When did you first accept Reddit is a better place for actual video game discussion?

When did you first accept Reddit is a better place for actual video game discussion?

Why not stay there if you like it?

It's all about circlejerking no matter where you go, but at least my post doesn't get hidden if people don't like it.

Why do you keep trying to recruit for plebbit when you say the people are so shit here

This pic was definitely made by a Sup Forums user

I would unironically be friends with the guy on the right before I would even consider associating with the bugman on the left.

your really proud of your posts on Sup Forums arent you

reddit is filled with gamefaqs transplants. i came to Sup Forums specifically to get away from them and their rigid discussion guidelines. you can't even lightly make fun of other posters without getting a suspension.

>redditors come here to shitpost and then complain Sup Forums is shit

Years ago

For pretty much everything to. I go on to Reddit to chat about books and films too. Nowadays Sup Forums only cares more about shitposting than having good fun discussion

no you wouldnt. you would block them after 10 minutes

protip: literally most of the actual users left reddit years ago. its filled with BOTS and people from countries with dirt road/ and lots of human trafficking

Nothing wrong with the picture, except that it doesn't show the biggest flaws of both sites but only the average userbase.
It's like judging a game based on the fandom.

mods need to permanently ban redditors

Both suck for video game discussion, Reddit is only good if you want to look at news of specific topics and Sup Forums is good for brainless trolling.

I got sick of Sup Forums and tried using reddit for a while. It's so much worse. The worst problem here is shitposting, which I can deal with. Plus, it's usually funny to see people get so buttblasted at obvious bait (see: soyboy). Reddit is okay for content curation, but it is truly not a place for discussion. Prepare to see comments that are full of stupid reddit jokes that you've heard a million times before because everyone wants to be "in" on it and it's surely just as funny the 1000th time you've seen it as the first time you saw it. Also don't expect to see any opinions that go against the grain because the site is purposefully designed to prevent those comments from getting recognition. And you know how everything here is drowned in post-irony and self-loathing? It's the opposite on reddit. Everyone is very adamant about protecting their stupid beliefs and injecting politics into everything and everyone puts on this mask of hyper-intellectualism and holier-than-thou-ness.

tl;dr reddit sucks

>check /r/gaming
>unironic portal jokes

Must be nice to voice your opinion only to have it censored by some angry circlejerk.

Sup Forums is usually not for videogame discussion.
Sure here and there you can talk a bit but usually I find more discussion making a /vg/ thread.
Reddit I dunno I find it too "you don't like this game you feck off MODS"

The average redditor is not like that. They’re closer than you realize.

your so proud of your posts and its hilarious, bro. if you werent easily led, i bet you would actually be all over reddits upvoat system

You don't know me faggot. The guy on the right is real and seems like he would be fun for banter. The faggot on the left would probably pester me to play undertale and constantly send me links about police officers """harassing"""" black criminals.

it was when that thing was made. that was before reddit started closing a big subverse like every month and now all those users have left to voat/infinitichan/ other shit

>Check /r/gaming
>people are still circle jerking over Skyrim 7 years later

i kinda noticed that, Sup Forums has been degrading overtime

When I found Sup Forums.

>discussing something in a place where your opinion can be voted by the community

skyrim is soooo fun, right op? bazinga XD

lawl so YOU would be the one blocked after 10 minutes. got it ;)

I'm proud they don't look like yours.

>witty, culturally relevant humor
>making pop-culture references for humor is witty
I know this is bait but goddamn

That was always the case. I only come to Sup Forums for the memes, if I want to seriously discuss videogames I just simply go to reddit.

>you don't know me
>but let me make assumptions on how these people would most likely behave

Then stay there.

your proud of gay shit, so im not surprised everything you think is super gaytown

so just like here.

>Braindead happy ignorance
>Moronic cynical shitposting

The picture literally spells out how the people would be an it's obvious that the fag on the left is a soyboy.

Any discussion website that you can't call someone a nigger faggot on is trash.

Why would you dress nicely to use a computer?


8 c han is where it at

gookmoot is really afraid of them if he think it is spam

I don't post on Reddit, but I like to lurk r/games to get a quick 5 or 10 minute rundown on video game news stuff. The front page of that sub is basically just a list of recent game trailers and articles, and I can completely avoid the comments section. I avoid r/gaming though, because like said, that sub is the "LE SKYRIM XD" one.

Reddit doesn't reflect human nature accurately. I prefer sites like this.

a long sleeve shirt and green pants that could very well be sweat pants and socks?

sanitation probably you cum stained rag boy
lol rag boy

>using I AM SILLY! as legit arguement
When you and redditors like you go back.

>8 c han is where it at
literally a ghost town

You don't need to try acting smart when you could just admit that you like one hugbox over the other.

What does that have to do with anything?

The Sup Forums image is completely accurate.
Yet reddit is still worse.

most people left reddit, kid. thats why its not accurate. its weird that people are still talking about reddit when most users left to other sites long time ago. like 4 years ago is when reddit basically stopped being reddit and just became a BOT place

The biggest cancer in reddit,is worldnews,news,the Donald and politics.

>What does that have to do with anything?
no one is surprised you are dumb as fuck.

no, that's the truth. Even if someone hated me on reddit for being black, they would never call me a nigger. Just like I could walk onto a college campus and no one would call me nigger. But if I walked into my local skatepark and pissed someone off they would. Different locations allow for different forms of expression. I prefer expression that isn't influenced by fear of retaliation.

I ironically post on some reddit gaming subs but mostly subs dedicated to a particular series or game.
I think it's not very good for discussion sometimes because no matter how bad a (at least somewhat relevant) game is, positive posts about the game always get the most upvotes. You aren't allowed to hate or bash a game unless it was made lazily or with greed in mind like battlefront 2 or CoD. I was actually shocked when I called out the Witcher 3 on being a poor rpg and got more upvotes than downvotes. Though I compared it to other games posted hard facts that nobody could refute and it was kind of down into a comment train.

>being this desperate for human attention

Don't kill yourself, you old virgin soyboy.

>Plus, it's usually funny to see people get so buttblasted at obvious bait

Is it really? I lurk Sup Forums a lot more than I post, and to me, the whole "Some guy posts some bait, and other guys get angry about it" has gotten very repetitive. I honestly think that Sup Forums is at it's best when people here get together to do stuff, like play FOTM games like Ace of Spades.

Just like Sup Forums, huh.

>Sup Forums
While we aren't exploding vans levels of hatred I think you would be amiss to say that Sup Forums isn't one of the most aggressive communities on mainstream online. People shitpost and argue just for the sake of argument. Like 90% of the time I get in an argument on here I'm convinced the other person is just shitposting to get a rile and doesn't actually believe anything he is writing.

Then please explain it to me. I would really like to understand.

The weak should fear the strong