Because I don't have time to grind anymore so I don't mind buying a couple of boxes a week to try and get some lucky gear/items
Please tell me this will have Lootboxes
I thnk they're was something like that in other games
Guess you don't have time for Monster Hunter then. Good luck finding new hobbies!
Not a bad idea
I still want to play it I just can't sink in the amount of hours because I actually ave a job now. However, the job gives me money therefore I can use that to get further in the game
I wish MH got rid of the rng grind altogether. When I first played, I was expecting to skin the corpse and use the entire monster. There’s no reason for an animal to only occasionally drop something you can clearly see it has when it was alive.
Yes, there are lootboxes in that game, they have huge teeth and claws and sometimes hipcheck you into oblivion.
After how EA got chewed out for loot boxes doubt anyone would touch them right now.
nope. bye user. im sure youll find another hobby.
not sure if shilling
or what anymore
Yes it will, if you consider the monster lootboxes that is
they all have lootboxes
start a quest and then open the lootbox for items to take on the mission
Well then you'll have to play a different game, or maybe take up painting! Either way I know you'll have just as much fun. Happy hobby hunting!
yeah you just have to beat the lootbox to death first, or kidnap it if that's your thing.
There is no further in the game. You get better at killing monsters or you stop playing. Gear can be min-maxed at any stage in the game, but will never fully carry a fight with a monster like in traditional RPGs
Yes but the loot boxes wander around the map and will fight back and can defeat you.
I can kill monsters easy I just aint got the time lie some of you neckbeards to sit around and pointlessly hit something for 15-20 minutes for nothing I rather just buy the item in lootboxes i might just suggest on their forums
>"The monsters are the lootboxes." - Head Dev with a nip name I don't remember
time waster boxes, lootboxes are instant
So I can pay to get better lootboxes walking around? That would be better imo, pay $10 for a legendary monster to roam around would be worth it
>you fucking nerds, I don't have time to pay this game as much as you do, I deserve the option to pay MORE money NOT to play it
I mean, sure if that's what you think. Personally you seem pretty retarded.
OP deserves to burn
daily reminder that this game is repetitive bullshit created for preteens
t. poorfag
Make only one armor set for low-rank and you should be fine
If you take more than 12 minutes a fight in low rank, you're a disgrace
Use your wageslave money to buy a gun and kill yourself.
I have a 3k computer and make more than you do in a week before I get out of bed
think of all the lootboxes you'll be able to buy
They already said that dlc will not affect progress in the game and will be cosmetic like costumes for the receptionist lady
Its known that the fights in these games take forever so im not spending 40 minutes running around finding a beast, then another 20 minutes killing it, thats a waste of fucking time i need something tangible to do, plus you have all the littel sub-par plots and shit, it's a faux way of making the game longer so I would rather buy shit
then buy a game that doesn't suck
No, I want to play monster hunter you retard what part of this had to understand i just want to hurry the processes up a bit
>i want to play monster hunter
>but i don't want to play monster hunter
I feel like this is some meta Electronic Arts shill thread of the next level.
Either way, OP is a cunt.
>people falling for this obvious fucking bait
>falseflagging ninten-cuck
The thing is no one says this garbage, regardless of what companies say. What whales do say is that they'd like are purchase all buttons or "Fast passes". Literally no one wants Overwatch boxes over something like the Tribes Accend "pay 40 dollars for everything" button.
>hasnt been paying attention to battlefront
If Battlefront II had lootboxes along with Pay $2 for a level 4 card of your choosing guess which one would sell more?
I don't have a reaction image for this, so I'm just gonna post in here anyways
How about this one
Isn't that that movie with santa's brother? I should download that. Know if it's any good?
Watch a let's play