Greatness awaits...and waits...and waits...
Greatness awaits...and waits...and waits
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PC virgins wait...and wait...and wait...
Ape Escape 4 when?
>Bloodborne machine
Already played it tho
Nintendo just recently created the groundbreaking Zelda and Mario
how come SIE didn't know how to made great game anymore
After the MediEvil Sony better do the following
>Ape Escape 1 remake
>Jak 1 remake or Jak 4 that plays like 1
>Twisted Metal: Black remake with a few new stages
>Sly 5
>UmJammer Lammy 4k
>New Ratchet game at 60fps
>Siren: Blood Curse ps4 remaster
>Puppeteer 60fps port
just played it at my friends house lol
>they literally say multiple times not to get your hopes up, there would be no big announcements, it was basically a developers event
>there's not big announcements
>Sup Forums has a meltdown while they wait for their Switch to recharge
Why can't they read lads? Are their eyes damaged from trying to guess which pixel is an enemy in Xenoblade?
How would an Ape Escape remake/reboot work?
Just the first game, but with stuff from other games and a less shit voice acting?
>Nintendo has a meltdown
lmao are you delusional? Every single post hyping this event up was by Sony fanboys, that is some pathetic damage control you are doing. Have some shame