Why is the Dreamcast the best sixth gen console?
Why is the Dreamcast the best sixth gen console?
Is that supposed to be Richard?
i think that´s ding dong from oney plays
Why is ding dong the most comfy dude on the internet. I swear I can listen to him talk about anything for hours and I'll never get bored.
That is his name.
Dying consoles produce the best games.
My 3 favorite consoles are WiiU, Dreamcast, and Vita.
he is like zach but good
Dreamcast has 0 games
same. watching some old best gamers streams lately.
I don't know if I can handle yet another stream of him talking about fighting game mechanics for five hours.
Funny joke ha ha
This is why i come to Sup Forums
I like Zach. His streams are very chill. I saw Shadman's stream the other day and he's exactly what I thought he would be.
dongcast when???
Go make a stream and cry about it. It's what you do best.
>I saw Shadman's stream the other day and he's exactly what I thought he would be
a edgie fag who force memes?
Daily reminder to protect ding dong at all times
That's what he literally did. He drew Bender while edgy music was playing in the background as he smokes and drinks like a 50 year old man and being rude to his fanbase.
sad. he seemed really nice on sleepycast.
>this is scott pilgrim
Xbox was the best, suck on it.
He's very reserved when it comes to Sleepycabin podcasts. Just like the others, he lived in the Sleepycabin house together. He's essentially the unofficial 7th member (Jeff does not count).
yo what stream was that and is it up anywhere, I need exactly that
no and it was multiple streams
I think the worst part of ding dong's streams is that he hates them and doesnt want them anywhere. apparently i only watch the wrong ones.
I think he says that because hes always saying or doing something he doesnt want uploaded. Before his streams got popular he let them get uploaded.
Because it made Sega go third party.
those are great. especially if its him and rockcock, they have a good dynamic.
the best guy
Admit VMU is the patrician storage method or get your lying ass outta here
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme
mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe
which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know
its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
This is not an Oneyplays thread.
bubbafest 2018 when???
I liked how much the vmu opened gameplay types, even with it's shit ass screen.
It really shows that it's fundamentally a great concept
Is the last few streams archived anywhere? we were on a thread making inspector gadget jokes and Ding Dong was following along
>Dying consoles produce the best games.
and the worst speculator market
>ebay has plasma sword listed at over $50 for most copies
>fucking plasma sword
Ding ding is for _______
Gets pretty annoying when he starts playing victim tho.
>If I post this in every thread, that means I own everyone, right?
I miss the bestgamers
rockcock on oneyplays when?
when julian fucks off
Who cares.
Agreed, I don't really care. user said that was Dingdong and I simply corrected him stating that his name is Richard. Stop trying to assume everyone is trying to start shit.
I liked him better before I learned what a hard core degenerate he is. Same for julian
I’ll take anyone over Julian to be the 3rd man
He's gay but not gay.
Never heard of an alias retard? Of course not, because you're retarded.
just report him for spamming. He does the same shit all the time whenever there's a /trash/ thread
>Ding Dong and Julian have gargled on each others chods at some point
Who's the top?
julian is. he's mentioned he's never had his prostate touched. also dingdong is a skelly.
Julian, according to his AMA thread.
Someone should do this but instead is Segata Sanshiro and the Sega Saturn
The winnie the pooh episodes have been better than the entire KH playthrough.
The Wheezy gay isn't that bad. Honestly I feel like there are worse possibilities. Imagine Arin from Game Grumps.
No need to be upset for a non-issue.
There's Oneyplays threads on /trash/? Well it's very fitting. Maybe you should go back there. e-celebs are not allowed on Sup Forums.
Oney could do better. Why does he hang around with fags all day?
Agreed, I don't really care. You said that was Richard and I simply corrected you, stating that you are a retard who doesn't know what an alias is. Stop trying to assume everyone is trying to start shit.
I've honestly never been more glad to see it come back, latest episodes have been great
now if only they got Matt back to make more Michael Jackson impressions
Objectively, the best was the PS2
Personally, I loved my GameCube. I got Xbox later, so I can't have the same feelings. Dreamcast was ok, but I was always worried that they'd stop making games for it.
Rabbit lives in a never ending hell.
Ding Dong is confirmed gay? I thought it was a joke. Well maybe Chris likes to get poked every now and then idk. It also could just be that irish fuck sees how well they do as a trio.
because most his newgrounds friends are even bigger disingenous faggots or are hanging out more with Zach
Sound sound very upset. No one is gonna hurt your precious e-celeb.
stop being such an obsessive faggot you autist
Julian is too much of a lust machine around Matt's hot bod. You know the conversation of three way has come up with Ding Dong in private before, no way it couldn't have.
PS2 was the best if you could only have one console that gen. I'm with you and the GameCube was actually my main sixth gen console and I didn't even feel like I was missing out on much by not owning a PS2 or Xbox. I can't say that for the N64 or any other Nintendo console since the GC.
Ding Dong is a massive fucking degenerate, user. Don't bother spoiling it for yourself and finding any examples. Take our word for it.
This dude look familiar..
He has stated it multiple times. He's actually gayer than Julian. The kid Amin and that Bunkus dude are also gay. If you ever wondered why there were weird offtopic tuba vore threads here, thank Richard for that.
>This delicious butthurt
How do yah feel about frogs playin' the tuba son?
I'm getting very white knight vibes from you.
does this faggot have a burping into the mic fetish or something ive never wanted to punch someone in the face so bad before
He learned from Arin.
>Da boiz are all gay
>Egocraptor has that D club thing
Seriously, are they all fucking gay? What the fuck. I always have little fantasies in my head about hanging out with them and drinking with them or something. In actuality they'd probably drug and rape me.
Shad is just the walking example of a tryhard holy shit
Jesus Christ, shut up you nerds. Oldfag here. Picked up my Dreamcast from Electronics Boutique on 9/9/99.
I don't think you know what that means. But please continue to think everyone is out to get you and your e-celeb on this anonymous Taiwanese basket weaving forum.
I remember the hype wagon on it, sad I didn't get it, a lot of titles looked pretty cool whenver I checked game magazines of the time.
I'm sorry
he's like that in person, too. Back when Newgrounds's Pico Day was a thing he'd just show up in his mask, glasses, fingerless gloves, and generally be a cunt until he found other cunts and then smoked dope on the roof.
I mean, Chris probably isn't gay unless you got him pretty drunk I imagine.
>Arin over Julian
Just the idea of this instantly made me upset.
He's a gay furry who likes frogs and vore.
Egoraptor and the Sleepycabin crew are faggots in the figurative sense. Julian and Dingdong are faggots in the literal sense. They are too beta to drug anyone anyway, so you're safe.
I had no regrets getting it. After the Dreamcast went under I got a GameCube and eventually got a PS2 in like 2003. PS2 ended up being my least played sixth gen console and it's still my least favorite Sony console.