in the meantime talk about the best FPSRPG of all time
Borderlands 3
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying I still care about Borderlands after they ruined the loot system with 2 showing they had no idea why the first one was good
>implying that even if that wasn't enough for me to drop it the writing starting with 2 and the overall complete garbage quality of TPS wouldn't have done it
And even if I ignored all that, why the fuck would anyone ever have faith in fucking Gearbox
I don't give a shit about the meme story but Borderlands gameplay is great. I hope BL3 doesn't suck like BL1.5 did
borderlands TPS was ok not great but not bad
But yes BL3 should be better than any of the currently made borderlands
Okay Randy, tell me straight away how much of this is true.
>caring about Gearbox after BL2
Cool, looking forward to it.
BL2 is one of the best games ever made though.
There's no way the bit about Mordi would be. He's got a little Bloodwing Jr now. Even if it's still a chick, no chance in hell they aren't finding a cute use for it in his skills.
gonna need a source on this, my dude
Nice OC my dude
Haha g-good one user. You w-were just joking right? Exaggerating at least?
Thread was made last year.
>tfw no Punished Wilhelm
>no Tina
>no Son of Scooter
Yes never mind the fact that you kill her in Lynchwood in 2, she'll totally return.
I don't think there are any proofs
It's my favorite FPS game, so no, get fucked.
You die all the time
Killing her was optional
and then BB lost them all their money
Optional sidequest.
>level 100
Can you imagine how bad the scaling would get?
Level 99 Ceteris Paribus Rifle: 1,000,000 damage per shot
Level 100 Ceteris Paribus Rifle: 10,000,000 damage per shot
Each deal about 0.3% of an on-level enemy's health.
I co-oped a good amount of it with my brother and its a fun game. But the writing and characters are bad enough for me to dock points off a score, if I were to give one.
Why do I still see people spouting this meme? Did you not play Pre-Sequel?
So does Roland.
Still happened, it's gonna be borderline a retcon for anyone who actually did kill her. I highly doubt they'd bring her back in that state.
They fixed the scaling a lot in TPS though.
Zombie Nisha? Cyborg Nisha? Eridium revived Nisha? Saved and raised by Psycho's Nisha? This game does not follow logic, let alone in the sidequests.
It's a fun game if you ignored the characters, story, all written text outside of skill menus and any level above 50
Wait so 3 is official now? I kinda am faithful about it.
They've hinted at it for a while now.
Honestly I only played through TPS once. Figured it was gonna get bad and never heard or bothered to see otherwise. Good to know.
BL3 has been a thing since at least GDC 2017.
>rhys as a playable character
im sold
I doubt it, he wanted to be CEO, not run around with guns.
>Still happened, it's gonna be borderline a retcon for anyone who actually did kill her. I highly doubt they'd bring her back in that state.
You didn't play Claptrap's Robot Revolution in BL1, did you?
As if Gearbox would give a damn
Either Rhys, Blake or Lilith is the villain, calling it now.
They wouldn't, but i don't want to see him suffer
>This dlc was canon
I was kind of surprised to find her in tales game
I can see Lilith as one by being tainted by the eridium
yeah just fucking absorb that shit there won't be any consequences
I hope they are planning some changes to slag mechanic
>in the meantime talk about the best FPSRPG of all time
Stalker thread?
If Randy wasn't such a cuck I would be excited.
I actually did this and I agree 100%
That's still obscenely bloated. 45250 health is still 500 times more health than you have at level 1 (90 health).
BL1 has you start at 100 health, and at level 69 you have roughly 1500~ total health and 2000-3000~ shields.
That looks really cool, how neat. Hope they don't screw it up somehow and at least put these neat features to good use with maps that actually look good.
this game is going to be BADASS
I said it before and say it again, they should look at the map system in path of exile and adapt it to BD for and awesome endgame
>Hope they don't screw it up somehow
Copy-paste all of the Battleborn characters into BL3.
>talk about the best FPSRPG of all time
Fallout 4 VR thread?
BL1 is still not very well balanced when it comes to health/surviving however. I played as Brick and since all healing items were flat numbers and not percentages, my only means of surviving in the long run was chaining second winds. Roland had that skill that could regenerate health by up to 5% a second sure, but otherwise it seemed like the only way to actually stay alive was to get knocked down and use the healing from getting a second wind.
That being said I'd still prefer the lower numbers overall, just with some of the changes from BL2 to healing items being percentage based or having more characters with skills like Blood Soaked Shields.
>no tales of the borderlands 2
>no SJWs of the Memelands 2
The four armed Tiny Tina game?
Anyway, I was just talking about the maps and how stuff looks. I really like the style they used for 1 and 2 with the outlines, so that plus all the neat features showcased in that link would be amazing.
I just hope they don't have a bunch of boring maps and enemy designs that don't take advantage of it, you know? Get some variety in there and show off, please.
Everyone likes seeing big numbers nigger.
more like Randy Bitchford
After playing 2, I was turned off from the series.
Nobody gives a fuck if their endgame weapon does 100 damage or 100000000000 damage, they only give a fuck if that weapon removes damage sponge enemies quickly.
Thought of that all by yourself in your big boy pants and everything, eh?
You can kill OP8 mobs with the right equipment in a couple of seconds. Salvador and Krieg can beat raid content destined for 4 players in 2-3 minutes without cheesing (with cheesing the former can beat it in seconds).
I think the whole "damage sponge" is a meme made by people who never played the game or got into UVHM with greens.
>weapon does 90490329049329 damage
>but its only 10% of the enemies hp
bl2 had some awful game design decisions.
>meme manufacturer mechanics
>exponential scaling
>less gun parts
just name what you think its the most annoying thing and bl and how they could fix it
>worst thing
FUCKING AOE ATTACKS also every attack you cant possibly dodge in a way
>how they could fix it
>worst thing
Not enough Moxxi
>how they could fix it
Two Moxxis
Wouldn't give money to Randy if a gun was being held to my head. Vote with your wallet brainlets.
>in the meantime talk about the best FPSRPG of all time
Deus Ex was amazing.
Regardless of how much you might love borderlands, if you buy a Gearbox game in the current year, you are a fucking idiot and deserve to be parted from your money.
It boggles my fucking mind that they have any money left to keep making shit after Battleborn made them $0 dollars
>Playable Lilith
>Playable Moxxi
>Nisha returns
>Athena returns
>Maya note; she gets longer hair or something
Oh god my dick.
You're the only fucking idiot here, honestly. Borderlands has always been their only real franchise, supporting it is a good way to make sure they stop trying to do other bullshit.
Have you actually heard Randy talk aside from memes?
This. The guy clearly knows what the fuck he's doing with Borderlands and isn't a dumbass. He's turned into a meme because people pay too much attention to social media.
They fired Burch and he's said the game is similar to Borderlands 1.
Pitchford is no fool, despite how much 50 word snippets on social media may make someone look like a fool sometimes.
t. Pitchford's son's wife
>Regardless of how much you want this thing, you're an idiot for buying the thing that you want.
How about you go fuck yourself?
>tfw loved bl1, had over 1000 hours
>tfw wanted to like bl2, improved on so much, zer0 was basically made for me
>tfw the loot system changes outweighed all the good and I wasn't even able to ge tmyself to finish my first playthrough
I would kill for a mod that just made how uniques and legendaries are obttaiined closer to the first game.
There is nothing here. Is this some sort of ruse?
Another way to fix it.
>Character base movement speed increased to sprinting speed
>Keep the double jump and ground pound from TPS
>No need for a sprint button, so add an even faster dash that can be done in the air
I hate that slow and floaty movement speed. Just let us go fast all the time, leave everything else the same speed and that would dramatically improve the player's ability to evade damage.
Randy is actually tolerable like this.
No fucking shit. When he's in game dev mode and not "lying businessman" or "social media" mode, he's tolerable. Because he knows what he's doing.
When you focus on someone's Twitter literally to the point you're taking screencaps daily to shit on, anyone looks bad.
I'll get it they get rid of every single SJW writer or at least force the faggot ideologues to keep their bullshit progressive propaganda out of my fucking video games.
Basically everyone who worked on any part of writing in Blunderborn needs to be put on a fucking platform with a trapdoor and rope and never let anywhere near the industry or any job sector ever again.
He also clearly loves Borderlands more than anything else and knows it's the best franchise they have.
that's a big bugs.......
>this game had things I didn't like in it
>everyone working on it must die
ahhahahahhahahah okay snowflake
Shouldn't have let Anthony Cuckold near it for his best interests, but instead of firing him after BL2 he let him push his twitter comments onto the pre-sequel.
They fired Burch. He was the primary issue.
Can that actually do what i'm saying though? What I want is for uniques to still be obtainable in the postgame even after doing their sidequests before, so I can get their max level versions without waiting for my third playthrough in the postgame to do sidequests, and for legendaries to be obtainable at rare but decent rates from chests and vendors rather then only from repaswning bosses, which is how unqiues could be obtained more then once in Bl1
fuck off randy
Randy stop it. Just stop. Get some fucking help. You are the singular voice of praise for your shitty scam artist company. You make nothing but garbage, and I don't just mean your games, I mean every word that slides out of your mouth like rotting trash spilling over the edge of a dumpster.
Embezzlement. Fraud. Lying.
Sockpuppeting, falsifying death threats to yourself, and of course the obnoxious habit of selling every scrap of shit you own for full price, with no concern for quality, testing, or effort.
Borderlands is the only franchise Gearbox hasn't ruined, because they've been coasting on the goodwill of Telltale's thing and buried themselves into a big hole with battleborn for a while instead
literally the only way that gearbox can constantly operate at a loss making mediocre shit, is if they have some kind of scummy deal with 2K that benefits them both whether their games are successful or not.
ok snowflake :D
>Maya Note:she gets longer hair or something
Oh God please yes.
Absolutely no way this is true
(please be true)
>Randy is so dumb I saw his twitter and all his dumb stuff!!!
Buying a gearbox game in 2017 is literally broadcasting to the entire world that you do no consumer research whatsoever. It tells Gearbox, "I am a big anus waiting for you to stick your dick in me." It tells them that they can release the most putrid junk, make the most unrealistic promises possible, and release with egregious, gamebreaking bugs-- and you will buy it. That's you. That's what your money does.
I would say it's basically like shoveling money into a furnace out of spite, but at the very least in that instance, the fire would keep you warm.
Yes, and Borderlands 3 could be the greatest game ever made and I still wouldn't give Randy Pitchford a dime. You might want to watch more interviews.
This. Although base movement speed imo for BL3 should be at least 2 or 3 times the base sprinting speed and then we wouldn't need a sprint button anymore. BL2's saving grace for me was maxed out Breakneck Banshee Maya. I miss her so much. Also gravity needs to kick in faster, we don't need to have so much hangtime in the air.
>Borderlands is the only franchise Gearbox hasn't ruined