Why aren't you studying for your final exams Sup Forums?

Why aren't you studying for your final exams Sup Forums?

You got the weekend to catch-up instead of waisting your time playing vidya games

Good luck on your ESL exam, Pedro.

I trying! -.-

I have introduction to language C tomorrow

Because I still have Sunday. Also I am a huge fucking Mongoloid.

Because I graduated.

>never studied in my life
>get As easy

lmao all you gotta do is fucking pay attention

mine are all online timed tests and I have like a week in which to take them

I'm in a good position. Three of my classes require me to fucking bomb the final to get below a B+ basically, and the remaining exam is in a class I'm doing well in and is the only class I actually expect to get below an A- in which is better than expected going into this semester.

But, I have a 10-to-15 page case analysis due on Friday, and I want it done on Wednesday because I have an exam on the 15th unrelated to the paper I have to study for, and it's in the likely B+ so I want that time.

Despite the fact that I'm barely 2 pages in I've been playing Megaman Zero Collection all night.

>data structures
All I need to do is not be retarded.

I'm probably going to fail my calculus test. I can feel it in my bones.

Most people here aren't in high school like yourself user

you have to be genuinely retarded to think college is hard

>Hear everybody groan about Statistics 1 & 2 before I take them
>They really aren't that hard, the worst part was grinding out Homework in R Studio
>Get an A in both, better or equal to other classes closer to my actual major
I guess it was Marketing or Management majors since Stats is a General Business Curriculum thing.

I graduated two years ago, and I already passed the FE. Now I can relax, at least until I need to study for the PE.

Because I already had them and aced all of them only smooth sailing for the next two months.

i pretty much dropped out of college to become an alcoholic neet with depression and frequent anxiety attacks

Only had one which was this past Monday
t. Grad Student

>falling for the college meme

shabbos goy

You have to be genuinely retarded to think community college philosophy classes are comparable to university STEM upper divs.

because I spent the last 9 hours doing it
frig off budd
If I don't understand it by now I won't understand it going forward

Because I already graduated, fuckboi

that explains it, you're just retarded!

Sounds like you need to take your own advice op.


this shouldnt be hard at all if you did the homework, just practice pointers

any advice for a prospective computer science major taking his first java programming 1 class this spring with no prior programming knowledge?

Google here I come right

Look up C or C++ stuff, I found it to be pretty good for learning programming fundamental when I was a beginner.

>STEM is retarded
t. Polysci major

I took that shit 4 years ago and i sitll dont know how the fuck i passed with a B.
Like i really didnt learn shit during the class, im really not exaggerating too. Like jesus, i mustve scroed like a 20 on my final with a 60 point curve pushing me to 80

Should be as x tends toward 0

Some of the formulas can be a bit tricky or tedious to work with, I guess.

I Really Should

Because my finals were 10 years ago

Got on a final on calc 3, psychology, and biology next week. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail all three, so I'm just gonna play vidya this weekend.

I am trying to figure the piglatin thing right now

If you need to study for an exam then you don't know the material well enough, I went blind into my exams and got all 90s+

>tfw you're honest to god retarded
I just can't seem to ever focus on studying, and even when I do manage to study, I always get mediocre grades.

>failing calc 3
hahaha its just integrating 3 times how can you even

like the other user said, not everyone is in high school.

I'd say I had better professors but that'd only be true for Stats 1; the guy was Australian and he knew what he was talking about. My Stats 2 professor was harder to understand and plain incomprehensible like 15% of the time, so I just took as many notes as possible; thankfully his exams were written easier despite the harder material.

I'm having a much easier time with Intermediate Accounting II than any of my other classes this semester though, so who knows.

Nigger you better study

>tfw I'm literally passing all my exams with almost no study
I'm a sociology major, but still, I must have some kind of gift.
Can't believe when poeple say that College is "hard"

>tfw just blew my junior fall semester at a university that gave me loads of grant money only to find out that 1 single professor teaches the entirety of the CIS major, and that his computer hardware and troubleshooting class consisted of him having us label screw drivers and tweezers, and his social media class consisted of him going 'what the fuck is Instagram and snapchat? I've never heard of those.'

Needless to say I am transferring out in the Spring into a CS school, fuck that. Why are colleges such unregulated, unmitigated scams?

who /almost died in a lab accident/ here? fucker took his loop out of the micro incinerator and it fell on me, almost burning a hole straight through my leg

I'm too old, what am I doing here?

I went to well regarded stem school and none of the classes were that hard.

>most of the professors give at least 40% of the total course points for free as long as you do the busy work even in 4/5000 level classes
>the one that didnt let us use the textbook and notes on our exams, got an A while accidentally going to lecture a single time because I thought there was an exam
For me at least, actually doing the reading and writing for a philosophy class would be way harder than any class in my major that I am qualified to take. Also my CC instructors were better teachers than my current professors.

World in conflict is just too fucking good
Guess I can pull off my tuesday final if I start tomorrow

I'm not a retard like you

I don't think you would have died from a burn hole in your leg.

I'm not, sorry. I'm /BusinessMajor/ here.