Give me one reason why Rondo of Bood isn't your favorite Castlevania

Give me one reason why Rondo of Bood isn't your favorite Castlevania.

>Rondo of Bood

>Rondo of Bood

Because Castlevania III and SotN are my favorites. Rondo is good too though.

While I love the music, sprites, and decent alternate routes, I thought the levels themselves were kind of eh.

SoTN is the better game in my opinion, and Super Castlevania IV is a better classic Castlevania.

>Rondo of Bood

Couldn't figure out how to work a PC Engine emulator.

>Rondo of Bood
Seriously though, It seems too weebish. Despite this, I like because it feels simpler like SC4.

Look at those expressions. You just know Richer plowed Maria, Alucard was getting used goods years later.

What's wrong with calling it "Rondo of Blood"? isn't that what it's called?