Sup Forums unironically thinks the PS2/PS3 version looks better than the PS4 version

>Sup Forums unironically thinks the PS2/PS3 version looks better than the PS4 version

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PS2 version looks the best. The game was designed for SD resolution and has a great artstyle. The PS4 version just looks generic, especially with that stupid vignette filter.

>Dude my polycounts muh HDR fog must inherently be bad remove it
>Artstyle? What's that?

>360p/15fps is the best because there's fog on the screen
Are nostalgia fags really this dumb?

I remember when the PS3 version came out and people here complained about it too, even though it looks and runs miles better than the ps2 version

Its less about the fog and more about the low polygon cont, low resolution textures with zero bumpmapping looking bad in high resolutions.

>tfw Sup Forums wouldn't be complaining if they put more fog in the game.

>tfw Sup Forums wouldn't be complaining if they fixed the artstyle
Yeah imagine.

That's just another lazy as fuck PS4 port. Deal with it.


PS4 version looks better than the PS3 version; but the art style of the game doesn't work as well if things are too crisp. A more stylized art style would have worked better for a modernized version.

The only thing it has over the previous versions is that it runs at 60fps
Also, not saying shit to Ueda is scummy as fuck form Sony

fuck off nostalgiafag your precious original game is still there
There's obviously going to be differences on new hardware, your original game at 30 fps is so good, play that. It isn't going anywhere.

it is an objective fact sotc runs at
15fps on ps2. not the way to play it properly.

meant to reply to this guy not OP, OP is right

I will be sticking to my superior PS3 version

The game's physics are broken on the PS3 version because the game was playtested at 15fps and not designed to be increased.
Ok, doesn't stop the remake from looking worse and being completely unnecessary.

only runs targeting 60fps on ps4 pro. ps4 regular runs at 30FPS, the same as the 1080p30fps version on ps3.

>with every iteration the camera is closer
>on PS5 it'll be a FPS

>on PS5 it'll be a frames per second

Were you dropped on your head?

>unironically making jokes that were considered bad in 2006


>2006. was an eternity ago

Every Sony release since Horizon has been 40 dollars, is this a new trend or is it only for small games and cash grabs?
I might get Cuck of war if it's 40 on release.
Definitely getting this fuck the contrarians.

Remaster/Remake tends to go for those prices.

PS2 doesn't look better, but it does look more atmospheric and mystical, due to fog and blur which is not nearly as strong enough in PS4 version. This is what always made SotC so great for me, the world felt very dreamy and surreal, like of the whole Lands weren't entirely a real, physical place, they really nailed this atmosphere of a forgotten, lost land at the end of the world. PS4 version looks great in terms of pure graphics, but doesn't feel the same at all.
>inb4 buzzwords
If you can't comprehend basic feelings experienced when dealing with a piece of work you're probably literally autistic.

>"bad graphics have character!"

>like of the whole Lands weren't entirely a real, physical place

What? How could it not be a physical place if there is even a bridge to go there, and the intro clearly shows Wanda traveling from outside the colossi lands. You're just seeing it with nostalgia googles, the thing about SotC was the presentation, gameplay and looks (for that time), it was not about how much fog or blur there was, anyone saying this is just plain retarded. The remake looks better in every aspect.

>I was 5 when this game came out

>mom this game is bad
>why is that sweetie?
>that mountain is blurry

>There are retards who prefer muh graphix over artstyle

Welcome to nu-Sup Forums

>the artstyle is entirely there
>only less fog and blur
>the way it should've been from the start if not for hardware limitations
>some millennials don't like it


Reselling the same fucking game for the third time.
It's okay when Sony does it

You're not forced to buy it.

I have never played it, so I'm probably gonna buy it if it's a good port.

SotC is my all time favorite game. I do wish they would have kept the fog. It added greatly to the atmosphere of you being in this long forgotten land. Other than that the PS4 version is superior in every way.

I bet you like the silent hill HD versions better

What's wrong with the ps3 version?
It's the one i played.

>the game was designed to run at 15 FPS
>fog was a stylistic choice and not a technical limitation

PS4 looks better but also really darker.
Hope they change the lighting a little.

Fog makes it look better and the game was literally designed for 15fps, the PS3 version's physics don't work properly as a result.

That was a remaster (a bad one) whilst this is a remake.

>the PS3 version's physics don't work properly as a result.

This won't be an issue with the PS4 version since it's an actual remake and not just a port

>the absolute state of Team Ico programming

Good thing this is a remake and was designed from the ground up to run at 60

Did any of you actually watch the fucking video? There's not really any less fog in any of the areas the video show, and the art style is the same.

The only actual difference other then faithful updates is some of the areas have more of a warmer tint to the colors rather then the blueish one the original had.

okay you can say the ps4 graphix are better but be honest are you, the kind of person who obviously doesn't appreciate the original sotc's art direction, actually going to buy the remake?

think on that for a second

If you didnt want to play the original game on ps2 or ps3.. why do you think you'd enjoy it now?

when the ps4 remake comes out, Sup Forums will have a sudden influx of "sotc is overrated/shit" threads, for this very reason. screenshot this post, you know its true

>screenshot this post, you know its true
why do we have to screenshot something that Sup Forums does for every game that is popular?

>Did any of you actually watch the fucking video?
You know damn well nobody here reads/watches/plays anything before posting about it.

No backwards compatibility because "nobody wants to play old games"
BTW please buy this same game for the third time

sotc isnt a popular game

>the art style is the same
Look at Wander's face and tell me that again, you worthless shit.

>the game was literally designed for 15fps, the PS3 version's physics don't work properly as a result.
Not even correct, the physics work fine, the climbing physics and Colossi aggression are just different from the NTSC-U version because Bluepoint used the PAL version as the base for their remaster.

>b-but muh blur filter!

The blue tint is part of the artstyle though, the remake reminds me of 2008 BROWN BLOOM days, while the original looks colder

>the art style is the same
>despite the fact that the atmosphere and visuals are completely different
>but really it's the same, guys
found the shitter


>working hard

looks like a wet dog on PS4

might look better in motion, but damn

>no shitty post processing anymore
>now it's just a shitty texture

thanks obama

What's the problem?

>Did any of you actually watch the fucking video?

expecting this place to play video games and/or actually watch the content of the op is a lost hope, all the negativity and complaining has turned most of them depressed and bitter at such a young age. only thing left for them is suicide.

this place is horrible for nostalgiafagging

SotC is my favorite game even though it is obviously flawed. The worst thing about this new remake/remaster thing is that its being developed by bluepoint games. Those guys take their job seriously and don't want to make significant changes to the story, atmosphere or gameplay. This is admirable when you are doing a remaster but now it makes no sense. Just let team ICO and Ueda make a remake. That way they could implement any change they like and they have the right to do so.

fuck you this picture makes me sad

Looks like the same enemy to me.

The remake really looks great except for the color grading they've gone for. The blur that was in the 2 previous versions also helped make the game feel more distinct. Would've liked this remaster even more if they had the same color grading choice and something to replace that blur so the game feels similarly dream-like. Still going to get it regardless, the supposed '1080p60fps' setting with updated assets are great.
>it's been 12 years since SotC first came out

Team Ico have been disbanded for years, with Ueda currently into discussions for a collab game with the Limbo and Inside devs.

It's got a better art style that's for sure. The PS4 game looks like a UE4 fangame.

In what way does it have better artstyle?

In that case I applaud bluepoint games for trying to not change anything substantial about the game, even though that is not possible when you are literally remaking it. It just makes it kind of pointless considering the PS3 remaster was almost flawlessly executed.

Original is more distinct. Its masterful use of color brings about a mystery to the game, like you're in some sort of moving painting. The new one looks flat in comparison.

I still can't believe this game was announce 3 days before I had the random thought "it'd be cool if they remade SotC since I never finished that game, it'd be a hell of a good excuse to go back to it". Felt like the world just randomly decided to spoil me one day.

Wander looks like shit but everything else is fine.

Yeah, he actually looks awful. I can't believe they fucked up a simple androgynous design that badly.

>brings about a mystery to the game
>it's like you're in some sort of moving painting
>the new one looks flat
Stop using meaningless buzzwords, and actually describe why you like the originals better.
Why does it look distinct?
In what way does the original have masterful use of color?
Why does it feel like you're in moving painting when playing the original version?
How does it bring mystery to the game?
Why does the remake look flat?

me and my childhood friend played the shit out of the original SotC, we love it as it is, hell, my friend doesn't even a fan of changing stuff in classics, but we're both hyped as fuck
maybe it's because we didn't get the ps3 version, so it's been a while, or maybe it's because we are not huge fucking pussies and know that just because there's gonna be a new release we can play the original if we want that same old experience

>tfw its going to be my first time playing it after enjoying TLG
hope its what anons claim it to be


>the original is always there
>that makes shitty remakes OK
fucking retard

Make this a moving video and ps4 will look better

I guess Resident Evil Remake was a mistake then.

In what way is it shitty?

even if it ends up being a shitty remake (I doubt it), what is wrong with that? who says that you HAVE to buy the new one, if it's so bad? are you literally autistic?

PS4 wins again
It's no wonder they are selling at the fastest rate they ever have since 2014, this thing will easily top 155M in 2-3 years

I said shitty remakes, Not one of the best games of its generation.
They fucked up an art style that still holds up perfectly well. They've actively made some things look worse than they did before.
Listen retard, no one's telling me I have to buy the new one, and thank god for that. I'm just saying, it wouldn't hurt to have some higher standards. Just because the original still exists doesn't give a shit product a pass to be shit.

>new geometry
>redone 4K textures
>new lighting
>screenspace reflections
>per object motion blur

Yeah, what a LAZY PORT LOL

>They fucked up an art style that still holds up perfectly well. They've actively made some things look worse than they did before.


>They fucked up an art style
Please explain in what way did they fuck up an art style?

>despite the fact that the atmosphere and visuals are completely different

Yeah, better in every single way, you fucking dunce.

>mfw im just replying to a shitposting faggot

>game hasn't even released yet
>hurr it's shit

>higher standards
so, you and a few other anons thinking it's going to be shit because the colours and fog aren't the exact same means that it's objectively a piece of garbage and everyone else who's excited have lower standards and shit taste? get a life, man, it's okay if you have a different opinion, you don't have to be a loud buttblasted fag about it

Well enjoy your shit what can i say. Don't eat it near me is gross.

Something about the grainy look to the PS2 makes it look grittier and cooler to me. It's objectively worse than the PS4 and PS3 but something about the grain and fucked pixels make it look a bit stranger, almost corrupted. For that reason I like the PS2 more than the PS3, but PS4 looks the best to me, and objectively speaking PS2 is just worse. Maybe it's nostalgia but I never even played the original SoC. It just looks weirder, so personal bias gets in the way of objectivity in that sense.

TL;DR I have shit tastes and that's okay.

Sup Forumsitendogaf just does amazing mental gymnastics to find as new way to hate the PS4 because it's the fastest selling console of all time with a library that almost equals the PS2's

Sup Forums are fucking idiots

Still an overrated game

Why do you think that?

>piss filter

Look how buggy it is.

>with a library that almost equals the PS2's
w e w l a d