with december nearing its end, has Sup Forums decided on the GOTY of this year ? if yes,why isn't it STORMFALL age of war?
Goty award 2017 ?
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That came out in 2012 tho
>Tfw so autistic so I end up thinking of hypothetical different branches for the story of this "game"
well,the storyline and graphics where on par with witcher 3 but the gameplay was clunky on the ps3 port.
>why isn't it STORMFALL age of war?
*why is it
If you you're too retarded for proper grammar I suppose the correct use of obnoxious OP phrases is beyond you.
the plot-twist at the end was mind blowing,too bad the game is +18.
i legit had spec ops flashbacks
>mfw that whole game
is this a covert LOL thread ?
i remember seeing that on adds in porn websites.
blew my mind to see that it really exist.
that fucking ent boss was darksoul tier,the debuffs and his wide aoe attacks where shitty,i lost a maxed pally to that cunt.
>shitty bikini dlcs
>2.49 to fuck a generic anime girl
yeah goty alright.
its going to be Nier
I saw a TV ad that used this tree face, crazy
that game only knew an ounce of fame because of animefaggots and the ass showing.
>tfw I dont have a computer and can't play this gane
well a corei9 and 4 titanX are needed to met rec low specs.
wait,does this game exist or are you guys just memeing ?
its real and its fun as fuck
You also need to be at least 25 years old
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Destiny 2
Divinity: Original Sin II
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
yeah sure, how can they know for real if i am 25+ ?
played that game when i was 12.
>not knowing about denuvo
>game doesn't allow you to play if you are under 25
>game of the year
I'm 24 and I'm still mad
>how can they know for real if i am 25+ ?
They don't need to know, you will simply be unable to play the game until you're of the appropriate age.
Also, I can see from your text that you're not 25+ years old.
>They don't need to know, you will simply be unable to play the game until you're of the appropriate age.
user,can you explain how ? do you need to input personnal info to confirm you are above 25 year of age to be able to play ?
meant for
What's there to explain? If you don't meet the minimum requirements, you won't be able to start the game. Such is gaming on the PC.
>being a min requirement
if only it was for real than this board wouldnt be as shitty as it is now.
this is the actual level of delusion antipiracy fags have reached.
>Destiny 2
>Not P5 and Nier:A
Clearly we’re not using the same board
>Clearly we’re not using the same board
You disagree and you're a passive-aggressive faggot about it, so clearly you're using the same board.
nice one
keep crying piratefag
Why should I keep him?
PUBG and destiny 2 are chad games
you just outed yourself as a beta faggot numale soyboy cucklord by unironically posting weeb shit.
pains me to know you are somebody legacy,die unloved.
i-it's not fair ! w-WILL CRACK IT ONE DAY ! believe me well do !
Has anyone ever tried to play any of these as spam games? What was it like?
oh fuck,you got roasted son.
>you just outed yourself
You realize we're posting anonymously, right?
Them feels when im not old enough to playthis yet im am 21 :"(
just give up you butthurt faggot, you have bought shame on your family and ancestors. go back to watching your slant eyed cartoons and masturbate to drawings of girls with dicks.
Goty ? heh
>blocks your path
nothing pershenel kiddo
>just give up you butthurt faggot, you have bought shame on your family and ancestors
Are you saying that they should let youngsters play Stormfall? Why do you feel that way?
>Are you saying that they should let youngsters play Stormfall? Why do you feel that way?
because we need our kids to man up and no other game than Stormfall can do that.
>not wanting your son to listen to the wisdom of GUNGBAR the ENT.
hey lads !
be sure not to search ''cupcest'' on google image !