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Video Games #3996
Video Games
If you were the president of Nintendo, what would you do?
Why do people hate this game again?
Slave Knight Gael
Leaker man right AGAIN
I want to into Metal Gear so bad but I legit feel like I'm not smart enough to play this series
You beat them, right user?
This VN was deleted from Steam after being deemed pedoshit by Valve
Get killed by someone you can't even see
SFV Season 3
What video game shouldn't be an esport?
What went wrong with this fucking game ?
SF V Season 3 characters, thoughts? Is Street Fighter V complete now?
This is why playing handhelds
Friendly Reminder
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Admit it, Sup Forums. You put up with an autistic edge lord because it was a pretty girl
The great debate
Why does Sup Forums hate MGSV?
World of Warcraft
Capcom Cup 2017
Rate my offensive build so far
Your Dole Dippers, madam
The future is here
Why is the hunting rifle in Fallout 4 left-handed? Does it have anything to do with the lore?
ITT: Your Favorite PS4 Game
Join lobby
LOL thread
Breath of the Wild has good boss desig-
This is Charlotte, the first female axe fighter in the Fire Emblem series. Say something nice about her!
You're going to buy his game, right, Sup Forums?
The senran kagura games are a nice series. I only started with Shinovi Versus...
Who else bought this piece of shit?
Whats the point of a internet browser on a console? its such a useless fucking feature...
How much of what Tsumugi said was lies?
What are your hopes for soulcalibur 6?
This has been an amazing year for vidya, prove me wrong
Get invaded in dark souls 3
How do PCbros rationalize the fact that the PS4 Pro, let alone the Xbox One X...
How was it Sup Forums?
What if Mario is the one kidnapping Princess Peach?
Skyrim is for the Nor-
ITT: Moments you dropped the game
Give me some legitimate, non-meme objective criticisms and appraisals of this game
All death stranding trailers are in fact only one
Roll's new design is weirdly attractive. I didn't think she was hot before. What did Capcom do differently?
I'm gonna bite you!
Vidya wallpaper thread
Brb wife aggro
U raff u ruse
Donald Pig
You ARE gonna join the student council, right user?
But honestly, did Alphys do anything wrong?
What are some video games where the bad guy wins?
Skyrim Roulette
Who was on the wrong here?
What's the problem with loli games?
Who did you play as?
User, I didn't know you were so large...!
Who is he?
Can we all agree that Zelda Legend of Zelda is a complete game full of content...
The fuck have they been doing? Three years holed away with no hint except that it isn't a Metroid or Donkey Kong...
What is The Room of vidya?
Xenoblade 2 - Nia Edition
How can a game from 2017 look 2 decades old?
Of all possible cities for this game's story to take place at, why did they choose Detroit...
Sup Forums has taken over this board so I'm out. See ya faggots
What are some characters that did nothing wrong?
What did he mean by this?
I legitimately feel bad for any game that comes out next year
Have a ps4
Vidya music
EA implements "lootbox" features to keep the game interesting and
What are some games where you do work of the Lord?
What did you play today?
Due to stress and anxiety I have:
I have a question to you reddit faggots
Switch future longevity
If you give a fuck about videogames, you'll take the literally 15 seconds it takes to sign it...
(4) more days
Start new game
What does Sup Forums think about Teemo?
It's a masterpiece
Steam removes game because "we think this novel's core audience is pedophiles."
Everyone wants a lazy BOTW sequel with the same engines and assets
What new ideas would you like to see implemented in dying light 2?
It's such bullshit that we're getting a Medievil remaster before we're getting a Spyro trilogy remaster
Has to be at 720p to even come close to 30fps
What went wrong?
I just prepurchased this bad boy on Steam. What am I in for when it comes out on Tuesday?
How do we save retail WoW from the ClassicFags?
I feel like Nintendo tried to make western audiences happy for a bit, failed no matter what they did...
Aaand just like that everyone has forgotten about tekken 7
Kill enemy team member
The japs are secretly laughing at ameriburger gaymers
This is Charlotte, the first female axe fighter in the Fire Emblem series. Say something nice about her!
Do you look down on people with low k/d in fps games?
Where were you when Wolfenstein II won Best Action Game of the Year?
Will Sup Forums ever recover from this? Did we beat them once and for all?
Snek is eatable
Best SMT game
One of these two men will be in charge of every videogame to come out for the next decade. Every decision from gameplay...
Just got this, what am I in for?
Which will get a sequel first, Wild or Odyssey?
Yfw Bayonetta will eventually have more games than DMC does
This is what videogames have become
How did he hear what the cat said? Playing for first time
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
User, please stop spending time on these websites and come back to the table
MMO thread: Sunday Night Comfy Edition
Its Sunday night. What're you fuckers playing?
How hyped are you?
ITT: games in development hell
Are there any video games that let me shit on faggots who use swords because they think it's cool?
What does Sup Forums think of Rawk Hawk?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
League of Legends
This is a 54 year old man
I'm going to make a bold statement and say Persona 5 has the greatest English dub in the history of JRPG...
Monhun world
Should i start with Neptunia if i never played an rpg before?
What does Sup Forums choose?
You boys ready to play Third Strike again?
IIT we write the liberal Hollywood Witcher script for Netflix
So what's your type, Sup Forums?
That was easily the dumbest, most ridiculous, power fantasy ass, immature, COOLEST SHIT I'VE EVER SEEN
Censorship on Steam
Capcom Cup 2017
I really don't get this hero
"Welcome back"
I'm interested in knowing what are the main reasons people don't own a Switch. Outside of being a poor piece of shit
How will video games in the future look like, Sup Forums?
Christmas Games
People pay escorts on patreon to play games with them and LARP as their girlfriend
What the FUCK is his problem??
Just finished all the post-game stuff in this. This isn't really supposed to be the best one is it?
Why can't the fans of the series get along?
Smash 4
Started this today and I can't believe how fun and stratified it is. The better I understand it...
ITT the most Edgy characters
What's his name, Sup Forums?
All Hearthstone personalities and the entire player base said that no spell Hunter would be a trash-tier deck
Why did I NEED to cross dress for this part
This game is fucking trash. What's with all those threads?
Who point-and-click here
Mega Man 11
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Arms is dead
Boss doesn't have a weakness
You're old enough to remember, right user?
Hello I am the best Devil Survivor girl
Announced in 2012
Why on earth aren't you playing it?
If I'm gonna fall for the VR meme what VR headset should I fall for?
Why can I NEVER seem to find anyone to coop or PVP with in Nioh?
About to buy pic related. Will I regret it?
ITT: video game characters who are you
Tracer from overwatch
Sup Forums and /k/ play ACE OF SPADES
A Way Out Developer: "[The PS4] is Not as Strong as You Think"
Will Dinosaurs in video games finally be represented correctly or will developers keep using the misleading no-feather...
How is this a Key"""Blade"""? This is a fucking blunt weapon. The equivalent of a pole on top of a handle
Log in
China does what Nintendon't
Sup Forums, but it's a fantasy world where each board is its own separate kingdom
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Why did Capcom abandon this cool dude?
What went horribly fucking wrong?
What's your favorite racing game Sup Forums?
Check and mate
Was this the biggest fuck you in gaming history?
I demand you post your all time favorite video game monster
ITT: post vidya attire
Battlefield 1 outsells combined week one of Battlefield 4 and Hardline
Why did Nintendo ship Link with a fucking fish?
Why doesn't South Korea make vidya?
Post villains that did nothing wrong
Go home GI
I seriously hope you guys don't carry your Switch to parties or airplane
I think this illustrates the negative consequences of having one distribution channel control so much of the market
What the fuck is his problem?
Thoughts on this game?
Where were you when this year's most popular game added a massive improvement to character models?
Who are the niggers of Tamriel?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
When did you realize Futaba was the best girl in Persona 5?
How do i fix thing?
I have a question to you reddit faggots
I just got to the second world
What the fuck happened to Red ASH?
Is there a single game out there that features NATIVE AMERICANS, Sup Forums?
Spend hours in character creator
Katherine or Catherine
/mww/ Make Waves in Washington - General
Fuck VaatiVidya
ITT: We make the shittiest, most fucking cancerous game to ever exist. I start
ITT: We remember the NPCs that we couldn't save
When did Sonic ever outshine Mario?
Fire Emblem
To the people who like to steal:
ITT: Post your rare Todds
Chad friend asks what games do you play
Name ONE good Treasure game
Play old WRPG
Commander appreciation thread!
Risk of Rain thread
Why do modern games avoid adding interesting characters as party members
Is this the best controller of all time?
Dragon’s Dogma
Post actual screenshot of game characters with nice tits
Kill rat
I'm about to try pic related for the first time, what am I in for?
ITT: THAT enemy
How is the game? Just got it
Well Sup Forums? Do you agree?
Xenoblade 2
Do you also have that feeling of wasting time when playing video games?
Now that there's a sale going on, is it worth buying? Is there any DLC that I need for a better experience...
What was the last pokemon game that you enjoyed playing?
This game is bland and boring...
What do you want the next Zelda game to be like?
Monster hunter world demo AKA GOTY
Did Sup Forums forget about her already?
If you had the choice of eating any Pokémon you wanted, what would it be?
RPCS3 (a PS3 emulator) - November 2017 Progress Report!
Wheres that fucking fourth chaos emerald
What happened to Call of Duty having awesome Russian campaigns? Remember shit like this?
Kills your oracle
FUCK YOU Sup Forums
What character do you want to see next in Pokken?
Here's your controller, bro
Hey wait if we make a "new" version of the 3DS which is basically the exact same but just slightly more powerful and...
The last video game character you played as has to debate (get rekt by) Destiny on stream. How fucked are they?
Apparently there is a super secret way to play this game to make it actually fun...
Why do normies hate gamer girl?
RTS will make its comeback again right?
Can we have a gondola thread
Describe your sex life with a video game screenshot
Today is Sunday Sup Forums
You have been killed and must spend 1000 years in Purgatory before moving on...
Nier Automata
Your thoughts on him?
Fuck, Marry, Kill
How did it turn out?
Death Stranding discussion
Oh no
So, uhh
Why did this bomb? I got it half-off during a steam sale and it's one of the best FPS's I've played in years
Why do we hate this game again?
ITT: Describe Sup Forums with a single image
Are people actually excited for Bayonetta 33 fps?
Video game movies
Occultic;Nine coming to additional hardware
Name a more embarrassing thing that this board has done
LOL, this is really true. Dark souls is a pretty hardcore game
What's the right way to play Dragon'S dogma...
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Spend hours upon hours prepping to fight Ganon
My girl bought my an xbone. Just picked up these exclusives. What else should I get. Inb4 get a ps4 and switch...
When was the last time you really had fun?
Divinity Original Sin 2
Final boss appears out of nowhere with nearly 0 plot relevance
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Crash Tag Team Racing?
My god this game is actually good
Racing wheels
Virtual Piano
Thoughts on this series?
Why are they autistic and never finish a game?
Tfw Sup Forums is too young to remember dino time
The eternal question
Do you use mansplaining as a way to get attention from girl gamers?
*spawns in your first item room*
Is this game even worth trying? I like doax series, it's cozy
Pc game
Would you play a Souls-like reboot of The Mysterious Murasame Castle by From Software?
Should I play this?
Be kid
What was your first?
Goty award 2017 ?
Graphics thread?
Name Thread
After lootboxes, what's going to be the new way the industry will try to jew us out of our money?
Do you want to touch me
Leon, heeeeeelp
Soulcalibur 6 thread
Did they deserve GotY?
Everyone post a picture in this thread right now and other anons will recommend you a game based on it
I'm playing the megaman legacy collection now
PSN Username Change
Did you get yours yet? how do you like it so far?
Will you watch the best vidya movie of all time?
No Anthony "Cuck" Burch
Whoa!, Breath of the WIld looks like that???
Fascist gamers can complain all day that it still wont change the fact this game is a COMMERCIAL SUCCESS so u can...
Strong black womyn sidekick
Hearthstone Dungeon Run
Any GBA recommendations?
???? What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Do you prefer Rare's DKC or Retro's DKC?
We want the Barbie audience
Morrowind and Oblivion
In childhood, had access to maybe 5 games of the time to play
Monster Hunter World beta
Breath of the wild
You have to marry the last vidya character you played as
Volgin finally has Snake under his dick, powerless and vulnerable
Monster Hunter World
What mouse do you guys use?
Hideo Kojima
Resident evil 2 trailer
I love Razer :)
*kills pubg*
So I've come across this Japanese comic on twitter, saw it translated on soranews 24 so made a quick dirty edit job...
Run one thousand miles to find the monster
Find a flaw
Rumor has it that Sony has one more reveal planned today
What games are you going to play today Sup Forums?
ITT: Characters literally no one likes
RPCS3 NOVEMBER Progress Report
So she was in her 40s right?
How can they make it better than Odyssey?
Does this fix the shit dpad of the regular pro controller?
This might seem like a dumb question but how do I have fun with this game? Online is cancer, of course...
Turns out /Ourmuppet/ really likes Odyssey
I'm thinking of buying either a wii or 3ds/ds game for my little sister for christmas and was wondering how pic related...
Which type of armor do you prefer?
I feel like despite the people at the poles...
Why does Sup Forums hate Overwatch?
So...this is the power of
Reminder: 3D Sonic was doomed from the start
Prove him wrong
Price Cuts starting today for PS4PRO and PSVR. 200 USD for a VR headset is highly attractive, but is it worth it...
Convince me its Bloodborne 2
This is Diamond City, 200 years after the bombs dropped. THE largest city/settlement in Fallout 4
ITT: Games everyone thought were going to be shit but turned out to be amazing
Ho ho ho! Please, come sit down on my lap
Rimworld thread
What is the appeal of this character exactly?
EA had to remove MTs because of the pressure from entitled gamers but battlefront 2 was commercial SUCCESS still
What videogames did you used to play with your sister?
Kali Angel is best girl
Zelda BotW: Champion's Ballad
New PUBG update includes cameltoes
You literally, unironically cannot refute this
Third World Gaming thread
Is Kingdom Hearts III the most overrated game of all time?
Why is JAP box art ALWAYS better? It's like they have this knack for aesthetics that westerners are missing...
Q1 2018 will rape your wallet
70 million consoles sold
Fate/Grand Order Arcade
I feel scared to think humans will masturbate and live in a VR world full of anime lolis
Ay son, we need a regular battle theme for when you're fighting sentient apples and rabbits
Just got into this about 2 weeks ago. Tried it a couple years back and was underwhelmed but now, holy shit...
EDF Earth Defense Force 5
Shepard, how could you choose someone you can’t even see over me?
How does it feel to be on the losing side Xb/PC/Switch?
Where do you see the Switch this time next year?
Steam needs a better library interface
Worth playing or no?
Horror games being boring with no way to fight back makes it true and atmospheric horror!
R8 mein großDeutschland :D
Was this the most satisfying moment of the decade?
Make a thread shitting on nintendo
Post your Bladefu
If the fix the lighthing will it convince you to buy it?
When will Sup Forums get over it's hateboner for Final Fantasy?
What is his endgame?
Death Stranding
Still the greatest in the series
Decide to look through the art gallery of GR1 in-game because why not
Wat means
Even if ZTD was a giant pile of turd, VLR remains as one of my top VNs of all time
Which is best?
Secret hitler
"don't kill that rat"
Why didn't it win GOTY way back then?
Deus Ex
Tfw rey kills luke in the new star wars movie
What happened to the good ol' select button?
Best horror game of 2017
Do you have any friends Sup Forums?
Video game physics
ITT: Opinions that never fail to make you mad, rationally or not
Get hit, pause, eat
Why does this game from 2008 have better graphics than Breath of the Wild (released in 2017)?
/sft/ - stupid nerds can't into friendship edition
Why on EARTH did nintendo think this design was a good idea?
Gets killed by a meme character
ARMS party crash
Not a single good exclusive
What does Sup Forums think about holy trinity of good vidya countries?
U cry killing nazis but the average gamer isnt a Sup Forumstard
ITT: We poorly describe video games
Why are indie game developers such big conceited assholes?
Ok, time for some unpopular opinion
Oi Stranger!
First mission: a thief breaking into a building to steal things
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What are your favourite arcade titles?
Reminder that if you're buying a Ryzen 1600 or above for gaming, you are making a really stupid decision
How do we know that this isnt a choose your own text adventure?
Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?
The games which defined gaming
Yakuza thread
Body shots are generally better, since the damage increase to headshots is minimal and missing means wasting ammo...
Reddit: Gets lootboxes banned and BTFOs EA
Are you excited for the new GAME FART?
How do we stop censorship?
Friendship started with PC and is on hold with Nintendo
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Where do I get into the Might and Magic games?
What are some games where I can ride a motorcycle?
Code Vein
Current year
Is this the best basegame civ yet?
What's that smell
Guild Wars
ITT: games only (you) played
"Oohh my friend, listen my friend"
Go and buy Muff-luv
King Link and Queen Zelda
Game lists
Monster Hunter World beta
Sup Forums recommends you a game
Why monstrous units are so underpowered? Crypt horrors are better than varghulfs
Find a redeeming factor
They actually gonna announce this virtual console service or whatever the equivalent is in January?
Instances where the hate of an obnoxious fanbase gets confused with an assessment of the quality of the game
DOOM turned 24 years old today, still the best game of all time
I will just leave these games here
Do I need an an arcade stick to get good at fightan games?
What went wrong?
Tfw Battlefront 2 is flopping
"Ludwig's holy blade is the best weapon in bloo.."
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Picked up for 14 dollars on sale
Secret Hitler
Most played Top 5
Does fapping to Cagliostro gay ?
Now that the switch has become a huge success, would you want Sony to get back into handhelds...
This is going to be the next Breath Of The Wild, isn't it? No matter how good it is...
DMC5 has been increasingly obvious the more time passes
This is why horizon got BTFO by zelda
Are there any castlevania like mmos? Low fantasy, low flashy setting...
Why didn't Monster Hunter ever take off big in the west?
Who /comfy/ dual monitor gayming here?
What was the last videogame that you actually had fun playing by yourself?
Why does nintendo have to put a timer on my fun?
Snow levels > desert levels >>> tutorial levels >>>>>>>>> sea levels
Imagine how will ffxv and witcher 3 look like on switch
She now uses bad words like "fuck" and "shit"
So how many of you went through the Rock Tunnel blind?
Reminder that marrying your blade is immoral
"One copy of Wii Fit with Balance Board, to go."
Now that Bayonetta 1+2 is announced for February release, has the Switch had the best first year of any console ever?
Where in the fuck did it all go wrong Sup Forums?
What the fuck was her problem?
Neverwinter Nights thread
What was sweet's problem?
Monster Hunter World
Wilhelmina - Dutch
ITT: state the first and the last thing you killed in a vidya, others guess what the game is
Game lets you poison enemies
Post your goty
Idea Man Thread
You own a Switch AND a PS4 right?
New Vegas thread
Resident Evil 7
Why did he stop caring about making better games? Is money really that corrupting?
Is this how we are suppsed to game on PC?
Games where the protagonist dies?
What's your Favourite Souls ring
Why is she so criminally underrated? How can we increase her popularity to Ai-chan levels?
The chink take-over
This is somehow uncensored in germany
Which is funner?
There must always be a lich king
The game is currently in beta
What games do you play while driving?
Name one good Treasure game
Rey kills Luke
8 years
Was Purah a mistake?
One shot johnny or gtfo
So switch fags, is this thing needed or is the regular setup just fine?
Ukrainian games are the worst
Start playing persona 4
What do you guys wear and play when you go to sleep?
Why romance in Jap vidoegames sucks ass?
Enemies can open doors
Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go
Why is this game so well received?
Is there any hope of it getting an internet browser...
Why are people asking for remasters ?
The fuck is this?
WHY is THIS allowed?
Summoner 2
What's your favorite Healing item from a Videogame? For me, it's herbs
Itt we post worst games in the series
Did Mega Evolutions ruin Pokemon?
Now that the dust has settled, did it succeed?
Can video games be art
What video game is the most similar to heavy metal, in terms of audience and aesthetic?
Anons, please recommend some video game podcasts
About the next Fallout
Can we all agree that Battlefront 2 is basically REY KILLS LUKE
Thick eyebrows are a miracle of the universe
How long until the console market decides to do 144fps or even pass 60fps?
Where have you been?
In less than 2 years this game has died from incompetent balancing, retarded community, and toxic eSports
This is a tank
Mega Man's hiatus was Inafune's fault
Why are tanks so arrogant?
What makes a good villain?
Why is Atlus so devoted to the dumbfuck "Persona for Sony, SMT for Nintendo" thing
Are they, dare I say it, TOO big?
What does Sup Forums think of this skit from the Game Awards?
Now that the dust has settled, was it better than 64?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...