>There are Japanese, French, Greek, Chinese, etc characters in Soul Calibur
>Not a single Latin American one
Explain this
>There are Japanese, French, Greek, Chinese, etc characters in Soul Calibur
>Not a single Latin American one
Explain this
spics r dumb
No furries either, you gonna complain about that? Only PEOPLE get to be characters.
maybe they can shoehorn in some wrassler luchado
There is literally only one American too, with a ridiculous justification as to why he's there. The game takes place in the Old World pre-discovery nigga what are you smoking.
>No furries
What are lizardmen?
I mean, even Tekken has Latin ones
Don't play dumb
Latin american are spearniggers anyway.
>no Kangz
I'm glad Talim and Zasalamel a thing at least, but yeah give me some more variety.
>Only PEOPLE get to be characters
>Soul Caliber VI
>never coming out
fuck my life senpai. V is TRASH TIER. i need a fix what do
A latin furry
that's like, double the diversity
The games take place in Europe before any real contact was made with America.
Spot the newfag who doesn't play Soul Calibur
>Explain this
It's the late 1500s, why would those savages be allowed to wander around central Europe and Asia?
Zasalamel, bitch. His design was really damn neat too with the whole black man white robe grim reaper look.
I want to become Taki's suit
What kind of weapon would a latin fight with?
At least my nation has a character
>beast men, ghost pirates, vampiers, literal magic, whatever Astaroth was, fucking Algol
>nah man darker skinned people from other more far off regions just don't make sense
it doesnt need explaining, not everything is a conspiracy.
Nation thats been raped by arficans and muslims for 1400 years
Yeah, all those seem easily explainable.
Teleporting Natives just seems dumb.
>tfw your countries representative is tit queen Ivy
Because it takes place before Latin America existed? There's a Spanish character of that makes you feel better.
>no Pakistani or Indian.
Shitbloods begone
>The game takes place in the Old World pre-discovery nigga what are you smoking
>guns have been introduced to japan
>Spanish pirate with a pistol sword
V is the best game in the series
uhhh no? V sucks ass... no yoshi.. no sueng mina.. no good characters? i dont want knock off characters.
the new ones are basically just CAC's seeing as they have the exact same move set. fucking lame.
just give me scIV backwards compat for x1 or ps4 please.
Uh No, V has actual good gameplay
IV gameplay is much better.
this is bait
>Hear there's a spanish char in SC.
>Expect the usual matador.
Thanks Namco.
>Latin American
Isn't the game set somewhere in the middle ages though, long before Europeans even discovered and colonized America, so there can't be any Latin Americans and the best you could hope for is a spanish character which you actually got in Cervantes, and if you wanted to settle for an American character you could only get some native american character which would make absolutely zero sense because what the fuck would a fucking Navarro do in medieval Europe?
I swear to god most of you faggots haven't even played V and it's painfully obvious
the point is, during that frame of history, there was no latin-american nation, so there can't be a latin-american character, there can be latinos, but not latin-AMERICAN
>Even MK and SFV has Mayan and Aztec characters
Scalies you dumb furfuck
>developers haven't put aztecs and mayans in the game
There's your excuse, faglord.
>people are this retarded and ignorant of history.
Most of the SC games happen in the late 1500's. The Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica started in 1519, and of the Andes/south america in the 1530's. The time period would actually be fine to have a character from native latin american civilizations, though most of the native political states were already BTFO'd by dieases by that point.
As long as you just go with one of the smaller holdout kingdoms or city states (the last Maya citty-state was only conquered in the 1690's) for where the character is from or handwave it with there being a city or empire hidden away in the mountaiins or jungles that was never discovered, it'd work fine.
Isn't that a boss from Paper Mario 2?
Isn't Dhalsim the only Indian character in a fighting game? It's honestly kinda hard to create one that's "Indian" without doing the same old tropes.
MK ripped its Aztec character straight off Tekken. Kotal Kahn is either the biggest tribute to Ogre or he's the biggest ripoff in fighters. Literally both aliens that got worshipped by the Aztec as Gods.
Ed Boon probably wants MK VS Tekken.
The games take place in the 16th century.
There's nothing of value or relevance in the Americas in the 16th century.
I suppose having a character some from, say, El Dorado would be interesting.
Jokes on you, I'm a certified retard
Ivy's a Spaniard, though.
There's no black people in SC either, so what's the problem again? No Indians either, actually.
Fuck off Spic lover
latinos are subhuman trash that should be killed on sight
>nothing of value
Yeah m8, it's not like the 5th largest city in the world was there or that south america didn't have the single largest contiguous land empire in the world at the time or anything
Ogre is Maya, Kotal is Aztec (well, the MK comics says he was Maya related but he's clearly based on the Aztecs and not the Mayans). Their personalities are entirely different as are their general visual design and playstyle. They aren't really any more similar then any other two european or asian fighting game characters, they only seem similar because Mesoamerican characters are uncommon.
>what is Zasamal
Damn. Even SOPA has nothing on vacuum packed dog heads.
>Taki is 5'7"
>Ivy is 6'2"
>Siegfried is only 5'8" (originally 5'2")
How does this make people feel?
>My country have the most unnerving character of the whole serie.
>Ogre is Maya, Kotal is Aztec
Sorry nigga, but that's completely wrong. Ogre is 100% Aztec. He's the Aztec God of Fighting.
>He is adorned with various types and pieces of old Aztec jewelry and a large golden helmet/crown with very long orange hair. He also has a small round shield that is said to be the fabled Stone of The Sun, the Aztec Calendar attached to his left arm.
Don't forget elves?
Well, he have a big sword and is probably the most capable fighter of the whole serie. (excluding Algol, Edge master and Mr.Owls ) so that's compensates.
I stopped playing Soul Calibur because they got rid of Zasalamel... my fucking favorite character. Seldom does a character, aesthetic, and fighting style perfectly call to me... I only play the new ones with Zas in them. SC2 I play Taki a lot because she was one of the first booby ladies I really liked
Ivy is only 5'10".
How is soyboy raphael unnerving?
As shit as Soul Calibur V was, it did have some of my favourite designs for returning characters.
>tfw Nightmare isn't even 6'
I can't believe I'm taller than Nightmare, it just seems wrong.
I played V a lot. I didn’t like it very much because I don’t play SC for the gameplay. I play it because I like the characters and dueling my friends for fun
He rams his sword up your poop hole
>Ogre is stated to have connections with the ancient Aztecs, where he was worshiped as a "Fighting God".
just popping in but ive also noticed that both are extremely the same. what is it about being aztec that makes them both fuckin green skinned?? boon's favourite game other than mk is actually tekken, he stated this years ago. they even tried to emulate it along with soul calibur during the mk 3d era.
I want to tear Taki's clothes off
I hope the armor destruction doesn't only apply to the pads on her arms and legs
Talk shit all the time? +
>tfw your country's representative character is a slutty titty monster
SC6 will feature of all era because of a time travel bullshit.
The trailer featured "flash" from all eras.
desu americas and middle east should stay the fuck out
Only east asians and euros allowed
The game takes place in the late 1500s you idiot
Who the fuck cares about country representation in Soul Calibur? The time period the series takes place many countries weren't even established yet, several european lands were separate kingdoms, hell even Mitsurugi isn't actually japanese since back in his time the land was separated into mini kingdoms.
Wrong, press release mentions the game takes place during the year 1587, and is revisiting the start of the series.
Soulcalibur VI represents the latest entry in the premier weapons-based, head-to-head fighting series and continues the epic struggle of warriors searching for the legendary Soul Swords. Taking place in the 16th century, revisit the events of the original Soulcalibur to uncover hidden truths. The heroic battles transpire in a beautiful and fluid world, with eye-popping graphics and visual appeal. Soulcalibur VI tunes the battle, movement, and visual systems so players can execute visceral and dynamic attacks with ease. Soulcalibur VI marks a new era of the historic franchise and its legendary struggle between the mighty Soul Swords!
Read more at gematsu.com
Ivy reminds me of a thiccer version of a fighting character from my country
And i'm telling you as somebody who actually knows shit about Mesoamerican history and culture that he's visually based on Maya stuff, or maybe Teotihaucan stuff, not Aztec; at least for his default costume; aside from the calander wheel.
Go look up images of Maya carvings or Maya ceremonial or battle wear and compare itt to shit in pic related, which is Aztec. He's clearly Mayan.
The wiki or in game discriptions might say "Aztec", but the devs were then mistaken and incorrectly called them that when they were clearly looking at Maya reference. As I said, Kotal Kahn has the opposite: In the comics he's said to have been worshipped by Mayans and inspired them, but he uses Aztec weapons, and all of his moves in his move list are in Nahuatl, which is the language the Aztecs spoke.
In general, the people who makes games or comics or cartoons using precolunbian stuff very commonly mix their shit up. In The Emperor's New Grove, which is the most blatently incan shit ever, they are said to be "Mesoamerican" even though Mesoamerica is over 3000 miles away, as far as Mediterranean europe is from The fertile crescent in the middle east.
mfw no titty monster that represents potato land
>Algol will be in it, right? do we know if he was still "sleeping" at the time of SC?
Oh shit, soft reboot confirmed then, goodbye Soul Calibur V newcomers.
"Resivisting the beginning to uncover hidden truths" might as well translate to "we needed an excuse to bring fan favorites back without resorting to time travel / time warp shenanigans, so here have a new begining".
Just give me a leaf character already dontcha know.
>still no Italian fighter
>Not a single Latin American one
>Explain this
You're a little bitch, you got soft squishy sissy balls and take it up the ass on a regular basis.
Only you care about stupid shit.
I've explained it.
Pretty sure sure Algol only woke up in SCIV, the only way he can make it in is to delve into the past where he created Soul Calibur or make him wake up 3 games earlier.
>no mulatto, non-binary, homosexual trans urban fighter
What did they mean by this?
To be perfectly fair Mayans and Aztecs are pretty interchangeable as far as the Normies are concerned
Voldo is from the kingdom that will become Italy.
What? Italy was a bunch of city states at that time right?
Her dad is, she's English though as she was Born and raised in London, England
Yeah, not our Italy yet.
oh damn I thought Voldo was one of those characters that didn't have a country of origin. I didn't realize my soul calibur lore was this weak. Thanks niggas