Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Souls 3

>Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Souls 3

>Souls games? pfft. I want a new Armoured Core because im such a contrarian that I now give a shit about a 6/10 franchise nobody ever talked about beforehand

>The second half of Dark Souls is garbage!

>STALKER is one of the premier PC titles and not at all overrated dogshit


>using forced memes

bad thread

at this point just kill yourself

>poster count: 2

stalker is overrated dogshit tho
but it can be good if you know how to mod it

but also, all shooters pan out to be the same thing. it really depends on what scenery or backdrop you have. basically artistic nuances are the only thing which really defines a shooting game..
so perhaps stalker is really not overrated, friend

japanese games on the otherhand, are actually pretentious, and poor garbage

Is that your face when someone says something intelligent.

i dont know why these edits make me laugh. i am most certainly retarded

>it will prove my point if I post a silly meme man


I don't think you know what that word means kiddo.

Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls game

whoops, I posted the wrong picture

I know the game was worse but its just so much more comfy than DS3.

bido gaem shud be conbinient, waiting is booring

*breathes in*


>Dark Souls is a good series and has a good story

>nobody ever talked about beforehand

> I enjoy bideo gaems

>I post on Sup Forums