How pissed will you be if it turns out to be Bloodborne 2?
How pissed will you be if it turns out to be Bloodborne 2?
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I wouldn't. As long as it's not Dark Souls I'll be happy with whatever it is.
Depends on the development details. If it's Miyazaki and the same team behind DS1 and BB, then I'd be slightly disappointed but still hyped. If it's a b-team without Miyazaki I'd be fucking mad as fucking fuck
I wouldn't be, though I think Bloodborne should stay a game without sequels.
I don't think so, but honestly something different is needed
Pissed about bloodborne 2? the fuck??
It was posted on bloodborne's facebook so it IS bloodborne 2.
I wouldn't want another dark souls though, that's for sure.
Not much but I'd like From to do games they want to do.
You can really tell when they liked working on a game
>chinese letters
>Bloodborne, the game about 1950's london and eldritch beasts.
>Bloodborne will not get a sequel
>but we have this new game
>its called
Miyazaki you're a genius
A lot
I want Tenchu
my dude
I own a PS4 so I'll be anything but pissed :^)
So do I but goddamn they need to give the Souls games a rest. Do they even DO anything other than Soulstyle games anymore?
I don’t see how shadows have anything to do with Bloodborne considering it’s about BLOOD
If it even was Bloodborne do you think Playststion wouldn’t be dick waving it around by now instead of having a fucking joke of a panel
>1950's london
>Souls style tenchu with invasion mechanics
>Shadows of Yharnam
why, souls is the only thing of value they have ever produced
The boss so forgettable it becomes a common enemy? Come on now
I won't be mad, just disappointed.
Really hoping they revive one of their older franchises, like King's Field or Dark Tower. The first-person perspective would open an option for VR compatibility, which has the potential to be cool. Or terrible, like the Doom VR game.
>Implying that settings cant and haven't changed before in games
>capra demon
That was an unofficial fan page.
No thanks, the whole samurai mixed with oni is so fucking overdone
Why would I be pissed off at a video game coming out? I love video games. I want more video games to keep coming out for everyone to play and enjoy.
it would be such a waste if they didn't try something fresh and exciting like Tenchu after doing souls for such a long time
Bloodborne was called Project Beast, yet beasts ended up only taking up like a quarter of the game. And Sony admitted before the panel that it was just going to be a developer circlejerk that didn't show off anything new. I'm not saying this is Bloodborne 2 or that it's even likely, but none of those are reasons to rule it out completely.
name 5 games that do this?
How do you know its going to PS4?
It's Tenchu, so don't worry.
Pretty pissed.
Not because it is a new bloodborne. that's fine.
The mere fact that the trailer has absolutely nothing to do with bloodborne outside signs of blood and having a kunai which people feverishly believe is some obscure reference to a single set of armor.
Would fucking love that. That game was super fucking fun to play
>1950's london
why is this so funny
They've found the perfect formula so just let them do what they do best.
I just do :^)
So do you and everyone else
You don't belong here friendo.
Why would I ever be mad about that??
souls-like has been done to death
please something new
it's just asian bloodborne dumbasses
you think they'd only make one game in the series when it's memed as the best game ever? lmao
I would be happy with a spiritual successor.
Blood. Bone. Tool.
Did any chinks translate the writing?
It would be the game that finally got me to buy a PS4.
could be Bloodborne 2
You already have the original Bloodborne and it lives up to the hype. It's honestly one of those games that will be remembered long after this generation ends. Why not just buy it now?
would love that :x
I really want it to be but I have a feeling it isn't since From seem completely unwilling to break from the souls format anymore.
It's fucking confirmed.
I won't be mad but I'll be disappointed. Bloodborne is a good enough game that it does not require a sequel, I want something new.
>Click the link
Sony would have put their logo in the trailer if it was Bloodborne 2
Hope not we already have nioh
Why not? This is the video games board. I mean, it's not like I can talk about video games on Sup Forums or Sup Forums now.
That would be amazing. Please be real.
Nioh doesn't hold a candle to the souls games, reused levels and exsessive item management is not fun
The trailer is meant to be vague. Why would they put any additional clues in other than there short clip of this title screen? I say title screen because it's a fug'n blood and bone tool. Eery sounds, similar art style, even the way the tool moves reminds me of the way Father G hacks into that beast when you start his cut scene. They would not show it at PSX or put Sony in the clip because that would be a dead giveaway and invalidate any reason behind being this cryptic. Ressurecting dead games when the hint is so strong for BB2 makes no sense either since BB was so well received. There is not a doubt in my mind.
I like to have a certain number of exclusives I can burn through before I pick up a console. I'll get around to it eventually but a second BB would speed up that decision for sure.
I wouldn't, because it's not BB2.
If the huge "Shadows Die Twice" wasn't enough spoonfeeding for you to understand, I'll just direct you to Tenchu 3 where Rikimaru outright calls himself "shadow" and states that "shadows can die twice". Because that's one of game mechanics.
How fucking dense are you people?
It may be a board meant for discussing video games but it certainly doesn't play them. Let alone love them. You'll learn this after you've spent a good year or two here.
>wary of numbered sequels after DS2 shits the entire bed factory and DS3 is high quality but uninspired
>want BB2 anyway
Ready to get monkey pawed
how pissed off would you be if it's not exclusive?
It would still be funny that pc fats would have to buy or borrow someone's PS4 to play the original.
I think they'd be celebrating the screams, just like what happened with FF13, there will be a vocal minority unironically autistically screeching about it.
Me I don't mind either way, always been an Idort as soon as I started buying my own vidya
Bloodborne is one of the greatest games ever made, I'd gladly accept a sequel even if it's just a cashgrab
I already have a PS4 but I'd prefer their new games to come out for PC since I have a decent one. Either way I'm prepared if it is and am ready for Death Stranding and anything else that might not suck in the future.
If it really is BB2 it better do more with insight
you can't be serious user, besides, isn't it more exciting to see what a stealth game would be like by From?
>Those chisels
>The fonts
I'm starting to believe lads
I really hope From is making a stealth based game. This way we can really see if From can handle AI behavior correctly.
who cares about ai behavior lmao like who even sits there wondering if they "could get ai behavior' right rolf just give us bloodborne II
who's to say it's not stealthborne?
your post reminded me of the virgin vs chad reply meme and made me laugh, thank you user
I wouldn't be. Because I just bought a PS4 Pro for MHW.
What a great edit
the font stuff could just be them pretending like it's bloodborne 2 and the rest is pretty vague
Armored Core
And honestly, what if its something crazy different, just in the BB universe still? What if its a fucking stealth game set in an asian land with a cosmic horror twist?
This. And Chalice Dungeons.
Fuck, this is why I don't watch trailers or get hyped. Now I'm going to wonder what the game is every day until it's revealed.
Dark Souls 2 endless cycles garbage didnt really give 3 much room to grow as a setting. Meanwhile if we got something else set in the BB universe there's so much cool shit they can fill us in on.
The name is Shadowcaste, it's a spiritual successor to Bloodborne, with influences from all their orient setting games. Central mechanical focus in this game as it appears is you're essentially a half human half skeleton mech ninja thing and you augment your body parts with mechanical bone stuff. Weapons are only part of it, I saw a part where the player had crazy shit on their legs. The idea seems to be "Ghost in a Shell" in a much more....spiritual/fantasy sense rather than futurist/tech sense.
t. I've seen the full trailer as I've already built takeover ads and mastheads featuring a pre cut of the trailer. I'm outsource and low level employee so no one can trace this back to me at least, but they will find my bosses company if they give too much of a shit.
It's multiplat successor same as Dark Souls was to Demon's, the only people who are going to be mad are PS4 people as it releases on everything not including Switch
Tenchu 2
Tenchu Fatal Heaven
Tenchu Wrath of Shadows
im this guys mom, hes a lying faggot and needs to clean his room
>Bloodborne should stay a game without sequels
What if its bloodborne 2 in a Chinese setting. Imagine werewolfs in a koliko. Shit would be so cash
Yeah my grandfather told me about all the werewolves and trolls walking around along with everyone in town gouging their eyes out and wearing funny hats when he was a kid.
>wanting another good IP ruined
thats 2 games dont try to say a franchise doing the same thing in the sequels = "overdone"
I don't fucking care
yeah and im actually bill gates funding ISIS haha good one user
then fuck off lmao
Shut up
I don't even care that this is fake
GITS, but it's spirits inhabiting Bone Machinery/armour suits sounds 11/10 and is probably way cooler than what the actual game is, it's probably literally just tenchu with grimdark setting
As long as I still get my waifu creation tho I don't care what the game is, I will play it and I will make waifus holding large smashing weapons
it's a ninja dark souls im calling it also armored core is dead
umm back the fuck off?
I'd be proper chuffed.
Nioh's got that based covered, I don't think From would try it.