So does this mean Sony will think about making a new Portable console or has the Vita completely destroyed all hope of...

So does this mean Sony will think about making a new Portable console or has the Vita completely destroyed all hope of this?

I'm sure the new guy will push Sony to do a hybrid system after Andrew House finally departs.

Switch is weird why didn't they just make a normal console

nobody would buy a new nintendo hoe console. this was the best direction to go in

You realize ps4 has sold 20 million in last 12 months? Sony keep doing what your doing next year will be even bigger for ps4

Even if your sourceless claim is true, consoles always sell better in their later years.

Sony sold the same amount of PS4s in its first 9 months, and they've already abandoned portable devices. I don't think Switch's success is going to make Sony change course from what's already successful for them.


PS4 just hit 70.6M a few weeks ago and it was around 51M at the start of 2017.
Start of 2017 would be month 37 on this chart.

No. Sony will never do anything other than push out an average box for casual euros to play their esports.

What would be the point?
Everyone already had a PS4. They'd have to give people -something- to separate them.