I don't want to buy a fucking playstation to play it
Hey Sup Forums, How can i play this on PC
Fuck off underage poorfag
Hope for the eventual port, which may happen or get a time machine and go forward for emulation in 5+ years.
Honestly it looks like a great game, and the level design seems beyond amazing, but fuck I have such a backlog missing one title rather than spending 500 bucks to play is fine.
wait for Monster Hunter World in a month
Buy dark souls 1/2/3
Its literally the exact same type of game. Bloodborne being 'the best game evar' is just a meme
t. someone playing through it right now.
I'm convinced the people who called it such never played any other souls games before this
Buy a PS4 and remote play to your PC.
But you have to ask your parents to buy a PS4 first. Also your step-dads old PC with windows XP wont be able to handle remote play, so make sure to beg them for a gaming PC to play minecraft on.
i've played through dark souls 3 three times now, looking for something similar and bb looks just like it. Played dark souls 2 a little bit but didn't like it
well have you played 1?
Maybe its just because it was my first, but 1 felt more fun and atmospheric to me than BB
Also liked 2 alright, only thing wrong with it was the level design and lack of cloud saves
>bloodborne being the best game ever is just a meme
Sure, you've totally played it.
Ignore this faggot OP most on Sup Forums like it
Stop learning your insults from an image board. It makes the fact that you're a child stand out more.
hook up your ps4 to your pc screen(hdmi cable) than you can play it on your pc
If you’ve played Souls 1/2/3 you wouldn’t like Bloodborne as much as you think
You just get burnt out on the formula
It is a meme
I'm not calling it a bad game. Its just barely any different from the other souls games.
wow thanks Sup Forums,i didn't even think about that
>buying a shitty ass console to play one game
Go home, reddit
>buy ps4 and BB
>beat it in a month
>return both for full refund
Was that so hard?
not played dark souls 1, might as well check it out
Didn't Sony have a service that lets you stream PS games to PC?
>it’s okay to PAY Sony to stream games at 720p 15fps as long as i don’t actually own the game and it can be on my PC
You would actualy be WORSE than the people who seriously buy a console for one game.
>Dark souls shortcuts and level design
>Dark souls 2 weapon variety and DLC goodness
>Demon's souls/dark souls mix of tombstones and open world design
>Based lore
>Dark souls 3 tried to do the same and failed in every way
You're right user, it's not the best gaem evar. Its the best soulslike available at this point in time though
>buying ps4
Its a shame its an exclusive.
It's the best game of the 10s so far.
>9 bronze trophies
>1 silver
Hey so you got to the forest, right before it gets spoopy. You gave up before arguably all of the best bosses. Do you even kosm?
>didn't platinum Kat's games