PCfags will never EVER get GTA V

>PCfags will never EVER get GTA V
>The PS4 will be a massive flop
>The Nintendo Switch will be a massive flop

What is it with Sup Forums and console warrior poorfags being completely wrong with their "predictions"?

no one said switch would flop

portable nintendo consoles don't flop unless it's the virtual boy if that counts

>there won't be PS4

Remember, this board is always wrong.

>ITT: OP is a newfag

Otherwise you would know never to listen to Sup Forums

people still say the switch will flop


Don't listen to him.


Unless it's painfully obvious that the final product is doomed to fail, I don't think Sup Forums has ever been right about a single thing. Not once.

what they mean is that it won't do DS numbers

smartphones have bitten out a huge chunk from the handheld market

we're never getting a ds again

>make 2 xbox related threads once a month
>butthurt sonybros literally flood the board with garbage like this as a response

Sup Forums is the worst board on this site and one of the most cancerous places on the internet

The only reason why it's stupid to own a Xbone is because most of the worthwhile exclusives are on Windows 10.
I want Microsoft to drop out of the "Console War" so they can focus on ONE platform. I want Gears 5 & 6 to look as pretty as possible.

I want microsoft to leave gaming altogether because they just end up ruining everything with their custom stores.

nigga nobody can read that

sadly that's never going to happen. They learned their lesson somewhat with GFWL, but as long as there is a possibility of making money they are going to try to make it.

>They learned their lesson somewhat with GFWL
Explain the windows store then.

GFWL was a cancer attached to perfectly good games, back when Dark Souls had it you'd have to deal with it every single time you played the game.
I bought Gears 4 through the windows store and have never had to deal with it again.


>no one said switch would flop

That pic is fucking stupid

>console warrior poorfags
I'm a PC gamer because I'm too poor for consoles.

>I bought Gears 4 through the windows store and have never had to deal with it again.
I guess that's fine for games that you don't have to actually do anything with. It's locked down as shit. You want to mod? Well, fuck you.

If you're gaming on a toaster you're not a PC gamer.

exactly I don't like it either, but it is an improvement. and when it comes to microsoft wanting to keep everything they make attached to the "Xbox Experience" it's the best I can hope for.
