ITT: games in development hell

I'll start with a easy one

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Frankly I'm glad. The game looked even worse than Dead Island 1.




does anyone actually care about this one though

I really wish Nintendo would push Itoi to make a fourth, official game.

I... I do

I do

Its canceled dude, work on the Panta Rhei engine is d e d.


I'm hoping they'll bring it back next gen.

why it was just a no depth hack n slash


How do you know if you never played it


But it's confirmed to release in 2018

Resident Evil 2 remake trailer leaked though

I'm the lead gameplay designer


If it ever happens at this point, it won't be until after 2020.

At least SCVI is actually happening.

Was it ever proven that they actually started working on it.

Are you really retarded enough to believe their finished working on it? Games take time to make, you retard. They were also probably waiting to see how successful RE7 to see if today's market is still willing to buy a game that's more in line with classic RE titles.

I'm half upset and half glad about re2. I know it's gonna suck and it's not gonna be anywhere near as amazing as REmake but part of me still wants it to happen

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