Morrowind and Oblivion

Never played an Elder Scrolls game and my PC can't run Skyrim

Which of the two is better?

Other urls found in this thread:

Morrowind, or if you're feeling particularly adventurous: Daggerfall.
Daggerfall Setup is the best way to play it, just an exe that takes care of dosbox for you. A lot of tards don't want to deal with dosbox.

Oblivion, hands down.

>PC can't run Skyrim

Just play all of them. No need to limit yourself to one.

i mean play both

but if can't run skyrim you'll probably be struggling to play oblivion any any sort of worthwhile settings

Morrowind's story and setting are much more interesting than Oblivion's. The combat and movement in Oblivion is much better, and it's probably the comfiest game in the series.

Oblivion is amazing when it comes to immersion, try to limit yourself using fast travel the first 10 hours or so just so you can explore the beautiful setting. Also play with music, Wings of Kynareth is KINO.
Start the main quest line > go to kvatch and do the first oblivion gate > do the arena in imperial city > start the guild quests.
don't rush the main quest it's not that good desu.


Now Sup Forums enjoys Oblivion over Morrowind. I've lost all faith in this board.

I wrote the middle one of those posts. Personally, I enjoy Morrowind more, but they are very different games. I felt it was important to outline their differences, as Morrowind is about the world, and Oblivion is about old-school adventure.

Mad you have no board wide circlejerk anymore so you actually have to make arguments for sucking off Morrowind? Faggot.

I'm just to young to have played Morrowind, never gotten the chance and desu it doesn't seem that good to me since I'm not a fan of Todd Howard.
I played Oblivion as a teenager with my dad when he was on sick leave due to surgery, we had such amazing times just playing this game in turns figuring out all the secrets and cool stuff you could do.
stay mad basement dweller

I always felt this was the case. The best Elder Scrolls is the one you played when you were young and impressionable.

Morrowind by far.
Oblivion sucks but neo-Sup Forums loves it because it was their first """""RPG""""".

If I read one more Oblivion post I will personally face fuck you cute little teenies and turn you into my slave traps.


>More diverse locale, not generic high fantasy
>better spell creator, no hard limits
>main quest does chosen-one trope, but makes you question if you really are
>sparse fast travel makes the world feel larger than it really is

Theres people posting right now whose first TES wasnt even oblivion, but skyrim
Theres also unironic threads about MW2/Blops nostalgia

This, I feel bad for people who started out with Skyrim though.

>daily CoD nostalgia threads
>daily Gaylo threads
I really am getting too old for this place.

How in the fuck is it current year and your computer can't run an almost decade-old game?

>mfw there's anons on this board RIGHT NOW who grew up with MW3 and Battlefield 3

Now I'm really confused

I'm downloading Oblivion but fuck it, may as well start getting Morrowind too.

Form your own opinion. Morrowind is harder to get into at first though.

>More diverse locale, not generic high fantasy
With what? Giant mushrooms? Half the world is flat and brown with occasional interludes of retextured red water or green ground. There is next to no effort to separate the environments logically because the world is so small so it ends up as a theme park. Oblivion is a foray into unique environments without being unnecessarily wacky for the sake of being wacky.
>better spell creator, no hard limits
Which makes it easier to break, not to mention you have to rely on merchants to make them. Oblivion has a detailed spell stacking system and an altar of spellmaking (which is more realistic)
>main quest does chosen-one trope, but makes you question if you really are
Which means nothing because you are the chosen one whether you like it or not. Oblivion actually makes the effort of subverting it
>sparse fast travel makes the world feel larger than it really is
Not really, no, it's mostly the abysmal running speed, fog everywhere, and the limited FOV

£200 laptop from 2012 for university.
It runs Halo fine, but Skyrim was too laggy to play.

user...he is probably from...brazil

No need for oblivion bros and Morrowind Bros to fight, let's just go back to shitting on Skyrim.

The same old tired green hills with ash/birch trees. So interesting and unique. I've never, EVER, seen that done in a game before.

Morrowind obviously, Oblivion isn't worth playing even with fixes & mods, don't let the babbies who played it when they were 12 and never developed half-decent taste within the past decade tell you otherwise

But it has the best game feel among them all.

>my PC can't run Skyrim
Are you using a fucking netbook or something?

No it fucking doesn't. Your character moves like he has ice skates on. NPCs are fuck-all ugly, with awful voices, and janky ass animations. The world is just hills and grass. Almost no sign of civilization outside of the cities.

I'm going to presume that's a joke, because moving around feels more like you're gliding along the ground and practically everything feels weightless. Skyrim was a remarkable improvement in that department, by Bethesda standards anyway.

Most of the people here are Xbox 360 babies that grew up, so it's no wonder Oblivion gets more love here than it did years ago.

I remember we used to joke about when Oblivionkids would come to Sup Forums and start saying Oblivion was the best one.

Morrowind is the best of all the TES games, but if you are only used to modern games, then you might not like it.
A lot of people hate Oblivion but I like it, especially with a few mods. Dont expect much from the main story though. The side quests are one of the few reasons to play the game.

Dont even bother with Skyrim. Nothing can fix that shit.

Skyrim with mods is fun. This is coming from someone who loves Morrowind

Skyrim is better than Oblivion in nearly every regard, especially with mods

Oblivion on the other hand outright needs mods to fix the horrendous scaling and leveling system, and even then it's not remotely good

>old enough to make this post
> posting on Sup Forums at your age
Double edged sword huh?

>I'm just to young to have played Morrowind
If you're too young for Morrowind, you're too young for this board. Out.

People born in the year 2000 will be allowed to post on this website in less than a month


rip thread

neither one is a good game

Why does Sup Forums hate Skyrim? I'm playing vanilla Skyrim on Switch for the first time and I'm having fun. My biggest gripe is just how many bugs the game has especially since its 6 years old.

At least we all agree Morrowind and Oblivion are better than Skyrim



>pc cant run skyrim
get off your schools computers user

Because it's popular, Oblivion is worse in every regard yet there's plenty of genuine contrarians who think otherwise

>his life is computers
Get out your moms basement user

just die already oldfag

>his life isn't computers

What are some good Morrowind mods to get the most out of the game?

>on Sup Forums
>his life isnt computers
Get your head out your ass user

PSP one could have been good though

play skyrim but with the ultra low graphics mod just for shits and giggles

I did. Skyrim itself if boring, with that mod it was unplayable.

Just did the first 10 minutes of Morrowind, it was boring too. Going back to Jedi Academy.

lol i played for about 50 hours on my old comp with this mod

Would any of you recommend Elder Scrolls Online?
played couple of days when it was free and liked it. Waiting for winter sale for a better sale.

OP wanted to play Skyrim, Oblivion seems closer to that than Morrowind.

it can be fun with friends but dont expect anything amazing. you can get it for a few shekels on g2a

Morrowind vanilla, Oblivion if you mod out the godawful garbage level scaling system.

What's the most up to date modlist for Morrowind?

>people actually like missing 90% of auto attacks on level 1 creatures and not having a map

>you can get it for a few shekels on g2a
Thought about it, but negative comments from buyers are worrying.

yeah what the fuck i want to feel like the BADASS i know i am

Not really, granted I have not played in about a year. The game is basically a MMO with a TES coat of paint, nothing that makes the Elder Scrolls games what they are is present.

>First Person Runescape
jagex pls

>my PC can't run Skyrim


fpbp. If you take the time to learn the mechanics Daggerfall is better than Morrowind in every way.

>Taking Sup Forums's opinions on things seriously
>Buying a 6-year old game at double price with worse specs and no mod support
2 big mistakes right there

Oblivion of course, the more modern the better

>Skyrim without mods
You don't even know what you're missing. Even some of the smallest things, like adding Fallout 4 style quick looting and disabling the kill cams, make huge playability differences

>my PC can't run Skyrim
Time to replace your grandpa's abacus.

I havn't played Falout 4 yet but I got the Fallout VR free with my vive.
will Fallout 4 VR have mods? And should I play the whole game in VR?

Anyone got a good mod loadout/list for Oblivion?

My PC's specs are not very good though.

Wrong, Skyrim is way better than Oblivion. Oblivion is irredeemable trash.

uninstall mod