Your game literally turns into a shitty Youtube video in handheld mode

>Your game literally turns into a shitty Youtube video in handheld mode

How is this allowed? What year is it right now?

No game looks like this.

Stay mad.

One of the higest rated rpgs of the year and YET ANOTHER superb exclusive for the Switch. What a year.

U have 3 games. Thats grim.

At least post a real screenshot, OP

no way it looks like that
are the memes about switch true?

This is fake. The text doesn't even look that crisp on my system.

I haven't tried it yet, but would you even notice the resolution was bad on such a small screen?

Yes it literally looks like that. It looks like a poorly-compressed jpg.

Yes it is definitely noticable. Even "I can't tell the difference between resolutions lmao" faggots would be able to tell.

Yeah, they do. Mario Odyssey looks like this too if you go to a demanding enough area. The best place to try it under the pyramid in Tostarena, get a ton of skeletons up where the boss used to be and try killing them all. Looks like total garbage. At the least it starts to look like a 3ds game.

Mad as fuck at Nintendo.

I will never tire of tasting these delicious salty tears.

no fucking way

I can barely see Rex and Pyra lmao

bruh look at this dude...

I thought it figuratively turned into a shitty YouTube video. Thanks for clarifying that OP

It would be one thing if it just turned lower res.
But it also has heavy motion blur and an eye sore of a filter that makes it really hard to play in handheld for a long period.

>One of the highest rated RPGs of the year
By what metric? It's pretty low compared to most RPGs this year.


Games like witcher 3 run 360p in handheld make sense but its literally ps3 game


>no way it looks like that
that is really what it looks like

Well it is a movie so using a youtube converter to play it in handheld makes sense



Civic reminder that the only people on this board who like Xeneptunia 2 are braindead shitsuckers who only believe what Nintendo-bought rave reviews feed them. The people who rightfully hate it are the ones who have actually played and beaten it.

What a bunch of retards, check bottom right around the Text you can see the screenshot has a heavy blur filter applied, he cropped it around the text.

Don't mind me, just best Blade coming through.

Porn when?


Battlefront 2 should be removed because they cancelled the loot boxes

>Eric is still shitposting even after he got btfo by sales numbers

BF2 is still a bad game