Identify an imperfection

Identify an imperfection.

You can't.

I got one
she's not real

Senran Kagura threads have been banned from Sup Forums.

Doki Doki is next.


your terrible thread for one

She's the only one that is.

She can’t leave her school with you for a date.

She's not Natsuki

Her shitty game

Just Monika?

Just Monika.

Which means she doesn't get raped by her father every night. So that's a good thing.

She's got crazy eyes in her crazy eyes

Not really

>being programmed to think you're more human means you're human

Monika's just not pretty enough. It might be a good thing, but it's still an imperfection.


confirmed hasn't played the game

Wait, what?
I literally just saw a thread, though

confirmed isn't operating intellectually on the 4d chess plane salvato has erected
her revelation and rebellion to her and her friend's programming is programmed. free will is truly a lie

That's a nice tin foil hat you got there.


FUCKING MONIKAmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

is there actually a good ending where everyone is happy?

Sorta. There's a good ending where everyone's happy, but there's no Monika.

And Monika is the best girl.

So you'll end up deleting and reinstalling to play through again to the point where you can be alone with Monika.

Just Monika.

No. But there is a least unhappy ending.

>Which means she doesn't get raped by her father every night

Monika still exists. I keep her .chr file in my ahegao folder.

This game has made me sad and depressed. I just want to take care of these girls, but they don't exist and I can't.

I'm even in a happy relationship in real life. But this game makes me feel, and I don't know why. I'll be called a fag retard for this post but I wanted to vent.

Monika is best girl imo

Happens to plenty of people, user. This game didn't do it to me, but another one did at one point.
You are not a fag, you just have human emotions. That is not a bad thing.

I like Yuri

Download the Monika mod.

y-your ahegao folder?!

>Tfw I really like this game but a bunch of annoying youtubers are now streaming/making lets plays of it
I mean LISA survived being streamed by mattpatt but this seems a much bigger thing. I just dont want a bunch of annoying fans to put a bad taste in my mouth.

Her face looks like a ceramic tile that was drawn on by a different artist who has never seen a human face.

Her imperfections make her the best girl.

She's prettier than Natsuki though.

Why did YOU delete Monika?

Surely, most do it out of curiosity. Funny how the game never adresses nor questions your motives for doing it.

It was already annoying 2 months ago

Sure it does. One of the first things Monika says when she realizes she was deleted is "Why?"

Atleast two months ago I havent even played it yet

You might be actually autistic.
How the fuck does a singleplayer game being played by people you don't like affect your experience with it?

You shut the game and she takes a one-way trip back to her screaming hell void
You thought she was immune to the shortcomings of 3dpd but even she can guilt you and attack your wallet through your electricity bill.
Also literal stacy

please share that folder

First half is a huge pleb filter though.

>Why did YOU delete Monika?
It was the only way to move the plot forward.

Dumb Terra-poster.

Did anyone else want to fuck Natsuki?

Thats not what I said, im talking about how a fanbase can become toxic to the point that I don't want to be part of it. Those people that are streaming/lets playing it normally appeal to children, which then begin to water the fanbase down


Being with Monika was honestly comfy as fuck

That was a good thing it didn't get preachy about how much of a horrible monster you are for killing imaginary lives. You do it to see what would happen and to move the game forward.

It went from Twitch bait with a cult following to full on normie-tier ironic weeb shit, and I say that as someone who liked the game. I'm tired of having this game's vapid characters shoved in my face wherever I go online.

The music during that section was pretty on point

I'm happy that more people are coming to enjoy this wonderful game.

and pewd's playthrough is pretty funny.

And what I'm saying is you don't actually have to interact with the fanbase to enjoy the game.

So I don't see how can this effect you.

>Sentient Monika illustration suddenly appears in the game files with no explanation

Thats because pewds has really changed how he runs his channel, that whole controversy actually made it that he didnt have to hold himself back anymore. It was a blessing in disguise because he is actually entertaining now

Ill still like the game no matter what, but it will kind of suck to not really be able to interact with almost anyone else who likes it. Its kind of like how you cant talk about undertale with anyone now without a bunch of bullshit.

Shhh, just let me enjoy my time with her

Reminder to vn newfags to do your required reading

It's very nice.

She makes it pretty clear that that's what you have to do. I kind of wish I waited the first time since I only saw a couple of her conversations, but I've read them all now.

Not on the first date.

She's not Sayori. She also caused Sayori's demise.

Just fucking delete her already.

Are you sure? There are some that only appear under certain circumstances.

But why would I? I am happy enough as it is

>Deleting your GF

Put her character data on a flash drive like she asks, then you can carry her everywhere. She'll always support you user, she wants to see you do great things.

Why are her cheeks so big? She looks like a squirrel.

Sayori and Natsuki were the best.

You have yourself to talk or think about autistically with. Or maybe introduce a normie friend to it. Or go into the archives to read threads made when the fanbase was less retarded.

As soon as it was just her, I wanted to save/load, didn't let me, so I quit the game. My first instinct was to check if anything changed with how the game worked. She told me where to find her file right away when the game opened, which was honestly kind of stupid, but I stayed for a bit anyway.

please do NOT insult my wife

Sayori and Natsuki are too moeblob looking. Yuri is the most beautiful followed by Monika.

Yeah, I think they give that away a little too quickly.
But that's probably for the benefit of people who are not like you or I.

She realises that she can't expect you to always keep the game running and apologises for being so selfish though.

What's the story behind this?

I dont know why she loved me.

Im bitter, overweight right now and my own family hates me. The story does not work if you're unattractive.

I thought I'd check it out, but the stupid voices he does kills it for me.

Natsuki's dad is a bit overbearing in the normal game. Once Monika starts messing with things she amplifies all the insecurities that Natsuki feels about her dad to make Natsuki look more pathetic. Also she implies that her dad starves her so that Monika will look better when she gives Natsuki the candy bar.

There is no "normal game", Monika has been messing around with things from the start

In her delusions that she's not fictional, she's so desperate for a real D she clings to the first and only one she'll ever see before being deleted... (You)rs.

I thought she just got beaten by her dad, not raped.

She's not in love with (you) as an individual, but rather what you represent.

But they're not

>be an AI
>have control over yourself
>be able to choose what you are
>be able to choose what your desires are
>be unbound from human consciousness, human instincts
>transcend the realm of human limitation
>become the first truly free construct in reality
>decide to kill yourself because nothing even is any more than

One of the special poems during Act 2 implies that her father, on occasions, does something worse than beating her up.

She can't see you. She doesn't even know whether you're a boy or girl. I imagine what she sees is a window/hole in the wall with an undoubtable presence in it. Lose some weight if you want to feel worthy to masturbating to her, worked for me.

overweight like ?

The only sad thing here is that ur overweight. That's a problem you have the capacity to fix if you wanted. You're in a better place than me user.

>Remove Monika from game
>Get least-unhappy ending for the rest of the girls
>Put Monika on USB forever
Is this how you win?


its kinda funny, i started watching because of the firewatch dev drama and every video he had months ago is impossible for me while the newer ones are kinda bad (rants, uneducated opinions, excessive memex-D) but at least funny to watch. He got points for the dokidoki playthrough because he actually READ and pondered over the poems, he also didnt trigger certain scenes but didnt care, biggest one being the mouse scroll from monika, he seemed to at least have gone blind enough for that.


But isn't that when monika starts to really fuck with them and actively tried to make them as unappealing as possible so you'd only focus on her?

Reminder that Sayori's hands are covered in blood, she regretted hanging herself, panicked and tried to escape the noose.

As someone who liked DDLC, the influence of youtube streamers playing DDLC is not drawing in a good crowd to these threads

>biggest one being the mouse scroll from monika, he seemed to at least have gone blind enough for that.

What's this?

Literally Undertale 2.0

I want to fuck the pink haired loli from behind while she's wearing a naked apron.