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Video Games #3998
Video Games
0% chance to jam
Dragon Ball FighterZ
So is Valkyria Chronicles 4 going to be good?
Is the Switch worth getting at this point?
What vidya franchises would be better if the main character was the opposite sex?
Diablo II Ladder Reset
How's your game coming along?
This game is good, but apart from Chatterbox it has the worst radio of any GTA game
Capcom - Switch
You can trick enemies into attacking each other
Does Xenoblade 2 have the best OST of the year?
H-here i go!
2 years have gone by, she's now 38 and depressed
So which one of you pressed the false alarm?
Arby 'n' the Chief - Season 8,.Episode 11 live stream general
Death Stranding
I don't know what to play guys
/Devil May Cry/
ITT: Buyer's remorse
Do you ever get tired of all the violence in games
Can we have another comfy Ace Combat thread?
Anyone else kinda sad that the first SMT mainline game since Nocturne on console is on an underpowered shit like the...
This fucker right here is the hardest part of this game
How will Sony fuck things over for themselves?
This is a regular game ad in the 90s. There were hundreds like this
So apparently the next battlefield installment will be Bad Company 3, set in the cold war. Thoughts?
I've heard people say that Twilight Princess might be even better than Ocarina if you look at them as two completely...
I haven't played this shit for almost 4 years. Is it worth coming back?
What does your weapon say about you Sup Forums?
So Sup Forums, what do you want The Witcher 4 to be about?
Playing the first Witcher
Microsoft snatches EXCLUSIVE photo mode, exclusively on Xbox One
Create the worst videogame crossover you can think off
GTA IV had a much better atmosphere and story than GTA V. Do you agree? But GTA V was better in almost any other aspect...
Would Skyward Sword be at least tolerable without the motion controls?
Game has a suprising twist
Can the Switch surpass the PS2?
Kinographic ludo vs Ludomatic kino: Which one is better?
Borderlands 3
I love Razer :)
Secret Hitler
Seriously, what was Sakurai thinking?
What are some good superhero games?
Well Sup Forums?
"it's good, you just have to install mods"
LIVING DARK - A new game by Dean Hall
RE6 was actually pretty damn good
Not going to lie, I actually laughed
Played 3 and 4
After experiencing this and Senran Kagura VR, I no longer believe that VR is a meme
Why did they scrap it?
Alright lads, let's play a game
Is the community really the only reason you're avoiding Undertale?
What are some good low graphic PC games that'll run on a potato?
Reminder that Twitchers/Streamers/Tubers don't actually help your game in sales
Open mic
Video games don't age
Hey I just looked up a gameplay of this game and skimmed through it, it's literally just undertale and this is flowey...
When does this become fun?
He fell for the 4K meme
Make it happen Nintendo. We believe in you!
Is there any JRPG with deeper combat than Pokémon?
How come we don't get more Hispanic or Latino characters in vidya?
I'll be your one-up girl!
What would Dark Souls easy mode be?
Have you taken time today to thank our lord and savior, SkyBear?
Fortnite fanboys and poorfags are angry because it's wildly popular and far superior
What's the best 2D and the best 3D Sonic game?
Finally gonna catch up on my videogames backlog
Make your Bingo boards for the January Direct
*sells millions*
Top: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
What vidya related things did you ask for this Christmas?
What did he mean by this?
"Let’s bring more diversity and inclusivity to mobile gaming"
Apologize Sup Forums
Kingdom Hearts
Post you PS4 collection
Remakes that are good
So does this mean Sony will think about making a new Portable console or has the Vita completely destroyed all hope of...
Remake when?
B-But it’s fun!
Australia top 10 highest selling games this year
Dragon's Dogma
What are some games with homosexual fanservice?
What games let you be incredibly indecisive and inert as a character?
I'd like to remind Nintendo that people don't have three hands...
ITT: Games that directly reference 4 chan
What games have the most attention to detail?
What are the best H.P Lovecraft inspired games?
Who's gonna make the better 9th gen console?
Trying to ignore the "current gen is the worst one" thing. Are these seriously the worst games in the series...
Is it worth buying a ps3 in 2017?
Videogames STILL don't look as good as a 1995 movie
How the fuck do adults enjoy this grindy, dull, unchanging snorefest of a series
The Nintendo Switch Is Selling Exactly As Fast As Sony's PS4
MediEvil remake
Kojima is desperate...
I heard this game is actually good, It is true?
I hope you're not playing as an elf, user
Games for cripplingly lonely people?
10 million
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite might get dropped from EVO
Why arent there any harry potter games?
I just bought pic related. What games with AAA graphics should I play ?
What kind of specs do I need to be able to emulate PS2 games at 1080p?
Are you getting the Switch version?
How did you deal with him?
Sequel when???
"hurr it's the power of a high end PC but for a cheaper price"
Is this good?
Now that it's complete, how do you personally rank RE7 in the Resident Evil series overall?
What are some games that let you manage a political party?
Tell me what to think
So Sup Forums, which is the best dante?
Did Deus Ex predict the future?
HERE COMES A NEW WHORE!! Also Hunie Pop thread
Which died more gracefully?
Is this what perfection looks like?
Want to start replaying Mario 64
Did her pubes also...?
Fucking stop me from buying this
This is the emperor of Sup Forums. Praise her some
Post your biggest vidya disappointment for 2017
Just started this game. I am amazed...
Can somebody explain to me why western devs are such pushovers who bow to women's every little wish like a dry twig in...
Why is it every time a game developer panders to us Sup Forums turns on them like traitors?
When will Nintendo cease holding Metroid hostage?
*ruins your community*
*breathes in*
No trademark filed for fromsoft, nor from sony
You can pick 1 game to play. The other 2 are stuck in development hell forever
The epitome of forced gameplay
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What game do you think they are playing?
Sup Forums can't do shit right
Rimworld Thread
Was Sonic Heroes the last good 3D Sonic game?
What settings could defeat the machine lifeforms without resorting to just blowing up Earth?
It's over
Chance of Drizzle
Post an image, get a game recommendation
How do you overcome rank anxiety in competitive online games?
I don't know what word to use to describe this game...
"Give your character a name"
Final boss is your clone
XBOX is dead
THIS motherfucker is the best Mega Man final boss and there's NOTHING you can do about it
When is it okay to play as a girl in videogames?
Does anyone actually like this bitch?
Why does Sup Forums blindly worship this game?
Let's have a thread celebrating the greatest pokemon of all time: Pidgey
Lets go, Sup Forums
Fallout 4
Type "pubg" on google
Remember when Sup Forums cyberbullied that indie dev out of finishing his passion project?
Who else buys games and plays them for a few hours and then never touches them again?
Now that the Switch is an objective success, what can we expect Microsoft and Sony to do to compete?
What were some online vidya bans you didn't deserve?
It's clunky
Ranking of CTR tracks from best to worst:
Divinity 2
What is the BEST Legend of Zelda game and why is it pic related?
Iconoclasts is finally coming
Do you have some kind of tick or autistic thing that you do in every game, Sup Forums?
I-it's okay when GOG does it!!
What is you favorite racing game and why? Should realism or fun be prioritized?
Creepy things in non-horror games
This game is a reminder that no matter how hard you try...
I just got Pyra
When you see it
Why did the rts genre die?
Truly an amazing game
Overwatch Xmas Update
I like to make a silent takedown
* humiliates Odissey *
How do we put Sonic back to his former glory?
Brb smoke break
The Triforce is the least recognizable symbol from a video game
Is there game that captures what war is all about beautifully other than Battlefield 1?
PUGB: Not the Chosen One either? Where are the investors?
The Switch will outsell the PS2
Fourth time buying and i'm just as excited as I was buying PS2 as a kid
Do you think Switch is powerful enough to emulate Wii and Gamecube?
What does Capcom mean by this?
ITT: video game webcomics that make you laugh out loud
Bayonetta to run on 720p on Switch
What are you anons doing to prepare for Friday?
Is this the worst game mode ever created?
SOTC remake
Switch: 10M sold
She can't get off the plateau
6 hours left
Street Fighter V
What if Metal Gear Survive is actually a good and fun game?
Monsters you want to see come back for world? Besides pick related id really, it could be crazy with the new areas
This is Cody's secretary
Ps4 Winter Sale Thread
Characters you know are black
So Xbots, was it worth the weight?
Favourite 2017 game
What is it that makes red hair girls in vidya such pieces of shit every time?
You have to pay to use online features of a console you bought with the internet you already paid
So, what is the Sup Forumserdict?
What level/gear should I have to beat Ludwig Holy Fuck without to much problem?
Why is Sony so obsessed with narrative driven experiences?
What games have cute spiders ?
I'm Chris Redfield
What’s the appeal of Gravity Rush?
Can Chie be a functional cop?
Game developer primarily focuses on marketing to the west
No outside lore or books and only focusing within gameplay mechanics (controls, abilities...
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Playing games on your phone while commuting is perfectly fine, because "what else should I do while sitting around"
Final Fantasy XV has two story-lines now
Name a more influential game developer. You can't
Can't enter in credit card info
Welcome to Nu-Sup Forums
2017 Vidya Game Awards - VGA
Thank Gid for him
If a YuGiOh game came out on modern hardware (Switch, PlayStation 4) and had a classic format mode, would you play it?
Webm thread?
Your favorite vidya game
PCfags will never EVER get GTA V
Status: not yet shipped
How does Sup Forums feel about developers marketing their games here?
Thanks for beta testing consolefags. I will surely enjoy my 4k 120fps experience when the game comes out for PC
Do you guys think Fortnite will kill PUBG the way LoL killed HoN with
What do you do?
Are there any females gamers out there that are better than males?
How do we save VR?
PUBG is NATIVE(Yes, native) 4k on Xbox One X
Please tell me this will have Lootboxes
Does Sup Forums play Hearthstone?
Have ass creed origins
At the time of this post, there are 16 hours left until Paladins becomes pay2win forever
What are some games with some really satisfying shotguns to use
Reminder that because of jews this game will never happen
Don't mind me, just ruining shield variety/balance
People can't afford both
How do you guys overcome lack of interest in playing games or being burned out
ITT: Steam red flags
This is Sakura, say something nice about her
Okami HD to PC
Why does Bayonetta's oversexualization get a free pass...
Sup Forums memes me into thinking this series is awful
GTA V Doomsday Heist
Will it be another week of literally nothing, or will it be actually something? Who cares, the time has come
I just got to Paris, and I have low-tech at master, pistols, computers, and swimming at advanced...
What 2 ps4 games do you guys recommend me to get with the system?
When did you first accept Reddit is a better place for actual video game discussion?
Admit it Sup Forums, this game was trash
Switch has no games!!
Why are you here and not playing a game Sup Forums?
2017 almost 18
Having now played Nier: Automata and a number of other JRPGs my brain has come to a conclusion
No gam
What are some actual legitimate specific criticisms of this game...
Truer words have never been spoken
Firaxis just released the Netherlands vid
Arms not mentioned at all
This wall is in CDPR's office. Thoughts?
Secret Hitler
ITT: that one game you just can't get into
Do you think millenials would stop using Total Cancer's emoji after his death out of piety if Twitch didn't pull it...
You better wash that old gayman station on a regular basis
This is Zero, a gaping, used up, whore
Havent played in about 7 months
I told him to be quiet because he was a fucker
Fighting Layer EX
Why are there no girls in The Zone?
There are """"""people"""""" on Sup Forums who think that DS2 wasn't a piece of garbage and that DS3 was somehow worse
/30+/ Year Old Club
Nintendo has sold 10 million Switch consoles in nine months
Why is it bad for a game to be story focused now?
What's the best ban you got from steam forums, Sup Forums?
“I reiterate: CWCville Gets a New Hero”
Death stranding is a property of Sony Interactive Entertainment llc
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Tokyo xanadu ex+
Payload makes it all the way to the end but doesnt score
Street Fighter 30th anniversary
I just got prescribed Lithium Carbonate. What am I in for? What should I expect to happen?
What are some times where pic related happened?
Free on GOG, lads
Stop lusting for squid children
Why'd she jump off the roof?
Damn, Titan V runs games like THAT?
Anyone else completely lose interest in single players after they've gotten invested in a multiplayer?
Answer in the form of a question, Sup Forums
How true is this?
"PC is better than console!"
What am I in for?
We are fast approaching Brawl's 10th anniversary
Favorite Female Characters
What's the point of profanity filters in game if you can get banned for using profanity...
Want to replay game
Can someone explain why TW:W and TW:W2 feature a medieval fantasy world when the Warhammer franchise is set in space...
Monster Hunter World Beta Discussion Thread
A bloo bloo bloo my game is the most popular game on Steam but there might be competition, shut it down!
What's stopping Disney from buying Nintendo?
The great debate
Soul Calibur 6
How flat is too flat?
Android Crossing confirmed
Space Station13 thread
Main character slowly loses their happiness as the game progresses
Current year
Are you ready for the Switch to be the most successful video game system ever made?
Why do people shit on Mike Matei so much? Is it literally just because he isn't James...
Reminder that starting next year Nintendo Switch online play will be locked behind the paywall and it's fucking stupid
I want a comfy horror game for christmas, which should I get lads?
Does Sup Forums still play this? Who's your favorite Vault Hunter?
Deus Ex
Please post your age and your opinion on PUBG
Am I right gamers?
So is this any good? Ive played the original one only and dont wanna ruin the memories if this one sucks
We did it, bros. 10 million Nintendo Switch sold in just 8 months
The Emperors finest reporting
"PC is the master race!"
Queue for the mythic +15 run for my alt
Are people who prefer Fallout 4 and 3 to New Vegas actually inferior people?
Why don't you play PUBG?
What would you do in this situation?
Do you like the ps2 slim?
How do I into Grand Strategy?
Why was this year so shit? I didn't buy a single game released in 2017
Holy shit I'm literally considering buying a switch for one girl
Why are their fantasy games so devoid of joy, interesting characters, good exploration or inspiring setpieces...
This is Tracer
What went wrong?
Are you still climbing the tower, senpai?
Can't remember game I played
Nintendo Switch Has Sold 10 million units in 9 months
Jeez, the combat in this game is fucking awful
You die in the game but the game continues
Do we have any Solatorobo fans on Sup Forums ?
Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to be the best in the series
This game is the Evangelion of video games
Which faction did you play in HOMM?
Is he gay
What does Sup Forums think of Alpha Protocol? It has a 9/10 on Steam and it's on RPG Codex's top 100 list...
Boss' health bar appears during its introduction cutscene
*flies to the other side of the map*
Winter has arrived
Will Resident Evil ever return to it's Roots?
Am i playing a different game? This game is fucking easy, killed the first 5 bosses in less than 10 minutes...
I wish more practically designed characters would make a comeback in jrpgs
Bad Company 3 coming out next year
Any other game of the series worth playing?
Stay over at my mom because my shitty ass dorm throws us out one weekend a month
Why can't nips think up a good pantheon of deities...
#saveplayer1 is leftist propaganda
What still attracts people to WoW?
ITT: the most important games in history
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
What are the best tower defense games? I've always liked this genre
Imagine how much better Xenoblade 2 would be if they kept the art style from 1 or X instead of hyper weeaboo cancer
So what are these games? turn based strategy games? any of them in english? i really want some good mech games
Is there such a thing as a pc gamer who has a 4k or 144hz Display and isn't an elitist shitbag who constantly cries on...
Does this game ever get hard? So far I can just kill everything in like 2 shots...
Let’s bring more diversity and inclusivity to mobile gaming
What's the new hip normalfag gaming meme?
Would you play a Metal Gear fighting game? Who will you main?
Hey kid, you want a free game?
Did the switch win 2017 with xenoblade 2?
ITT: Games everyone seems to like but you justcan't get into
Hey, user... Remember when you said i was your friend? You said i was someone important to you... That made me really...
What the fuck happened?
Guess the game 2: electric boogaloo
I REALLY want to play this game fairly. You know, timing my dodges carefully and finding an opening to attack...
Tell me about Arcade edition
Unfinished games
"fortnite is better than pubg"
You're a few weeks late to the party
What video game are you playing instead of studying for your finals like a good boy, user?
The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh
Find a flaw
Mom walks in'
Why are eastern games so much stylisher than western games, Sup Forums?
Let's have an Earthbound thread
I want to play Morrowind again. Should I play Rebirth or OpenMW or something else entirely?
Hacking with 2000+ hours played
The switch is a good consol-
Is it okay to rate a flawed game 8/10 when its most important aspects are 10/10?
Holy shit this is much better than fortnite. Just wish the shooting and movement can be tighter
The last thread was archived so it continues here
Is this the current most JUST genre?
Hey user, let's hear that video game idea pitch
If Valve ended up selling the Half Life ip to another company, who would you want to have it...
According to the trophy percentage on PS4 only 50.6% of the install-base made it past blood-starved beast...
Why is this not a thing yet?
Lads, I need a wank
What is the Room of video games?
What is the last game you played with your friend Sup Forums?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
What attracts people to Overwatch so much? Why is this shit game so popular?
I'll apologize when he shows gameplay, deal?
Dark Souls 3 looks alright
What are the chances we will see a remaster/remake/reboot of the Prince of Persia franchise over the next two years...
The game gets good after 20 hours
Is there a worse feeling than waiting for your game to arrive in the post?
Who is best Persona 5 girl and why is it Makoto?
Why do people say Switch is more powerful than ps3?
How much can you possibly make being staff at a japanese arcade...
Tomonobu Itagaki to create a brand new studio in Italy
Botw thread
Is it cool to hate him now?
Itt games that trigger soy boys
Why does every fucking streamer play FPP these days?
Where did it go wrong? WHY did it have to go so wrong?
So many Pokes I like that I just couldn't fit in
ITT: Quotes that are burned into memory
What makes a JRPG good?
ITT: "that one kid at school"-mechanics that turns out to be real
Top Switch Picks
Hey Sup Forums, How can i play this on PC
Woah, i literally cannot beat Orphan of Kos, what the fuck man
Gaming is not violent
Fast movement speed and wallrunning
End of Doom
GTA V's police AI is unreali-
Why on earth aren't you playing this masterpiece?
SC VI Guest characters . GO!
Game has Sup Forums memes
Is this the most unexpected character game crossover?
What are your favorite vidya monster girls, Sup Forums?
Death Stranding is going to a trainwrec-
PS4 has no exclusi-
3D-era Sonic games
Post a reaction image that best encapsulates your feelings in the last game you played
Post a more bullshit achievement
XV new update is out
Who is the best video game artist?
Turn based combat is outdated and not fun
Why do you have to pay for a subscription to play online on consoles these days when you can do it for free on PC and...
November NPD
Little Witch
Harder difficulties locks you from getting most powerful weapon in the first half so you can't cheese through the game
Why didn't it get any awards at VGA? It was way better than Breath of the Wild
Pubg on xbox
How can we make turn based combat interesting?
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Name a more pretentious vidya
What is Sup Forums's favorite Pokemon?
Can we have a Comfy mega Man thread? Not just Mega Man 11 stuff but in general...
Overwatch fans will defend this
Who would have a harder time
This is the cancer that's killing Sup Forums
What the fuck would a sequel even be about?
Would you care to join me for a game of Russian Roulette?
Who would win?
RE7 sets up molded as durable monsters who can overpower a man
Why the fuck is this game so fun? It's the most fun I've had with a shooter recently, besides Titanfall 2...
Was this game too preachy?
In which generation do you think video games died?
How pissed will you be if it turns out to be Bloodborne 2?
Which is more powerful, Phazon or Aeion?
Why arn't there any video games where the Axis power are the good guys? there are 2 sides to every story after all
Tank, Healer or DPS?
Alright Sup Forums
Sup Forums unironically thinks the PS2/PS3 version looks better than the PS4 version
Do games actually "age" or is that just a meme excuse?
Is SF5 saved?
Want to get into fighting games
What are the best roguelite/like games on pc preferably steam?
Find a flaw
Do you like RPG maker games?
What's the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
Any games where a penguin in a tuxedo serves me Dole® Dippers?
So who will be SCVI's guest character Sup Forums?
There are games that have NEVER been mentioned on Sup Forums
So I want to try oblivion because I've heard good things about it. I try to pirate it because Todd...
What games do degenerate women play?
3000 word paper due in 17 hours
Come, Nerevar. Friend or elder scrolls thread
How do you decide your main in fighting games, Sup Forums?
Is he our guy?
Hi Sup Forums
What are your opinions on piracy?
How do we make Ganondorf interesting again? He's already gone the old wistful route, straight evil route...
Seriously, what were they thinking?
What's a computer?
Is this shit dead?
Or not, rip
Xenosaga HD happening on Nintendo Switch
This angle is silly
ITT Video game commercials
Pirate game
There are 0 fucking reasons why this game isn't coming out on the Switch
Modern games that have been forgotten completely
Perfect games don't exi-
UNI Thread
How do you guys overcome lack of interest in playing games or being burned out
ITT: Post your favourite game unironically
Name a more overrated game...
When Blizzard does it no one bats an eyelid
Whats a game that has genocide in it?
Fighting EX Layer beta demo
This game is about as over-written any Metal Gear Solid game...
Isn't it weird how Totori, whose known as the youngest Atelier MC, has the most doujins?
I like Patchouli
You have 10 seconds to:
PUBG is coming out for Xbox One tomorrow
Does your perfect game exist Sup Forums?
You hear it, you lose
Could this have any majoy impact on out online gaming experiences?
What the fuck is up with combat in this game?
That shitty game your friend wont stop trying to get you in to
WWE 2k18 in the Switch vs. PS4
Post the character you are currently playing in the vidya you are currently playing
Why did they have to ruin broly/kale?
Do your parents play videogames at all? have they ever?
So tell me Sup Forums. With the recent controversies with Xenoblade...
Is racist in gaming communities getting worse?
Now that the dust has settled...
There was a point in time where this was the most revolutionary game mechanic ever
Realistically, how long will PC bros have to wait?
Has there ever been a good walking simulator game?
What does Sup Forums think of the Selkie race from the Crystal Chronicles games?
Post your Zelda game rankings
I'm sorry Sup Forums i'm fucking sorry
What went wrong?
What do you think about royal guard armor?
Why is crash such a chad Sup Forums?
What would your shadow say, Sup Forums?
Enemy tropes you love thread
You can only buy 1
The great debate
Post your favorite weapon in ANY game. That is all
Why does everything have to look like a fucking netflix series or shitty anime nowadays?
Reminder you need at least 200+ iq to use bow. Don't even try picking it up...
Death Stranding hopes and speculation thread
Hows your game going, Sup Forums?
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Just finished this game. Why didn’t Atlus decide to make an anime out of this? Also, will there be a sequel?
How do you feel about yet ANOTHER Neptunia game?
Filename thread?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
The emperor is crying!
For how long will Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft continue to dominate the console market...
I don't get how Nintendo thought these shrines were a good idea. They are all so boring...
Have you ever been told to kys in a vidya or on Sup Forums?
Why is it so boring?
Playing through this for the first time right now, what is the best play-through strat? this is the power world anime
Hows the beta, lads?
It'll never affect the games I enjoy! Only those filthy weeb games!
See air drop
Now that Resident Evil 7 has all its DLC revealed and it's complete...
Be the best girl
Fallout 4 VR is a shitshow
While playing this game, I came to realize why crossover games with a story do not blend well
They fixed her, Sup Forums. Happy now?
G-guys, now that the dust has settled what do you think of Oculus Rif-BLAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Why is exploring procedurally generated worlds more interesting than non-procedurally generated worlds?
Zelda Oracle Thread
What games have the best forest areas?
Games where you play as a miniature being in the normal world?
Why haven't you pre-ordered the Ataribox?
Top: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Anybody have experience with this controller? What are your thoughts?
Fighting game is fun against people your level
Who will win?
Lets talk about computer mice, but specifically gaming computer mice. For all you gamers out there...
*ding ding ding ding*
Why is "savescumming" looked down upon in games that are so dependent on random number shit...
Why do fps games trigger betas so badly?
Has PewDiePie gone too far?
Karin becomes the head of a cooperation
"Jin! What did Rex ever do to you?! Jin!"
Have you heard about the next GOTY, Sup Forums?
Switch has no ga
Game Awards are shit
What do you think of Kazuhira Miller?
Why is the Dreamcast the best sixth gen console?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games