS3 > PS4

Standout games for each console
PS1: Resident Evil 1-3
PS2: Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
PS3: Demon's Souls
PS4: Yakuza 0

What kool-aid have you been drinking? Take the goggles off

This is the correct answer.

I was a Nintendo kid

Make a list with 15 good PS2 exclusives that didn't get superior remake/remasters. Some remasters are worth it like KH, Crash and Wipeout.

can't argue here, this is the good one

the ps4 had 90 percent remaster as a library that come as up res ps3 games. you are playing ps3 games on your ps4.

>Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
If those were the good games on the PS2, then I'd rate the system as the worst Playstation.

Say what you want about PlayStation at least they keep to a rigid namimg convention.

Xbox 1 X fuck offf

2>1>3>4 or 2>1>4>3 are the only acceptable answers.
Anything else and you should probably consider suicide.

>PS1: Resident Evil 1-3
RE wasn't even an exclusive for the PS1.
SH would have been a better choice

>two EDF
on PC
>Dynasty Warriors 9
confirmed coming to PC
on PC
on PC
>Upcoming Dreams
>Tearaway Unfolded
>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon Best Girl
>Shadow of the Colossus remaster
>Crash trilogy
worse than the originals (i have it)
>Wipeout collection
>Ni No Kuni II
coming to PC
coming to PC
>KH collection in 60fps
this is purely opinion, but i would rather just emualate final mix (i own 1.5+2.5)
>upcoming samurai game by Sucker Punch
>Raiden V
on PC
>new EDF spin-off
on PC
>Death Stranding
>3 Digimon games
>Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT
>The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia
>Code Vein
>A Hat in Time
>Valkyria Chronicles 4
>Ace Combat 7
>Fist of the North Star


2 > 1 > 4 > 3

Full disclosure: I personally owned/own 2 and 4, but I played 1 and 3 plenty of times in my friends' houses.


ps2 sucks


2>3>1>4 is the only correct answer.


2 > 4 > 3 > 1
at least that's the official ranking.

>on PC
Non-patched version btw. PS4Pro runs at smooth 60fps while PS4 drops to 50fps exploring but combat is 60fps.

>coming to PC
With DRM and Windows 10™ only

So all the games you named: only 7 will be better on PC. While I can't ignore they will probably be better the Dynasty Warrior will be 1080p60fps on PS4Pro and Nioh was developed for PS4 and I believe the PC is not superior except for a slight boost in graphics.

>MGSV: Death Stranding
I wonder who's behind this post.

How can anyone prefer the PS 4over the others with its mandatory ps+ for p2p online multiplayer scam?
Fuck that shit, that will always make it the worst PS console.




>RE wasn't even an exclusive for the PS1.
The games were made originally for PlayStation. All the other versions were ports made after the fact.

I would go with this or 2 > 1 > 3 > 4 since PS2 was actually retro compatible and could play all the PS1 games. (which are still the best games)

Some of those games are also out or coming out for the Xbone too

If PS4 and 3 are getting dinged for multiplats, 2 and 1 don't even go on the list because you can play literally every game in their libraries on PC.


1 Started several great series', PS2 added some amazing 3D platforming trilogies, PS3 was mostly forgettable stuff, PS4 has Bloodborne.

god damn user, you take that with a nokia from 2003

runs fine on my PC
You're going to have DRM regardless. Would you rather have your game confined to a wimpy console or a machine that can run it twice as well (and also will be getting mod support)

>4 better than 3
3 had free online better exclusives and a lot of ps and ps2 games on psn. The ps4 is a downgrade in everything but graphics

Consider this: Ni No Kuni II no steam DRM, Ace Combat 7 also 60fps on PS4Pro, EDF5 PC version not even confirmed, MH:W PC version maybe in 2019.....considering I spent only 350 dollars on PS4Pro and I buy physical copies only whey they get 30~40% discount (and digital games always get 50% eventually within 8~11 months of release) I don't know why I should play them on PC except some multiplayer like EDF (when they port like in late 2018/early 2019). I won't buy Ni No Kuni or Dynasty Warriors on PC just to get not so good japanese ports with DRM.
Final Fantasy XV is not a 10/10 which would make sense to spend another 40 dollars to get 60fps. I'd rather have uncapped frame rate (40~50) which I can play offline with no DRM and not using Windows 10. Not a combat that requires 60fps and the game as I said is not a 10/10 that I'd play twice a year to make my money worth.
When Steam drop DRM I'll buy superior multiplats there.
Also Nier, c'mon it's fucking garbage on PC. I don't have a 1070ti to brute force that shit

>Ace Combat 7 also 60fps on PS4Pro
I will look and run better on the X and PC
>MH:W PC version maybe in 2019
And the X version will run better day one
>I'd rather have uncapped frame rate (40~50)
You rather have an inconstant mess?