


And it'll run like utter shit.
I'm excited to play the original Dark Souls on PS4 but playing Souls on an undocked Switch with no performance issues is a pipedream.

>source: poop town

Didn't everyone play those games by now anyways? What's the point?

isnt the switch pretty much 7th gen level hardware?

Why buy these on Switch when presumably you own an equally powerful laptop?

I think ds1 remastered is a big deal since the pc port was so bad and frame rates were poor in lots of areas on console.

You can’t take your laptop with you while you’re shitting on a greyhound bus to tulsa

Why can't you take your laptop with you?

The docked version is, Xenoblade 2 chugs like hell handheld and that's a pretty big deal when it's a fair bit worse looking than Dark Souls 3

>I think ds1 remastered is a big deal since the pc port was so bad

If they could get this game to run at 30 fps then I'll probably laugh for years to come.

Trump banned laptops on all major modes of public transportation (busses/planes/cruise ships). There was info that got out a few months ago that terrorists were weapojizing laptop batteries

More like crawling.

more like lying on the ground like a dead fish

But they just need to update the game for that.
Also there is dsfix.

If they want a DaS remaster to sell, I think they have to add new content.

8/10 bait made me check

Come on, you make it sound like From is as bad as Gamefreak

More money

DS Fix made it a great port though.

Nani? No, you just can't take Laptops on airplanes as carry on luggage.

More problems

>Bethesda can get Skyrim to run at a constant 30fps on Switch
>From can't get Dark Souls 1 to run at a constant 30fps on top of the line gaming PCs
What is From's problem?

yeah any day now
i'm sure porting porting them is taking a long time because they're making them just perfect
just lika momma used to make
mamma mia

More likely, they're trying to establish an audience for their games on Nintendo platforms so that they can confidently release upcoming titles on Switch.

I hope they add cut content.

Isn’t Bandai doing a thing at the end of the week for Nintendo games? Does anyone know if it will be streamed?

Dark Souls IIII Switch exclusive confirmed!

Great port? Acceptable. Having to use an ini to change settings, problems with 60fps and shitty frame rates in some areas does not scream great port to me. dsfix is a godsent though.

People falling for these bait threads.. just cute

>tfw they add some fanfic bullshit that haphazardly ties Dark Souls more with Das2 and 3

It isn’t bait, it was confirmed in that reddit nintendo direct leak that had all the devil may cry shit in it

>haha fell for bait thread

People are discussing dark souls remastered performance and what they think of buying the game again though

>If they want a DaS remaster to sell, I think they have to add new content.

HAH! Skyrim on Switch was on Amazons top ten best selling a month ago.

More likely they want to go multiplatform.

>Game with extensive multiplayer elements and wonky netcode
>Now you can literally invade people on McDonalds wifi

there is no point to it its just port beggers and they think spreading false rumors makes it true

I doubt there are that many people who only play on Nintendo consoles.
I mean it would make sense if they're going to do a multiplat re-release but DaS2 had a re-release, DaS3 isn't that old and DaS is fine.
I'd say it's too early and also redundant because the games are on PC.

But then there is USF2 and this Maybe I'm overestimating the Switch "audience"
I mean who are those port beggars? I assume people owning a Switch also play on other platforms and that only a vocal tiny minority is annoying.

They already are.

implying mcdonalds paid for the gaming package with their isp after net neutrality is repealed

I would like darksouls on ps4, but really all I want is a remastered demon's souls.
With that 6th archstone.
Whomsoever makes the call to go ahead with that, has a heart of gold.

lmao, after watching how low-quality runs doom I don't want to play anything on that shit.

lmao, watching a retard playing dark souls on the bus is probably worst than watching a tard playing candy crush.

Not really up to the same people, ds is namco and des is Sony. Hopefully bluepoint is working on demons souls. In the meantime, the ps3 emulator is progressing quite well.


DaS will get a remastered

The game has not been on sale for a while. Meanwhile DaS2 and 3 got tons of sales over the last months.

A game not getting a sale is usually an indicator for them re-releasing it. And it would make sense because DaS1 on PS4 would mean that Namco could shill a trilogy there. And that trilogy deal could get extended to other platforms like XBOX and Switch as well.

Remaking DaS1 = Lots of money for barely any work

From Software are an incredibly lucky company. They produced nothing but shitty shovelware for most of their life but struck gold and released a SO HARDCORE Demon's Souls at the perfect time and created an entire fanbase of pretentious fuckwits who eat their shitty animations and frame rate in the name of difficulty.

>They produced nothing but shitty shovelware for most of their life

>If they want a DaS remaster to sell, I think they have to add new content.

I don't think so, if the game actually runs well it will sell, that's the whole reason people are asking for a remaster. But even that is too much to ask to Fromsoft, the lazy bastards.

That article is fake news, it wasn't running on Switch.

Care to properly dispute it?

Japs can't code for shit.

>having to download a mod to make the game at a playable fps

Again, there is the PC version for that.
No way a Switch version will have better perfomance, constant 30fps and maybe a fixed Blighttown

porting or remastering a game costs fucking pennies in comparison to making a new one and it's basically free money

Not really, what are you talking about?

replace from with bamco and there you have it
japs are normalfags and dont give a shit about pc

they can't even make their games run properly on PS3/PS4 what makes people think they're going to be well on the fucking Switch

>in comparison to making a new one
Did you miss part of the sentence?

I'm going to look so badass playing Dark Souls on the bus, can't wait.

Doesn't change the fact that we've already played Das1 running smoothly at high frame rates

It is barely above decent smart phone specs. most of it is just a battery and cooling system.


DeS will get a remaster, just due to the fact of how well bloodborne sold.

To pave the way for Lost Kingdoms III, I want to see the world the dying God of Harmony spoke of.

Take 5min or less to set up a mod or pay for a remastered version, take your pick retard.

which is behind battlefront 2 who had poor sales
really make me think

Yeah to bad the 60 fps fucks with the game physics

Dark souls has been out for 8 years.

That just sounds like normal Dark Souls to me.

Isn't the producer gone?

You mean the falling through ladders shit? Happened to me 2 times when I played it, otherwise, there were no problems, even in blighttown.

Handheld dark souls would be cool. But I'd rather have remastered DeS.
Might even buy a ps4 if that happened


Because publishers want thr biggest marketing share thats way they downgrade game for ps3 But The New colossus looks great on pc whike its on switch.Will this Gonna impact on Tech?

So...this is how /v dies isn't it?
It's ....beautiful.

>wanting 540p 15fps souls
I think I'll pass

I cant believe fucking idiots like yourself still hold that begrudgingly against From lol, its not like 2 games later that had decent ports came out after that .

Nobody gives a fuck about the PC version you idiot, who even plays Souls on PC?


i played all 3 on pc

That's cool, but are you really bragging about getting inferior versions of old games?

300 hours on PS3, 0 hackers.

5 invasions on PC, all hackers, including someone who could fly.

He’s right, the only thing Dark Souls needs to sell is updated textures, better framerate and higher resolution.

Majority of souls fanbase plays on PS3/4 so i don’t even know why you keep bringing that broken unplayable version that a tiny minority of the fanbase tries to play on.

Switch tries to output in 1080p (though more often it's 900p).
If you output the games at 720p in docked mode, it'd be a bit stronger than PS3 and 360.
But that's not what they're trying to go for and desu, 720p was already outdated a decade ago.

Barely 6?

>DaS1 relaunch

thank fuck.

>only thing Dark Souls needs to sell is updated textures, better framerate and higher resolution.

The PC version already has all of this...

>300 hours on PS3, 0 hackers.

And I have 200 hours on dark souls, I have met 3 hackers, your anecdote sure did convince me to never play dark souls on PC ever again.

It's going to be wonderful to have to drag my ps3 out of the basement and play in 720p in sub 30 fps.

Soulsfags foaming at the mouth at the prospect of buying these games for the 3rd time. And I'll end doing the same

What the fuck is the point? On PC old console games get ported with better framerate and/or graphics so there's a point to it, but on Switch? Why bother with 2 years (or more) old games which will run worse and look worse?

>From Soft

They don't work with Namco anymore.

Wow, you sure convinced me there, sonyfriend

>needing the modders to fix the game
From Software is the Jap Bethesda

Artificially making the framerate higher in Dark Souls is a crapshoot that fucks with loads of shit in the game.

It needs a flat-out remake or a real good port to fix all those hiccups

A majority of AC games are not shovelware by any means. King's Field 1 and 2 are good, I love 4 and haven't played 3. Otogi, 3DDGH, Shadow Tower, Eternal Ring, Lost Kingdoms and Echo Night are also not great but not shovelware.

switch can't run ds1 in 30 fps if it's not lower resolution

But the only hacker I've met in DaS was on PS3.

Though he was a cool guy who dropped some weird items and played hide&seek

I know a few nintenbros who haven't played DS because it hasn't been on any nintendo consoles yet
some people really play games on nintendo consoles

I doubt I'll buy the game again.
I got it for console and PC (40-50€ + 8€)

At least not this early

>18 fps.
>Old games.
>Not particularly good for portable play.

>People bitch about how the system runs like shit portable
>It doesn't affect me cause I only like playing games on the big screen anyways

Tbh I'm pretty shocked how many people actually use the portable. I thought more people were interested in it as a console rather than a handheld

>still no mod to make the game run on 2 cores
