How do you guys overcome lack of interest in playing games or being burned out

How do you guys overcome lack of interest in playing games or being burned out

Play Dreadnought.

Just play something

What's wrong?

Play a social game like rec room or throne of lies. Orrrrrr go outside and take a walk

you sound depressed just like me

Find a more meaningful hobby where you meet people irl.


kill yourself like i did

Take a big poop

convert to reading high literature

loading up the game and actually playing it is the hardest part of all

I'll sit and play a game for hours once I'm going, but for some reason the drive to actually click it and play never seems to overpower the drive to shitpost on Sup Forums

so you're a spoopy ghost?

I just got a job and now I have so little time to game the little bit I do is enjoyable.

Also gaming is stagnated so it's boring

cry a lot and spend fruitless hours scrolling through garbage threads on Sup Forums

Video games should not be your primary passion unless you are highly skilled (esport levels).
Find a creative hobby and treat video games as a side interest. You'll be much happier with games and much happier overall.


Fuck if I know user. I want a new Elder Scrolls game or Mount and Blade Bannerlord.

>tfw nothing else scratches the itch

I don't

>want to play a game
>launch it
>at the main menu
>a wave of dread washes over my entire body
>heavily sigh and close the game
>shitpost on Sup Forums for the rest of the day

its like i have to force myself to play games these days, and i don't even hate games, when i do successfully force myself into playing a game, i have fun

fix ur shit bro. u sound depressed as fuck.

dude are you literally me cause I just fucking did that

Stop playing for a while. Do other things, go outside, meet people. You will feel like playing again eventually and will enjoy it way more than now.

same nigga what the fuck do i do

I do that too. I get a huge urge to play some games and then all I do is either stare at my library or open a game and stare at the menu and then eventually close it

Help me

Stop buying so many games, buy a few but replayable ones.

I go back to replay something I know I love.

I never lose interest in the first place. Easy.


>spend thousands of dollars building fantastic PC
>games look beautiful, but I still don't feel like playing them
>$200 headset and $700 monitor are in the mail
>not excited to receive them in the slightest

How much more money do I need to spend to fill the hole inside me?

>a wave of dread washes over my entire body

But hey, since I'm not the only only to have this happen, certainly someone has found a way to combat it...right?

>Anxiety the thread
Seriously just do something else, get your mind distracted, watch fucking movies or something Jesus Christ!

Get a different hobby.

>tells OP to stop buying games, followed by telling him to buy more games

Gotta find something with some depth to get excited about. I'm waiting for xcom to go on sale so I can finally get around to playing long war, and am researching and planning shit out. Once I get my gpu/monitor upgrade, Ima get around to Hitman, for which I'm planning going through a run each for accident, explosive, snipe, and melee kills.

Literally take a break for a while, at least a couple days, but up to a month, it's hard to find shit to fill your time, but try exercising or doing some other shit for a while. then come back to games and they will be a lot better.

What hobbies though?

>be burger
>live in decent community
>go outside and take a walk
>still get hit by car, robbed, or shot
I'll pass.

get sleep, drink lots of water, get exercise and make sure you don't have depression, if none of that works, you might just not like games

just stop playing video games if u dont like them stupid

the very fact that you are on Sup Forums means that you lost interest in your previous task and you decided to do something else

I wanna die

I haven't had a day off in 4 months, was excited to play some vidya. Been sitting on youtube and Sup Forums looking for something to play for the past 7 hours. Nothing grabs my attention. Only game I played this to completion this year was DDLC, that was this morning..

You are depressed. Get help. If you don't, it will keep getting worse.

but what?

go peepee


Take a break
It helps a lot if you have several hobbies/interests to choose from - personally I make music and go to the gym, I used to do computer programming as well

play more vid games. Or just watch some tv or read a decent book ig. just gotta get some other entertainment to not completely be burnt out and hate games

I wish I could go back to reading books but my attention span and everything has been shot to hell

>implying I'm not shitposting whilst watching Seinfeld

Haven't played a video game in two years.

Found hobbies that actually made me happy.

Still shitpost on Sup Forums for fun every now and then though.

How do I cure my depression

yea man as long as u have hobbies and shit, being burnt out shouldnt worry u. like i had a whole week of overwatch and mgsv and im burnt af so i just draw or write stories or whatever


>wanted to play shadowrun dragonfall
>get through the character creation and end up into the stats screen
>massive dread and sorrow hits me out of nowhere and i end up having my hands tightly put on my face for a full minute
>force close the game and then shitpost on Sup Forums while listening to giles corey and have a nice life
>argue with people over steam or different threads as socialization attempts
I can't take this. This is suffering.

I don't
I come home tired from work/classes, sleep and study most of the time and I just don't feel like playing anymore
Although I still buy games, but I don't feel guilty for not playing them

>go to kill myself
>have voices telling me I am going to regret this and not to do it
>put in shell and rack shotgun
>put barrel in my mouth
>"Don't do it user"
>pull trigger
>fucking nothing happens
>literally had my future self warning me about disappointing myself with suicide

I don't know how to help you fellow anons. I lost the ability to enjoy most things 5 years ago and nothing has helped. I do the same shit of just staring at the videogame screen in disappointment and alt f4ing.

get hobbies u nurd turds

Anyone else find tired gamer threads to be incredibly comfy in a misery loves company sorta way?

take a break until something catches my interest again. Also, if you have a backlog, fucking drop it. Just play what you want to and don't feel like you have to complete a game just to complete it

its relatable

take a break

Buy a 360 or PS3 and start playing through some games on a couch. Playing on PC triggers my ADHD and allows me to shitpost while playing vidya.

>implying in that break u wont pull the trigger

just do something else man. like for reading id recommend this book called under the moons of mars. it s basically conad the barbarian in space

I always play Garrys mod whenever I'm burnt out or cant find anything to play, playing and talking with people on that game is fucking hilarious.

who is she



Agreed OP. I can't even start games anymore.

by playing games

Ingest large amounts of drugs and alcohol.

I'm getting close

Nigga just read the bible
Thank me later

Man why are there so many depressed fucks here

How do you that

I make absolutely cancerous posts on Sup Forums and Sup Forums until I get my desire to play back again. Like right now I'm taking a break from MGSV.

I'm Jewish

>Buy Cod ww2
Lose interest after the first mission
>Buy Battlefront 2
Quit halfway through a match because it was taking so long
>Buy Asassin’s creed origins
>100 quest markers thrown in my face in the first 5 minutes
Felt overwhelmed and quit

This all happened in one day

Same but with other games.

I think part of the problem might be your choice in games, and I don't even mean that in a bad sense
Maybe try something that isn't overly processed to appeal to the mass market, and instead play something by a smaller dev team or an indie that was actually made to be fun instead of just sell a bunch of copies
Although I am judging you for supporting Battlefront 2

Stop playing video games entirely and find something else to do until something sounds like fun to play. Then proceed to binge on the game you do want to play for a month straight and the cycle repeats itself.

arx fatalis is one of those games that everyone cherish, and everyone owns, but nobody plays

Maybe you should try something that isn't AAA toilet waste.

I'd play it right now if the fucking thing would run

Sometimes mid-way through a really good game I tell myself it’ll be so easy to replay this over and over
>Drop it after the credits

Never happens because I have multiple hobbies

Get another interest besides games since you're not into them anymore.

I started reading trashy fantasy/scifi and isekai stories.

I’m playing persona 5 now which is fun but the time management part is intense which I guess is part of the challenge

That's better, I hope you manage to enjoy it user
I still need to finish P3FES myself

have you tried jacking off?

Read the stocks then. Same shit for you.

OP here, I jacked off so much that my penile nerves popped, so I don't have any sensation. Just feels like rubbing my finger or something.

Just leave your house and go on a hike through the woods. Get a dog. A cat is fine too.


Jesus Christ. How often where you jerking off? I want to avoid this at all fucking costs.


I wanna be able to play Zelda but after 100 hours I think I burned myself out