Little Witch

Little Witch


Shit thread.

Man, Shierke has such a shitty design.

Can she cast explosion on my dick?

Shit Thread?
Shit Bed
Shit Head

Berserk Musou was really under-featured it seemed like the type of game where the second one would be much better.

I remember the first Gundam Musou felt the same way and yeah the sequels were massive improvements.

more like SHITke.

She would look so much better with brown hair.

>tfw love Schierke but she undeniably ruined Berserk

Jill would have made a better surrogate daughter figure for guts and since she doesn't have magical girl superpower she wouldn't have ruined the tone.

I want to mating press that little witch!

I don't think Guts could recover if he loses a daughter also, even if it was surrogate.


I think that a character like Schierke was inevitable, just from the need to explain all the crazy supernatural shit going on in the series to the reader. The series couldn't have just been grimdark Guts wandering from town to town, and killing an endless stream of monster of the week Apostles, because that would have certainly gotten stale after a while. Not to mention, that's not really the point of the series.

One thing I don't like about Schierke, though, is how she completely changed the dynamic to fight scenes. Most encounters now are just her saying "Hold it/them off while I prepare this spell", and then wiping all the enemies out with a summon straight out of Final Fantasy.

I thought Berserk was a dog

Maybe it's a big dog.

Guts was rape horse all this time?

Well once Guts sacrifices her and the rest of the gang we won't have to worry about that anymore

I think you mean Puck. Betchi belongs to HIM after-all.

If he was still a character that might happen

I really like Shierke as a character, but for the good of the series she needs to die. It's gonna be heartbreaking but iut has to be done.
Without Shierke, fights will feel dangerous again and Farnese fucking up magic will be great I'm sure..

The last one I read was when they were fucking around in Casca's mind and the series went on hiatus. Has he started updating again or is he still too busy playing iM@S?

It's back on the 22nd, allegedly.

I don't really mind Shierke's summons; what gets me is the combined effect she and the Berserk armor had on fight scenes. It's this fucking cursed armor Guts isn't supposed to use to its full potential or he'll lose his mind, and they even keep pointing this out, but thanks to Shierke he gets to just spam it anyway. Bleh.

New chapter at the end of the month. Finally get to see how Casca remembers the eclipse. I hope.

Anyone know where I can get all the Dark Horse scans of Berserk? cant get it from BakaBT anymore since they made it invite only

>I don't think Guts could recover
It's called Berserk, I think the tragedy of our hero truly losing himself is inevitable. The JRPG party's purpose is to lull us back into that hopeful feeling that with friends and companions we can overcome whatever challenges are ahead of us whatever they are and no matter how insurmountable just like the Band's purpose during the Golden Age. The Hollywood ending would be but this time Guts doesn't abandon his friends and this time they pull through. The poetic ending is effectively summed up with this page, and I still think that's where we're going.

I think that all it said was "Continues in Winter", or something along those lines. I guess that could really mean anything between here and the start of Spring.

As a way of coping with the release schedule, I've gotten really good at putting this series out of my mind, and forgetting that it exists in the off season. I managed to completely forget about the manga for a long enough stretch of time to miss the Sea God arc, and Rickert/Erica's adventures in Falconia. I didn't pick it up again until everyone on here was losing their shit over Guts and Co. finally getting off the boat.

>just from the need to explain all the crazy supernatural shit going on in the series to the reader.
I don't think you do, if anything leaving the crazy supernatural shit unexplained would have made them more interesting. Imagine a Troll rapecave and Qliphoth without the little witch to explain exactly what they are to you.

>If he was still a character that might happen
It still pisses me off that Miura lazily handed out Puck's roles to other characters like Isidro and Schierke and then boiled down Puck to comic relief to the point of absurdity. The character he is currently and the character you are introduced to in the Black Swordsman Arc are so radically different in nature.


I want to *ug that Little Witch

I 100% agree
People who complain about Shierke, what about this ugly little fucktard? What the fuck is his purpose? Literally, why the fuck is he around? He's a less competent and way more annoying Rickert.

they got her eyes spot on

little witch cunny

Yeah, I absolutely loved that there was this brooding, stoic motherfucker, and his best friend and companion was a cutesy little elf kid who put on his best smile even through the darkest arcs. In my opinion the way they played off each other was more humanizing than Guts' character arc in Golden Age.

>Literally, why the fuck is he around?
Timeskip after Guts falls where he becomes the MC.

>what about this ugly little fucktard? What the fuck is his purpose? Literally, why the fuck is he around?
To fuck little witch pussy after Guts goes back to delicious brown. Realistically though, who knows. He is better now than he was when he was introduced.

But Rickert actually has motivations to carry on if Guts fails. He also wants revenge against Griffith, and he even has his own little Casca to protect.

It could also be Rickert, honestly. Isidro is the one who is studying directly under Guts, however, and Rickert feels like too different a chatacter to Guts to carry the torch, whilst Isidro, regardless of how much of a little shit that he is, has a closer ideology to Guts.

I loved Puck's little fourth wall break moment, when Guts tells him to fuck off, and he says something to the effect of "Come on. Without me, this story would be way too dark". Pretty sure it was during Lost Children.

Muh dick


I know that the series haven't taken a nose dive yet but man it's so jarring to see this kind of shit when you remember that the series started off with Guts having sex with a demon before killing it.

she's so cute!!! what game is this?

Schierke's proportions always bugged me in that panel. Not only does she have JLo ass, she is oddly tiny compared to Guts there. Also, what does she do to Guts there? Fry him with some kind of fire attack?

>green hair
I guess so?

deletes memory i guess

Berserk Musou, it's not very good. It's middle of the road as far as Musou games go and there are better Berserk games out there too.

Although I think it's the only game where they let you play Schierke (the little witch girl).

Berserk and the band of the hawk

Does Guts have more STR or DEX?

More STR than DEX. All of his wild movement derives itself from his raw strength rather than any sort of dexterity.

All his points are in fucking ENDURANCE you pleb

>has high endurance
>needs little gay fairy to heal all his feather wounds

Reminder when Schierke was added in 2002 Idolmaster didn't even exist

It's just a meme bro

I guess that you forgot all those times when he was reduced to a total wreck. Most people would end up on a wheelchair after a third of the shit he went through.

Guts is one of those cheating assholes that has above a 15 in every attribute

The kind of guy the DM would kick out and force you to reroll.

>15 in luck

>15 in int

I refuse to believe that his LUCK is anywhere above 4

>Survives the eclipse because there just happened to be an immortal skull knight there to save him and his girl
>Everyone else dies horribly.

Guy's got 20 luck minimum.

Wait, is that for real? Didn't know Cuphead devs had good taste.

berserker armor sets them to 255

Tumblr can produce good fanart on occasion


>Contemplates the will to power while murdering hordes of dudes
>sub-15 int

>born from a fucking corpse
>forced to become a mercenary at a young age
>get betrayed by father figure and fucked in the ass as a kid
>get recruited by someone whose literal destiny is to fucking ruin the planet
>girlfriend gets raped into retardation
>arm ripped off
>every other friend is dead
>gets cursed and has to fight demons for the rest of his life

the fuck u said u little bitch?

That's a tough one.
I mean he's been through a fucking lot but he survived.
He was saved as a only be used as a actress.
And became part of the greatest mercenary group in the then leave the group causing Griffith to go mad and fuck himself into torture.
Saved his only then be sacrificed...then to avoid being sacrificed...only to see his only love be raped by his only friend.

Berserk has such shit panelling

But he did survive.

>Survive all this while everyone around you always dies
>Not 20 luck

>little boney arm so weak he manages to rip it off clean with a blunt broken cardboard knife
>has high endurance

How do you become as ripped as Guts?

Can you really call surviving all this shit and still having to suffer more "luck" ?

Take a huge one in the ass as a kid and develop a complex about it that haunts you well into adulthood.

>get hit by a car
>"he's lucky to survive"
Your unlucky to be in these situations in the first place.
Yea, it could be worse, but it sure as fuck could be better.

Depends on who you're asking. Any old peasent would be lucky to live past 40 without being torn apart by demons or died to the black plague. Guts is lucky if he stays alive long enough to kill Griffith, cure the retard or whatever his end goal is.

That's all down to perspective honestly.
I mean he's suffering but he's pushing through to save his waifu and save the world.
His suffering has meaning and purpose behind it, if he was suffering for no reason or purpose then it would be shit luck.

This scene made me die a little inside. Who would have thought a series like berserk would have pedoshit fanservice throw it's a shonen harem anime?

In a medieval setting, you gotta breed early for your genes to pass on.

>Get hit by a car going 45+ mph
>Survive with a few broken bones because it hit your just right not to do enough damage to kill you and you got thrown into the soft grass off the side of the road rather than slamming head first into the pavement
>Literally hundreds of thousands of people have died in this same situation but you miraculously survived it
>Not luck
It's all how you look at it dude.

Why did you get hit by a car though?

Actually it's only because kids are so well fed today that they are able to become fertile at an early age. That didn't really happen back then, unless you were royalty or something.

shit luck :^)

Forgot to look both ways.

You got hit by a car because you have low luck
You survive because you have high HP and DEF

10 days until new chapter

you fucking wat m8

you don't survive by luck, you survive through strong will and constitution, it's shit luck to get hit in the first place because you still have to deal with the consequences in the aftermath.

She's like 4 something and guts is like 6'7

It's fucking retarded that a kid has a fucking huge ass to begin with

HP and DEF have nothing to do with it, it's just the way the car hit and where you landed that saved your life.

Let's say you're on a plane that's about to crash. Instead of riding the plane down into the ground you jump out and fall directly into pillow warehouse filled to the brim with soft cushioning pillows, you still break most of your bones but it somehow slows your fall enough for you to not die. You were unlucky to be on a crashing plane but your were far more lucky to survive by landing in a pillow warehouse that just so happened to be there. Now people were jumping off the plane before and after you and they all died, only you landed in the pillow warehouse and lived, because of course you have high luck.

jesus christ why is Sup Forums so full of retards?


breaking all your bones sounds like shit luck m8

Nah dude, Casca is going to get her mind back and sacrifice Schierke and Farnese. Schierke will die and Farnese will survive with a mark after Guts is forced to kill Casca to save Farnese.

>Having bad taste
She wants it you know

>strong will and constitution
No, if the car hit you in any other way you'd be dead for sure. It was the freak combination of how you were standing where the car hit you, the shape of the car's hood, where you landed and in what position that miraculously spared you. If any of those other factors were slightly off you'd be dead, but by sheer luck all of them aligned in your favor and you came out okay. Lucky you.