Dragon Ball FighterZ

V-Jump coming soon edition

Remember black is not gonna be in game
It's kid buu with his new beautiful hair

when will this confirm android 21 will be playable?

We need samir34 Goku.


There are people who will fall for this despite it not even being blurred faded with several other issues

Woah, they made him look like shit, just like in Super!


May i ask: why people are so vehemently against any semblance of DBS content in this game?its obvious thats black over there.

This is not Dragonball Z Fighters, this is DRAGONBALL FIGHTERZ, totally different thing

I know, with little doubt, this WILL be the final roster for FighterZ.

After months of ideology thinking what kinda roster we'd get and the game being near 2 months away, I finally see things clearer.

>Base Roster
Goku (Super Saiyan)
Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)
Gohan (Young)
Gohan (Adult)
Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue)
Captain Ginyu
Buu (Fat)
Buu (Kid)
Goku Black

Here we have a total of 26 characters which are evenly distributed between heroes and villains (13 on each side).

Now DLC is a bit tricky since we have no idea what's in store... but we do know there's gonna be 8 characters for season pass. However, I'll bite the bullet and guess what it'll consist of.

Less relevant Z characters (Hercule, Videl, Vegito, Dabura, etc.)
Dragon Ball characters (Kid Goku, Master Roshi, Chi-Chi, Emperor Pilaf, etc.)
Movie characters (Cooler, #13, Janemba, etc.)
GT characters (Super 17, Nuova Shenron, Omega Shenron, etc.)
Super characters (Caulifla w/ Kale, Cabba, Jiren, etc.)
Original character (#21)

>this leak
Murasakibros, rejoice

Because people don't like Super, simple as that really. Not that I can really blame them because it is a giant mess. But I still think there are some great characters from Super who would be great in this game.

Didnt know murasakis name is krillin

DBZ was a giant mess, too.

>3 gokus

>forgetting about Kid Goku dlc

True, but people have nostalgia for it so...

That play differently from each other whats the problem?

If it's not Beerus and Hit, then leakfag is full of shit

Also Kid Buu a cute.


Why is the only Superfag defense "Z WAS BAD TOO"?

Aaand the thread is already shit
I'm out

SSB and SS Goku are basically the same, SSB Goku is just SS Goku cranked up to 11. But they aren't completely different characters with different play styles. They even share a lot of the same moveset animations. SSB is just faster.

How early does it usually leak?

Leakfag added hit and beerus as an edit after the first arcade mode scan came out.

Anywhere between 1-3 days in advance. It could come tomorrow or Friday. Do we even know if DBFZ will have pages in the latest Magazine? Would Bandai maybe save reveals for Jump Festa?

Short answer is nostalgia. They aren't fans of Dragonball they're fans of Z and have deluded themselves into thinking that every episode is an animation masterpiece

You're a retard, they're totally different except for normals.
And even then they only share about half of them.

This. They didn't even give SSB Goku his new outfit from the U6 tournament. It's literally just a recolor with a slightly tweaked moveset.

Or maybe Super is just shit?

Thats cause hes recently been donning the outfit in super

>They're totally different except for the majority of their moveset

I have no problem with Black and Hit being in the game

Fuck Kefla and Jiren being in the game tho, Unless we get a Season 2 with Janemba and Cooler

>And even then they only share about half of them.
Thanks for agreeing with me, retard.

Considering its no better or worse than any other part of the series I would say nostalgia

>2-Pump-Chump coming soon edition

Alright since you can't be bothered to look at gameplay I'll tell you.
All their specials are different, ss goku has a tatsu, a beam and an overhead
blue goku has a command grab, a divekick, a left/right teleport and a dashing move that goes through projectiles, literally none of them match

Holy fuck I just got back from Sup Forums and it's complete cancer right now, Can I just talk about some dragon ball vidya without getting cancer? This thread seems really tame, I'll keep it vidya related.

Post teams

Hey wait isn't it time to reveal the 8 DLC characters they have coming? It's like less than 2 months away

I see where you're going with this but if that was the case he would have added Black in addition to Beerus and Hit in the "definitely in base roster group"

>He honestly thinks anything in Super has been on par with the Piccolo Daimao arc
Even the fucking otherworld tournament filler arc was better than the U6 tournament.

Super is a lot worse than DB and Z. Its shit animation segments are shittier than the aforementioned and the good parts are extremely far and few between (more so than DB and Z and aren't as good as the shows from the 90's. Not only that but the plotline is shit, the SoL parts are okay but everything else is garbage. Shit characterization, ruined plots and character development, dumb retcons, as well as bad character designs and the decent ones are just recolors of already established characters. Super is just shit. No one denies Z or DB having bad animation and what no but Super take sit to a completely new level (I don't know why you keep acting like people who like Z can't like DB and that people only have nostalgia for Z).

tldr Super is just garbage, get over it.

Either team human or team volleyball
Although I'll most likely end up actually maining whoever is most fun to play


The first scan wasn't nearly as clear as the new one, most people thought that was kid buu.
Even if it's not based on the scan he's still not credible.

But their normals are almost all the same and functionally, their supers are as well. Hell, SSB Vegeta's Super is just SS Vegeta's super with an optional punch at the end.

we might actually wake up tomorrow to some leaks


Can you zfags please fucking leave already?
You clearly don't give a shit about the game or the series so fuck off and let us actually talk about it

SSB Vegeta's Level 3*


>Their specials are different so they're completely unique characters and not clones
This is like saying Ganondorf isn't a Captain Falcon clone. You even said that they share normals, which make up the largest part of their moveset.

>implying recently introduced superfags who have nothing going for them but "muh mooscles and muh pawa reberu is high" are unique enough to be included in FighterZ... they're coming for Xenoverse 2 that's for sure but i doubt they'll be in FighterZ.
especially AyyLmao, he's barely even fit for being an OP final boss if you ask me.

Why not have different characters that play differently instead?

>specifically mention DB
Are you brain damaged?

Visually they're similar but having an optional 2 bar upgrade makes a difference in gameplay.
Also vegeta gets 2 lvl 1s instead of 1 and galick gun angled up is pretty different from big bang attack.
Anyway it doesn't really matter most of a character's uniqueness comes from specials and sometimes from normals do they'll play quite differently.

I only started watching Z after the Fighterz announcement. If anything, Z is mostly on par with Dragon Ball. There's a huge quality powergap between DB/Z and GT/Super. I think you're just not remembering correctly.

>user specifically both Z AND DB
Must be nice. Being so retarded.

You're good as long as you report off-topic Sup Forums posting and other garbage. Oh and actually talk about the game but that should be easy, right?

16 and krillin were fun in the beta. Hopefully Yamcha follows suit so I can crush braindead three Goku teams day one. They must really be in full crunch mode because the only gameplay we've seen post-beta build is from that horrendous 1 month Gameinformer event and the last stream that accidentally showed off the Dragon Ball mechanic, which still hasn't been revealed.

good boy

Compared to super? Nope

Youre just flat out wrong. Super is all over the place, but Z is mostly consistent. New bad guy appears so lets defeat him on repeat is much better than this bullshit Super throws at audiences.

Then why didn't he assume the Hit picture was Ginyu

there are hardly any unique supers in this game outside of level 3/level 5s

>leaks come out
>shitposting on Sup Forums gets worse
Please no, I've had enough of this. You have no Idea whats going on in those super threads right now.

I think 2 of each character is fine because they play differently from each other. And Goku Black doesn't count as Goku.

No Ganondorf just has variants of falcons specials (b moves) while blue Goku's are totally different.
Blue goku has a low 2l and a different s button which are the most important differences you can have in normals except for some s button gimmicks.
I really don't see how you could think they'd play the same after seeing what his specials are.

Because he's not as retarded as people in these threads.

I think they're talking about SS vs SSB.

have you not taken a look at cell and freeza m8?

And that's why I said 2 of each character is fine if they play differently from each other which they do. And then I proceeded to say that Goku Black doesn't count as another version of Goku.

>implying it's not Ginyu

>SS Goku
>SSB Goku
>Goku Black Rose
>Kid Goku
>Base Goku

>Concern fag

Lol no, we're already fucked. The mods are deleting any new threads related to super right now. It's only a matter of time before they start shitting up these threads. Seriously fuck Sup Forums.

I really hate this implication that Super somehow appeals to or recaptures the spirit of the original Dragon Ball. It fucking doesn't, nor is it even really trying.

>mostly on par with Dragon Ball
Argue all you want about Z and Super but Z doesn't even touch DB in being a good show.

>implying it's not Cui

I would totally be fine with kid goku even if it meant 3 gokus.

Post videos/webms or kiero

>hurr durr Blueku and Blugeta are klones
nigga most fighting games have clones yet different specials (and different framedata/properties if same attacks) set them apart enough to be considered unique
>Akuma, Ryu, Ken, Evil Ryu...etc.
>the 9001 Ninja Recolors in Kortal Mombat
how dense do you have to be to think that these two are just recolors?
also Goku Black does not count as fucking goku... yeah, i know, the premise is retarded, but it's just goku's body using fagmasu's fighting style and techniques

So if broly gets in, what form do you want to see?
I want his autism form with lss as a power up.

cell's two supers are solar kamehameha and the big ball of energy explosion. you seriously went with cell of all characters to argue against that? frieza does have pretty unique supers though, only other character with an install so far is adult gohan i think.


I don't have any Super downloaded to make webms

I'm getting worried that I won't get my Black/Zamasu stance change concept, bros. It's as perfect and obvious as Ginyu summoning the others for his attacks, but I feel ASW will just rehash 18's gimmick with him.

Just LSS.


i doubt they'll ever put his non-muscly forms in the game... they're going for more "iconic" and unique. slim broly has nothing going for him but the fact that he's about to roid up. we'd be lucky to see him appear only to transform in the intro

i thought you were talking specials, my mistake.

if anything, cell's barrier is quite unique, but i can't argue about the solar kamehameha

>base broly floats down into the map
>lets out a battle cry and explodes
>explosion clears and it's lss broly
I would be okay with this.

>There's a huge quality powergap between DB/Z and GT/Super.
Not him but there isn't I've recently watched some of my old DB tapes and DVDs and there's a hell of a lot of shitty art and animation and it doesn't help that they swapped out artists all the time so one episode could look great while another one would have a completely different style.
As a whole though it doesn't start looking good consistently until about mid buu arc.

specials seem to be mostly pretty unique

Don't worry user, it's just 3 months until this arc ends.

Except for beams.
I swear to cheese crackers stop giving everyone a fullscreen beam.

But isn't that pic from a movie.

The Metal Cooler movie that you're referencing has moments of shit but it's far better animated than Super (obviously, it's a movie)

yeah basically his SSW2 intro with effects that make it faithful to the movie.
my relationship with broly is weird... i fucking hate the nigger's movie and backstory so much, but i love his fighting style and design and wanna play as him.

user are you planning to go hardcore competitive with this one and attend to tourneys? I sure will do

That's kind of the point, if a movie if filled with quality like that then you can bet your ass that the main series had more.
But there's always this

At least Cellfag is trying.

I like his theme.

agreed, it really feels like SF throwing around hadoukens
though it doesn't help that literally every fag in DBZ has a beam or two as their specials