What do you do?

What do you do?


>Draw out

which class can draw a sword?

very nice


nothing personnel, kid

>summon Bahamut



wat gemu?

Radiata Stories for PS2

Radiata stories. Very charming game, one of Tri-Aces last good games but combat is simple.

Is it good? It has extremely mediocre reviews.

>be bron in the right day
Thats why I never knew whay people said he was hard.

It's a jRPG with two vastly different story paths and a ton of recruitable characters. Everyone has their own schedule and shit in town. Human path is the best, death to nonhuman scum.

Sounds like not my cup of tea then, my OCD would shit itself.

Art style is 10/10, aged like fine wine
Like the other person said, the combat is pretty simple. It devolves into pressing like 2 buttons, and a special attack after a meter charges.
The big selling point to the game is that it's like Suikoden where you can recruit pretty much every NPC in the game world, and that game world is super fleshed out like Majora's Mask where every NPC has a set schedule and role within the town. So you can follow questlines to gain some of the most prestigious characters, and then use them in your party. Also it's got a significant branch in the middle of the game, Human vs. non-Human (elves, goblins and shit), so there's some decent replay in there too.

If it had a better combat system it would unironically be a 10/10 game.

Stop being a shitter who's having trouble with a babby's first """S""""""RPG""" and two-Jump him with my Ramza Dragoon while being several levels below him.

I agree with his spirit, but he is a bit wrong. The Human path of the game feels incomplete and the monster path feels more fleshed out Human side has best characters tough.. its a fun game, but it has flaws. if you like jrpg you should try it.

Probably, I'm fairly certain there are missable chars if you don't follow some guide. Some of them are a real pain to recruit. You'd have to play it twice to do both sides and recruit/meet the characters.

Just started this game for the first time last night. Any tips I should know going in?

Yell and scream alot before I punched his face in.

>just always make your Ramza a dragoon bro, there's no way a newbie shouldn't know how to game a cheap 1v1 boss midway through the story
dumb posts for 400 alex

>It has extremely mediocre reviews.
u wot
I'm kinda triggered at the 74 meta score but only 36 critics reviewed it. The user score of 8.4 is closer to the truth.

You have to complete the game twice to get the optional dungeon so OCD friends are welcome. Trust me, I've never completed a Persona or Rune Factory game because of my OCD but Radiata Stories is ace.

>mfw I was lvl6 the first time I tried this fight
I don't know how that happened but it did. Had to reset the game.

Keep Ramza as a melee class, preferably one of these

Experiment and have fun breaking the game wide open with the hilariously exploitable job system. Just play the game honestly, it is one of the best jSRPGs ever made. Embrace the bad translation too.

Give up on game since i made my ramza a black mage

The only thing you need to know is you should keep multiple save games, because any challenge in this turd can be overcome via pure grind and if you're a brainlet, who's having trouble with this trash, you can just load the game, grind some more and steamroll through any """tactical""" encounters this dogshit throws at you. Basically, what I want to say, is that it's your typical nipnog turn based "tactics" game.

Combat is ONE button when you get links. Use that cuhrazy link and just delete everyone.

I only play tactics games if they have generic recruits you can name, or mecha.

Shit that give speed is OP.

>so bad at the game he has to grind

Agrias is my favourite female knight in anything. Shame about what happens to her after the game's events. "Delita did nothing wrong" my ass.

>Basically, what I want to say, is that it's your typical nipnog turn based "tactics" game.
Every tactics game is like that, including Western shit. The notable exceptions are ones that use EXP rationing like XCOM (which is equally a strategy game, not just tactics), and most Fire Emblems.
Besides it's retarded to sling that accusation at FFT because random encounters scale with your level. Your equipment is limited by how far you are in the story because shops unlock stock according to story missions, so if you grind like a retard you'll find yourself struggling against random encounters with much better-equipped enemies.

It's like you haven't even played the game.

>Animals have no gods!
Is this the most kino phrase in Final Fantasy history?


>Every tactics game is like that, including Western
>dumbfuck doesn't know that level scaling has existed in Western turn based systems before he was even born
>dumbfuck doesn't know that there are Western SRPGs that eliminate the concept of grind altogether by making every encounter potentially deadly via making Ironman the only game mode available, so that you can't even reload the game 1 turn back
>dumbfuck doesn't know that there's a plethora of Western PvP SRPGs that do not contain even the concept of "grind" at all, where sides build their teams based on requisition point or similar systems before each battle
I guess I shouldn't have expcted anything else from a dumb weebcuck.

>Your equipment is limited
Equipment in FFT is irrelevant, because enemy equipment in FFT does not progress past a certain level of quality determined by the story mission you're currently on, so you can always outgrind any fight.

>random encounters scale with your level
Random encounters in FFT are a joke and feature worthless trash mobs, so they're never actually challenging, regardless of your level.



>calls others dumb
>still needs to grind to beat fft
>comparing pvp to single player games

what happens after portrayed events(and where is that info from)? i checked the ff wiki and it didnt have any info beyond what is covered in fft proper.

>Equipment in FFT is irrelevant
Your equipment is the most important thing in FFT. It's tied to all your stats from HP to Attack Power Stats gains through level are fucking shit. The biggest difference between a level 1 unit and a level 30 is skills. You don't know shit, mate.

I beat FFT with the 1.3 "patch", you fucking brainlet.

>Equipment in FFT is irrelevant, because enemy equipment in FFT does not progress past a certain level of quality determined by the story mission you're currently on
Yes it does. Not to mention monsters compose 80%+ of the random battle enemies, which simply rely on brute stats. Enjoy getting gored by a dark behemoth or meteored by a chocobo because you're a retard who ground up levels.

Considering the retardation in your post simply from this one single sentence, the rest of your post will be treated with extreme skepticism since it's clear you aren't informed about this subject. Here we go.

>dumbfuck doesn't know that level scaling has existed in Western turn based systems before he was even born
No shit level scaling systems have existed. Did you notice how I coupled that in the paragraph with the item economy. Because that's the key of the idea, you mouthbreather. Just having a level scaling system does not fix "grind," because levels aren't the only resource in video games.

>dumbfuck doesn't know that there are Western SRPGs that eliminate the concept of grind altogether by making every encounter potentially deadly via making Ironman the only game mode available
Grinding is not about save files. You're a brainlet if you think this fixes the core issue, which is resource generation.

>>dumbfuck doesn't know that there's a plethora of Western PvP SRPGs that do not contain even the concept of "grind" at all
So now we're moving the goalposts with apples and oranges, tactics games vs. tactical RPGs. Brainlet confirmed. "PvP SRPG" is a misnomer because it's not actually an RPG.

>Random encounters in FFT are a joke and feature worthless trash mobs, so they're never actually challenging, regardless of your level.
Pic related, now sit down and shut up. Your entire post is an embarrassing train wreck, especially accusing me of being a weebcuck. You probably haven't even beaten Battle Brothers or JA2.

>Your equipment is the most important thing in FFT
No, dumbfuck, equipment is literally irrelevant. As long you have the basic shit from the shop that corresponds to your current progress in the story, you don't even have to think about equipment. You don't need any of the fancy weapons, you can just get basic shit and then grind, because the game is dogshit with exactly zero challenge aimed at brain dead mongoloids like you.

>You don't need any of the fancy weapons, you can just get basic shit and then grind
>needing to grind
>calling other people retarded

>"Draw your sword, Ramza."
>"no way, fag"
>Readies two (2) apocalyptic fists

>WM Ramza
absolutely disgusting

He's not bad as a mage seeing as you can pump his faith up to the max without fear of him leaving.

FFT was one of the greatest disappointments of gaming for me.

>loving game
>get to last boss
>finish it
>it ends
>that feeling when

Holy fuck the retranslation is so awful

oh yeah, I agree. I just think it's weird to delegate the MC as a support role like WM unless you mean to spam Holy, but I'd rather use a calculator for that

In this instance, the overdone, flowery language is a hindrance to the message. The original translation is straight up superior.

Back when the game was new, like most I was getting assfucked handily. So I came up with this

Hp Restore
Martial Arts

He Lightning stabs all day err day. This tactic basically relies on HP Restore working for the first few turns.
He'll charge you and hit you with a stab. 140 dmg. I survived 2, and the restore would kick in. If you "Jump", he'll retreat to the top of the map, giving you an extra turn to spam Yell. Eventually your speed is so high you go multiple times before him. Allowing you to also spam accumulate. Which paired with Martial Arts is op as fuck. We're talking 800 damage per punch. After killing him, there is no problem one hitting most of the other team before they can go.
I'm playing the insane difficulty version now. I'm about to do the underground in Osborne Monastary. We'll see how it all goes.

>He Lightning stabs all day err day.
I think buying rubber shoes prevents this, but it's not like new players would know

>monsters compose 80%+ of the random battle enemies
Monsters are trash and pose no challenge in this turd, you are retarded. Random encounters always scale to your level and since they are filled with literal trash mobs, there is no challenge, because any story related challenges are overcome via pure grind.

>level scaling systems have existed
So you basically agree that your entire previous post is nothing more than verbal diarrhea? No, dumbfuck, not every actual SRPG is "like that".

>Grinding is not about save files.
Brainlet. Grinding can be used to overcome challenging encounters that the player needs to know about first. Usually, when a player encounters a challenging fight in trash like pretty much any nipnog "SRPG" (apart from a very select few games, like early FEs, for example) and gets destroyed, he just reloads and grinds to overcome that challenge. Forced ironman eliminates this possibility. When you couple forced ironman with level proper scaling, like some Western actual SRPGs do, you get a system that cannot be beaten by brainlets via pure grind. The fact that you do not know such games already proves you know nothing of the genre, mongoloid.

>tactics games vs. tactical RPGs
It's the same shit, mongoloid. Nipnog """S""""""RPGs""" are """RPGs""" in name only. There is no roleplaying in nipnog trash, because alternative quest and encounter solution methods do not depend on the way you build your character, which is something that actual RPGs like Fallouts or Arcanum have. The genre in both cases is one and the same: turn based tactics.

>Pic related
Worthless trash that gets obliterated by a bunch of dragoons (like pretty much anything else in this turd). You don't even know how to play your own turd, you fucking shitstain.

In this exchange, Algus comes off as an pompous and confident noble, which he isn't. The original text shows accurate is increasing desperation at clearing his family name in the eyes of the other noble families and the disdain he has for the peasantry, which hints the "betrayal" at the end.

By grinding lol
Good job being such a brainlet

>By grind
You don't finish the game in 1.3 by grinding, unless you want to "finish" it feet first.

dumbest post ITT

are you seriously bitching about the leveling and progression system in a JRPG? it's more or less a staple of the genre. just play a different game

>inb4 not viable
You just don't know how to use it, scrub

you're responding to the wrong post, that guy is baiting the actual retard

At this point I don't even need to humiliate you.

So the genre is "JRPG" now? OK, I actually don't mind, because all JRPGs are such trash I don't even want to discuss them. The only reason why I'm in this thread is because nipnog "SRPGs" are a pathetic parody of the Western turn based tactics genre and I'm a big fan of it.

>unironically holding up Arcanum as a good game
I would rather cut my dick off and feed it to wolves than suffer through that pile of shit. Your credibility is lost

>random encounters are easy
>he never fought 20 monks on the steppes

Dumb brainlet
Srpgs are a subgenre of jrpgs
Games like xcom and jagged alliance are not of the same genre at all

Yeah Holy, though having him ready to support when needed is nice too. That and Calculator is banned from the extra content in WotL.

Nu-xcom is definitely an srpg old xcom and jagged alliance or more akin to straight strategy games.

>no roleplay
jesus christ how many dumb posts will you make?

Never beat the game because I am a child who didn't level up Chemist because why would the main guy be some faggy healer?

>implying 90% of jrpgs and wrpgs have role-playing

Yes. I forgot, but at the time I was probably wearing angel ring, or a Glove. (+3 atk). Cause if I remember he actually does crush punch if you wear the shoes. Which sometimes just kills you.

>Cause if I remember he actually does crush punch if you wear the shoes.
I know there's some way around it but I can't remember. You might actually need Float passive from Time Mage in addition to the Rubber Shoes. Float prevents Crush Punch, Rubber Shoes prevents Lightning Stab.

But spending time on Time Mage as Ramza is pretty dumb when there are more straightforward strategies for Wiegraf

Not quite, many SRPGs have a set number of encounters making it impossible to grind.