Just started this game. I am amazed...

Just started this game. I am amazed. Awesome details like far away explosions have a delay between light and sound but also get duller from the sound. Characters that make sense so far with no cringy weaboo ethics, but reasonable human behaviour. Gameplay knows what it wants to be.

If you like athmospheric games and shooting things while also having a good reason to shoot things then give this game a try on the emulator.

Also is there a name for this particular early 2000 graphic style?

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I distinctly remember that I stopped buying consoles because the Ace Combat series went over to XBox.

Fuck you microsoft it was bad enough when there were 2 consoles.

Also they made a game for nearly every protable device. Too bad honestly but heck there are 3 games that will never not be awesome (hopefully)

3ds ace combat wasn't bad. It was like a "best of" from all the ps2 Ace Combats.
I just hated that to do nearly anything you pretty much HAD to use the maneuvers.

>Characters that make sense so far with no cringy weaboo ethics

Is this bait? Or did you meant to post Ace Combat 4 instead?

AC5 is THE cringiest weebiest game in the whole series. I liked it but it sure as fuck wasn't for the characters and story.

Give 5 examples of anyone in the series being weeb.

I am currently at the mission where I have to fly this dude through the aa defense. No idea how far that is. They have a girl in the squadron who acts like a reasonable human beeing without trying to kawaii sempai leader into noticing him, but also not showing everyone who is independent. Sure I see a bit of the anime style through like they weird way they talk english, but that is their culture. To each their own I guess.

AC5 is pretty great but it's let down by the fact that a lot of the missions are really gimmicky.
Also, be sure to play Zero once you've finished 5.

Already downloaded. Interestingly that is one of the reasonsI l like it so much. I want game where I want to kill other planes with my plane. Get to do that in every mission with differnet thigns to kill and different reasons that also make a decent story. I am satisfied.

I honestly don't mind the gimmick levels. There's enough really good just straight-up Fighter/Attacker missions that it was nice to try something different, even if it wasn't executed perfectly.

I don't dislike the characters and story of 5, they are fine. But you specifically referencing them that way when they are the closest to being the exact opposite in the series just struck me as odd. Did you play any of the other games?

I don't remember that mission at all though, what was the previous one?

Just one game for the xbox, and its a pretty good one better than 5 but that's my opinion I don't give two shits about AC stories.

In the previous one I destroyed a submarine called halifax I think. I played through the 4th one today and started the fith one today.

Well that's far enough in the game for the characters to be established.

Thats rather sad since only the girl has somewhat of a story. I have no clue who the others are.


Up until 5 they didn't really have any characters at all. At least, 3 and 4 were mostly faceless pilots that were with you.

Edge is just a human being who cares about muh peace and Arkbird
Chopper is there for a touchdown, and referencing bad music
Archer is the nugget who exists
Swordsman is there to sound like Jet Black

Well i didn't say that there won't be any more plot developments. Personally i much preferred 4's story and characters. Also Nagase is actually the girl from Ridge Racer Type 4 if you did not know, so she is technically a guest character.


You mean the girl from Ridge Racer Type 4 is Edge/Kei from Ace Combat 2.

>4 didn't have any characters

Are you dense? It had THE most characterization of any AC game.



I don't remember anything from AC2 besides some missions, tracks and the intro. it was my first AC game even before Air Combat and i only rented it. Fell in love with the series instantly though

The orphan, the tavern's daughter... You know, the characters that arent really part of the game

>the characters that arent really part of the game

This is some straight up brainlet thread, holy fuck. The way the story is presented in 4 is genius, it has no business being that good and engaging for a AC game.

cool, i'm considering trying this out, never tried the series before. what are these maneuvers and why are they annoying?

Reminder that AC5 is the worst of the PS2 titles and that SlyCooperFan is a faggot.

For some reason it never really developed for me. The game was so short that many characters gave me a feeling like I didn't really know them. The story was incredible which makes it even more sad that they didn't have the time to go further into detail.