What does Sup Forums think of Rawk Hawk?

What does Sup Forums think of Rawk Hawk?


Should be in Smash.

Best boss of best chapter of the game. My playthrough usually stops at the end of this chapter after suffering through the previous one because nothing ever tops the Glitz Pitz.

>not in Gaper Mario

Love TTYD's artstyle, such a perfect evolution.

one of the best themes in TTYD and generally a great character/idea that woulda been way cooler if they at least made it way tougher in the rematch or at least let you fight Prince Mush, what a cocktease that was. Fuck the giant dragon in the pit of trials I wanted another Jinx/Culex level optional boss fight

A shame. No Bowser either. How could they fuck it up so easily?

>king of fucking up
choose two

>no gaper mario 2 with bowser, rawk hawk, tubba blubba, goombario and admiral bobbery

Haven't seen this one before, source?

>if they make a gaper mario 2 its gonna be full of hetero shit and futas

god i want shadman to die already



old shadman was better at least he made gay stuff that wasn't girly traps and seem a little more open with others sexuality, new shadman is some public pedo who draws loli saying how much he wants to rape

i know right, now he just want to do the grossest shit to trigger them sjws or whatever.
dude's just gross and full of shit, last time he did something remotely fappable was that one picture of Bowser's fat ass stuck in a wall.
but hey i guess most of his fans are disgusting pedophiles who think its okay and not gay to fap to traps.

Bowser should have farted on him when he buttstomped him in that one part.

haha i wish bowser would do that to me for laughs

what makes shadman more gross is he draw porn of real little girls getting rape and if their not lolis he turns them to lolis

>he draw porn of real little girls getting rape

>he got arrested once for drawing roblox shit but not for all the pedo drawings he's done

really make you think

The reason why he's terrible isn't because he draws loli, it's because his art is terrible. Nearly all of his work that are decent are collaborations with other artists.

That chapter was amazing

>the GapeStation?

t-the what

Ah the days when Mario RPGs actually had original boss and enemy design.