What are some games that let you manage a political party?

What are some games that let you manage a political party?

Nearly all politics game are American and make you play as a presidential candidate instead of letting you manage seats in a legislative body.


>manage seats in a legislative body
How would this work? Would you be playing as multiple people?

what games let you report off-topic board sliding shit

It's an unironic question actually. Games like Democracy 3 completely ignore negociation and policy-making in favour of just having sliders for everything.

Soooo just a spreadsheet of "political funds" where you try to buy as many seats as possible?
I've heard good things about the spreadsheets in EVE and Football Manager, maybe you can pretend your generic football player is your generic politician?

There used to be an online game called particracy that was fun for a time. The problem was that the users didn't stay too long and the mechanics weren't deep enough so those that stayed descended into too much role playing and bullshit.

So a Parliament simulator?
Shit would get complex real fucking fast.
Could be a lot of fun though. Especially multiplayer.
>tfw launching a successful vote of no confidence against the opposition

>What are some games that let you manage a political party?
Would games like Civ not be sort of like that? Since one could just imagine that each civ is a political party trying to get power over all and win and shit.
War could be said to be campaigning with the people dieng and shit could also be consider like unmotivated voters not showing up at the polls.
Like really grand strategy games are that more or less with only a shallow cosmetic veneer being needed to make it more like what you would want.

>It's an MMO
That could be interesting. An MMO that takes place entirely within a theoretical parliament system that's about managing correspondence and researching upcoming votes.
Throw a "fund" mechanic into the mix and you give players a reason to fall to corruption.
It's not a party system at that point, but rather a "perfect" democracy, but I could see it being an interesting experiment.

Secret Hitler

A multiplayer variation specifically could be really interesting. Since you could have multiple parties with similar but not identical ideological stances on different issues you could force each player to balance who to cooperate with to pass certain bills.

This is actually a fun idea, would be a lot of work though to make it realistic.

That green dot is really out of place.

Post seating charts Sup Forums

board games win again

Geo Political Simulator 4

Fuck I really want popcorn now.

Disgaea 4


Endless Space 2 does I think

>tfw the democracy you forced on other nations is more stable than your own


Having an even number of seats sounds like it'd be a pain in the ass.