Do games actually "age" or is that just a meme excuse?
Do games actually "age" or is that just a meme excuse?
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What is considered acceptable does.
Older games sometimes no longer meet the new standard.
Your pic very much related ,it is no Tetris.
games do not age, like books or good music
Morrowind is still fucking good.
A meme excuse. Everything was enjoyed properly at the time it was released, you only need to get accustomed a bit to experience it the same way, but figures people don't like games in the first place, so they don't bother wondering why it was so groundbraking back then, and thus, "ages" like milk or whatever.
It was.
Games don't age. Morrowind, however, was never good.
if the controls, gameplay, graphics are all perfected then the game will hold up to your expectations in the future, which have gone up.
A game like wind waker will hold up indefinitely for example.
Game "age" in the way that they're replaced by something much better. The standard is raised, and with it our expectation and our threshold for enjoyment. Games aren't exempt from the hedonistic threadmill.
Everything ages. What's important though is that games don't deteriorate, but peoples tastes in games do.
Morrowind aged like fine wine
Certain interfaces become tedious to use over time, but if the original interface was well-designed it won't age as badly
>Game "age" in the way that they're replaced by something much better. The standard is raised, and with it our expectation and our threshold for enjoyment. Games aren't exempt from the hedonistic threadmill.
This would be true except that standards are actually going down. Deus Ex, for example, compares even better to today's games than it does to it's contemporaries.
Games have devolved
Deus Ex looks terrible, sounds terrible, and controls like arse. It compares favourable in game design and storytelling, but that's not all there is to a game. The standards for polishing matter as well, if a game feels clunky due to outdated controls, and doesn't draw you in as better looking games manage, that means it hasn't aged well, even if there's a really good game underneath.
>no messages in chinese, portuguese, or russian
>controls like arse
Name a modern game that controls better.
Most of them, really. I know everyone hates AAA games, but usually, they've got controls down.
oblivion with mods is best Elder Scrolls
>Your pic very much related ,it is no Tetris.
There are far better versions of Tetris out than the original. Hell, there are better puzzle games than Tetris. There hasn't been a single RPG since Morrowind that surpasses it.
AAA games are too obsessed with animation for good controls. Characters in modern games have huge turn radii and move too slow.
>Skyrim tard decides to Morrowind
>doesn't read manual or even an online guide
>skims through character creation
>skips dialogue
>has no clue where to go
>no idea what character is good at
>wanders off
>runs the entire
>enters high level dungeon
>gets knocked to the floor
Daggerfall was better anyway
What mods? Im downloading now.
Morrowind is arguably the best elder scrolls game precisely because it has aged and wasn't corrupted by the cancerous modern game design of "streamline, simplify, graphical update"
the following games are hardly recognisable as RPGs
Yes. A very large number of games from the 80s and early 90s are near unplayable for a variety of reasons.
>There hasn't been a single RPG since Morrowind that surpasses it.
New Vegas
New Vegas is Stockholm Syndrome. It's not very good.
Yeah I was playing it last week, shit is just fantastic. People who shit on the graphics are just missing the point.
>not complaining about missing hits even when they have little to no points invested in said weapon
I dont habeeb it
You do realize Skyrim fans have been trained by older TES fans to respect Morrowind even though they don't play it? If anyone whines about Morrowind, it's only Oblivion fags.
>There hasn't been a single RPG since Morrowind that surpasses it
Morrowind is only good when compared to other TES games. Otherwise it's trash.
I think the only way to end this argument is to recognize a spectrum of gamers. There are some people who can play the latest Call of Duty and refuse to touch earlier ones, believing that they must be worse. There are people who can tolerate early 3d fps games like Goldeneye but think Doom and Wolfenstein are unplayable. You have people who love shooters from Doom to now. These people are looking for different things from games, so one group may judge a 10 year old game with the same standards as they did when they first played it and enjoy it just as much as that first time, while others will look at the same game as garbage even if they enjoyed it in the past.
TL;DR people judge games in different ways faggot
I thought it was true, Until I picked up my PS2 again, I haven't had so much fun in years, a lot of games don't hold your hand or tell you where to go, so when I find something or complete an area it feels waaaay more rewarding.
Yes. Obvious example is any console-based first person game that came out before Halo universalized how dual joystick camera control should work.
Just try playing Perfect Dark on N64. It's not great.
Games have been limited by controls and technology which we have overcome with time.
Morrowind doesn't have any of those flaws, it's a goddamn masterpiece though.
>Skyrim fans have been trained by older TES fans to respect Morrowind
really? I was under the impression that it was the ones that started with TES5 that are mainly shitting on the older game
lol no
Talk about Morrowidn in a Skyrim waifu or civil war thread and compare to doing the same thing in an Oblivion thread. Oblivion degenerates are in their own universe. They don't like TES games, only Oblivion.
Playing Morrowind for the first time atm. Not very far in and admittedly I found it pretty difficult to get into. Just felt like a slow chore to start with.
Had a basic grasp of what Morrowind was about so tried to get as many points into long sword early game as I could and at this point I'm having a blast, loving the quests. Combat isn't particularly satisfying so I'm liking how the quests are imaginative and don't always involve combat.
Admittedly this was my first impression, minus the crying, I thought it was unplayable. The more I heard about the story the more I wanted to go back and play it. So I did and now I really like it.
mgsv is so good it should be the standard
Games do age but mostly in terms of controls and UI imo. Replaying Gothic is a adventure every time with those wonky as fuck controls for example.
Some genres also really benefit from modern technology and power. While I still love Rome and Medieval II Total War there is just no denying that Warhammer and Shogun2 are just better
This is what brought me back as well. Always visit morrowind and the more I read the more interesting it got. I remember what pushed me to play through was a post on how different houses have different architectures to reflect their philosophies.
Fucking dwemer puzzle box.
I can't count how many times I dropped this game as a kid when it came out because of that fucking quest.
>mfw Morrowind multiplayer is a thing now and people are playing obscure Russian mods and chess in it
>mfw no face
>there are no dated mechanics, ideas and executions, I-i-it's just a meme!
You dumb nostalgia faggots and your lack of objectivity is fucking disgusting.
>Morrowbabbies calling anyone casual
Everything ages
what does it matter?
Sometimes mechanics become outdated/replaced or expanded on
The only way Morrowind is 'outdated' is it's shitty graphics because it's still just from the earlier period of 3D games
Both. Games age but that dosn't really have anything to do with quality. Some aged games are great, some aged games are terrible.
Some aged games are great because they are aged, some are terrible because they are aged.
So much detail, puts Kojimbo to shame
Standards do. Like looks. 90's games are ugly.
t. Skyrim child
morrowind is the only actual good entry in the series and it's only because of the setting
Are you retarded? Can't read directions in your journal?
Currently replaying Morrowind, I hardly remember the expansions though
Bloodmoon or Tribunal first?
90's 3D games, you mean
there are only a few newer RPGs that are on the same level as morrowind or even better.
Morrowind is still the best Elder Scrolls Game, without a single doubt. Skyrim is no competition
This, just because early 3D looks like shit
2D art was GOAT at the time though
Any game with an online component absolutely does "age". If the community stops playing a game then it becomes more difficult to actually find a game, making it aged and not as good as it used to be, going back to play it will never feel the same.
Online updates fundamentally change the game too, making a game age either for the better or the worse. It is no longer the same game it used to be.
Also, if the servers get shut down then the game has aged so much that it has died.
This is why games that are heavily reliant on online multiplayer are rarely ever considered "classics", you can never go back to experience it in it's prime.
bloodmoon, don't even do tribunal until you're a level 9999 final god and install the mod that makes the final dungeon fuckhuge.
Yes, DMC1 is a generic fucking game now. Back then, it felt amazing to play.
Do I want the clockwork city mod even if I can't remember it vanilla?
It wasn't great anyway was it, I only remember the fight
and that's lucky, because I had thought tribunal was the easier half for some reason and was en route there, I remember some of those werewolves being hard af
Tribunal is easier than Bloodmoon but Bloodmoon is better. You might as well download the mod since the vanilla dungeon isn't all that long or special, except for some new traps.
Yeah I meant the vanilla clockwork wasn't that great
My guy's already passed the threshold where things either have to be hyper lethal and kill me in 2-3 hits, or I spear stunlock everything to death
So bloodmoon it is
>but Bloodmoon is better
I always thought Bloodmoon was the worst expansion Bethesda made. If you thought Skyrim was boring, Bloodmoon is ten times so and the draugr tombs in Bloodmoon are so stupid.
New Vegas isnt even the best Fallout
Games that conform to the standard of today with stuff like nicer graphics, bigger framerates, better shadow quality, using gimmicks tied to the system all start to age after a while. 2D games are usually immune to this thanks to the superiority of pixelart
Games aren't made from organic matter. They don't age. Tastes change.
Games do age. The graphics of the Atari 2600 are reprehensible nowadays. The static dryness of early PC filled with menus are nothing the streamlined easy to use menus today. The awful graphics and gameplay of mid-90s 3D games are enough on their own to make a game like that be considered bad today.
I think it is more that people's horizons broaden, as well as the way developers deal with issues and quality of life stuff within games. Your expectations are widely different then what the standards of the day were, so things will seem less impressive or more limited compared to now, where developers and genres have gone through trial and error over the years.
Personally, I try to put myself in the mindset of the era the game was made in and go from there. Sometimes it works, other times the mechanics are just too archaic or the controls too cumbersome to get around.
Fuck that looks good, post modlist please
Pretty sure I just used the basic bitch MGSO compilation, I'm sure there's far better
People just get too used to the newest graphics/control-setups/streamlined-stuff and use this "aged like milk" excuse to not get out of their comfort zone.
You must be the most retarded person of all time.
Aging of games comes from the fact that newer games are technically better so the older ones look more and more shitty in comparison.
The journal only points you to the ruins. Finding the cube in the ruins without even vague directions is why most people dropped the main quest.
DMC1 is still great. Kill yourself DMC3babby.
yeah because Skyrim is "technically" better than Morrowind lmao
>Potions that you create are underwhelming as fuck even with 100 alchemy and grand master apparatuses
>Only way you can make strong potions is by exploiting fortify intelligence+alchemy but the game becomes uninsteresting once you have gamebreaking potions
is there a mod that fixes this? where i can make reasonably strong potions without resorting to breaking the game?
>doesn't know what technically means
fuck man, kill yourself.
Imagine if in 2017 if someone tried to make a big deal about playing as warrior. rogue or mage in an RPG, well back in the day such things were a big deal, now its just standard, its no longer impressive and would rather feel lacking.
I know you will never reproduce but you should castrate yourself anyway
it was a bit frustrating granted, but it certainly was manageable
Anyone who says games don't age hasn't played a ZX Spectrum game.
Not really Morrowind is very easy even for new players, it's just a bit more tedious.
Outside Sup Forums and other sites few shit on the "older" games. Many just naively repeat what they hear from older TES fans. Oblivion and Skyrim are criticized a lot more even when they don't deserve it.
The fact that Morrowind got a bit criticism recently doesn't mean much and probably not even from TES but from Gothic fans.
It's easy to find though.
Honestly combat has never been TES strong point; I far prefer quests that involve no combat at all to floaty hack and slashing.
Morrowind did. It's inferior to Gothic in every single way.
I had a bigger issue with exploring the whole goddamn ruins downwards and then only finding the cube in the first room at the top near the entrance.
The fact that you had to climb up a pile of rocks and find it in a room in an unlit area as opposed to at the end of a winding series of tunnels filled with bandits is what really bothers me. Couldn't those others room be locked and be unlocked by the key you get at the end of the quest? Or just move the cube further into the ruins?
Well, Gothic is a better game in my opinion.
Exploring the whole ruins was fun tough, wasnt it?
Exploring Dungeons is a big point of the game.
those guys mostly hang out in Suran
Haven't played Morrowind since like 2003 or 2004, on Xbox. Are there any mods that are "required" other than graphics mods?
Should I worry about over levelling stuff too quickly? I'm playing on taking my time the second I step foot into seyda neen
We had this thread last night and it got deleted. Mod must have gotten buttblasted for being a casual or something.
Saying something is "aged" is just a cop-out for not wanting to put the effort into learning how it plays. What was considered good then is still good now. Games are a product of their era, not everything needs to be "fun", as long as it's a reasonable challenge to overcome. Get good and stop being a casual bitch baby.
graphics mods aren't required and fuck things up a lot of the time
the only thing you should is are the code patch
I do see your point and I understand your criticism. On my first playtrough I too searched my butt off. But is it really so bad to have searched trough the whole dungeon?
I mean it was a big dungeon, but still it was hella fun for me.
this is somewhat true, Gothic 1 and 2 were filled with so much content. You could find things at every corner and under every stone.
What a beautiful gem of a game.
So it's not possible to like both TES and Gothic games? Wow, my life must've been a lie.
Both series have their own flaws and qualities, but I like them for different reasons.