Is SF5 saved?


But at least EVO can take advantage this year before everybody stops playing.

Sure seems that way

>2 years later the game is finally at it's bare minimum of quality
Not at all.

This. Sakura is a miracle of the universe.

>~le gay culture xD
stop this shit already

You are the one feeling gay user

What the shit are you talking about?

The porn is. Cody is going to save SF porn with his sexiness

>not being able to appreciate a handsome, dapper as fuck gentlemen regardless of sexual alighnment
You may have some insecurities you need to deal with senpai

Seriously what's with the suit?
Is my fan fiction happening?

G did

Cody's out of prison and got his life together
also he may be the new mayor of Metro City

Oh neat that's like the opposite of my fan fiction

>Cody got his life together
>not leading his own faction of Mad Gear

So long as he's beating up the Poison Pussy I'm fine with it.

This. I want crime Lord Rugal/Geese Cody. Mayor sounds boring and doesn't a fightsexual like Cody.

Mad Gear got their lives together too, they all have legitimate and respectable jobs

Fuck, I gave up on this game months ago, and wasn't all that interested in AE. However, what I saw of Saget and Mayor Cody is making me come around. I'll need to see them in action and also how the whole game will feel and shift before I commit to a return, but so far so good.

Still looks and plays like shit, so no.

Has there ever been a redesign better than this? I don't think so.

>We want the Geese Howard audience

My boipussy prolapsed instantly after seeing this Daddy in the trailer desu

between Cody, Sagat, and Sakura
no one's getting on board for Blanka except Ono
rule 63 Ed probably won't bring anyone to the table
jury is out on Abe Lincoln

My question is if Cody is actually trying with his cuffs broken. Canon he's one of the strongest fighters but he lacks finesse and motivation to become more refined. Hell he hindered himself because he was fucking BORED. I'm hoping he's really good.

did somebody say "prolapse"?

SF5 made sure that Smash became part of FGC. It will only be saved once a low tier fgcuck wins a Smash tournament full of their legends.

>tfw no daddy to pound this boihole

>angry as fuck
>not smiling
Is this how wymyn feel when they see fanart of a fem character they like and they go "ugh come on now"?

Even Poison?

No, you are just jealous


Posion became a legit fight promoter

Except Sodom, may his soul rest in peace

>Yipes and Persia
Why is the FGC full of cheating and cuckoldry?

Something tells me this new "clean" Cody isn't going to fight with rocks, shanks, and dirt anymore...

He might be all about the uppercut tornadoes this time around.

I wonder what Cody's stage will be.

Mayor's office? City Hall?

I don't think Abigail could actually hold a job, at least not one that would pay more than his government stipends for his crippling brain damage

>cant use pebbles to negate plasma anymore
At least let me have my fireball invul ex slide kick.

>Political Upper

Pretty sure he works on cars and shit.

But he runs his own car body shop

Why would Capcom change anything?

>cody is back
>is is based around chain combos instead of frame traps
>doesn't even throw rocks anymore

Don't get ahead of yourself, user.

Is the gameplay still the same stupid shit or what?

>Mayor of Metro city
>Not conducive to someone who fights constantly.

more better shotos than ryu

Everyone is missing the important thing here, his hand cuffs are off.

Juri and Vega say hi

vega gets quite good new vtrigger. quick counter move that can be used as antiair

Is Arcade edition like am “Ultimate” edition of the game or is it just a patch?


damn. she looks old. I guess working at min wage took a toll on her

The question was asked why would Capcom change anything. Vega is no longer a charge character and juri is no longer a zoner.

What happened?

Both probably. Patch launches for free for everyone that already has the game is confirmed, I think they are launching a retail version that has some of the previous season characters unlocked. Kind of like USF4 but current owners don't pay anything.

So if the rumor is true that Cody's the new mayor of Metro city, then what happened to Haggar?

>yipes holding back his tears and literally quivering when commentating with persia

Yipes and Persia moved to LA cause they thought MVCI was going to be huge
what ended up happening is MVCI being so bad, they're forced to move back and something happened between Persia and Yipes that they broke up hard. (I think it was Persia cheating on him)

Big if true

it is true you retard

There's no one to fight anymore.

Pretty big

I heard yipes hit her or somethin too


east coast boys

for you


I heard she got an abortion

buffed ryan gosling?

Aligning his eyeballs was part of his buffs.



Not saved, but definitely improved, if they can add more depth to the gameplay, it will be saved.

>mfw just gave myself a quick rundown on all that Yipes shit

The poipussy.

which classic characters need to return? so far all of the new characters have been trash and forgettable with no personality.

whats going to happen if capcom doesn't get their shit together again for a third year?

I would agree with the exception of Rashid and Menat. As for returning I'd like to see Makoto and Dan


gtfo ingrid poster



But where is ehonda?

I would’ve preferred Gill over Urien

Also Makoto

So I should just buy the initials release version of the game for like $15 instead of getting the Arcade Edition which they’ll probably sell for $60

season 4 and have to wait long time for sagat.

None of them need to, but I'd like to see Sodom or Eagle.

what a horrible design for a character.
shit personality
shit looking
shit fighting style
shit story
shit body

sean, maki and fei long


Didn't you say that when they announced abigail?

Objectively false


What if they go crazy and release all the season 3 characters at the same time?


Not yet.

Maki always struck me as a bit of a bitch.

I think it was the win quotes and her attitude

Are all season 3 chars coming out when AE releases? Or will they be released several weeks apart from each other like Season 2's chars?

AE is confirmed to be 40$

Don't flight attendants get paid pretty well?