EDF Earth Defense Force 5


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>Bikes are now actually controllable.


It seems this one actually has a final boss, instead of a crazy amount of enemies and lasers thrown at you. Looks like a sort of Argo replacement though.

is it out?

Cool new stuff but for being such massive recycling fucks I'm disappointed they didn't go ahead and just recycle everything.

>No Hectors
>No Giant Dragon
>No Argo
>No Quadruped Fortress
>No Earth Eaters
Possible other stuff I am forgetting

Yet I fully except to see all this shit for their DLC that you will have to pay extra for.

PC never


Heres your new Balam

>That Fencer Dash Speed
>It's also just a NPC

whats up with that horrible zoom in when he sprints

Does anyone know why edf4 is still full price on steam? Does that shit ever go on sale?

many japanese games are horrible with sales like Toukiden 2 its constantly 60 bux and the lowest it has ever been was 30 I think

It's sandlot. Were you expecting logical game design? They still have you running around the battlefield collecting chests to upgrade your health and unlock weapons.


Looks like 100 fuel = 1 second
so he has 3 minutes and 20 seconds of fuel so it's not too bad but yea it's dumb.

Should I pick up a nip copy of the game or wait for the English release?

Can't help you, I'm waiting for the 5.1 version.




I was wondering why you'd rectangle the center of the screen until I realized it was the weapon cursor.
That aside it's one of the many reasons I love EDF, they have so many details everywhere it put AAA games to shame.

Post more screenshots user. I’m so fucking ready for more EDF

>Ranger Gets to call the Railgun Tank now
>Air Raider doesnt.

Why did they do this

He also gets to call the brute
And uses it for its very intended purpose.


I could be wrong, but I don't think the Ranger has any exclusive vehicles to him, just that he can call for some. If not, I really fucking hope people just haven't unlocked it for the Air Raider because that would be some serious BS.

To hell with this whole 'muh support class meant for co-op' shit. I had a ton of fun soloing Inferno with the guy and the Epsilon Railgun Tank was a big part of that.

No dude they get separate shit.
Whatever Air Raider can use Ranger can't and vice versa, so Ranger just stole a ton of Vehicles from Air Raider.

I dont even know what crazy philosophy they want for Air Raider to be the coop class when they steal 3 seater vehicles like the railgun and the brute away from it.

But hey if it means anything turrets and posts now reload automatically without having to carry them around and also reload while inside a vehicle.

>that outfit
>that butt

Oh hell does that mean I wont get the Gigantus with air raider anymore? It was finally its time to shine now with auto-reloading turrets

Well shit.
I think what gets me the most about this is that from what I've seen so far, the Auxiliary Equipment does far more for the Ranger than any vehicle could. The Air Raider doesn't even get any of those.

I mean that is something, even though I can't walk about with a dual ZEXR-Gun defense anymore.
Just going to wait and hope that the Air Raider gets some not garbage vehicles. Maybe the not-Vegaltas are better this time.

The Vegaltas are actually surprisingly good, you just absolutely need a well-coordinated team for them to work properly. The damage output is eye watering, but on the other hand your shit maneuverability combined with middling armor and gigantic hitbox mean you're fucking dead if you get flanked.

Sounds like the same as EDF 4.1tbh

Yeah, I was actually talking about 4.1, my bad.

The wing diver seems like it got a larger variety of useful gimmick weapons instead of burst/DPS and splash. It's kind of hard to gauge what is possible in the game because everyone I've seen streaming the game is both terrible and uncreative.

I never used them much aside from the final mission in 4.1, where the firepower and extra armor came in handy. I play the game by myself about 98% of the time, so their lack of mobility is a big detriment. Hopefully the new ones aren't as sluggish.

>Lv 38 Brute has 18000 Health
>4.1 Lv 81 Brute had 14400

Maybe they finally realized all vehicles had practically paper armor considering how big a target they were


NA release when

the circle around him?

Average time between jap and English release between 150-250 days my man

Dont think they learnt that, the ME2 Epsilon in the final boss vid has the exact same health as 4.1

Looks to me they want to push people to actually use the flying brick, their faces when people end up using it as a stationary turret just like the Proteus.


Box pickup radius

Enemies seem to shoot empty Vehicles now

Vomiting out decoy Balams in high kill missions might be a much better strat now.