do you ever get tired of all the violence in games
Do you ever get tired of all the violence in games
No but I still appreciate games people make that don't have it like Zachtronics games
Do you ever get tired of OP being a faggot?
Nope. I get tired of cutscenes. If you can't skip the cutscene then I refuse to play.
Yeah sometimes, I just play nonviolent games for a while when that happens
Sometimes. Then I go play a relaxing story game or walking sim to decompress.
D44M made me realize i need more violence in my life.
t. ACfag
never played a single ac game
I consider giblets and artform, so no.
I don't see why I should be.
yes and no. i thinks hotline miami, bloodborne, drad space, lisa, god of war, doom and maby last of us are only violent games in near history
What are the goriest games on the market?
Yes if you're playing as the "hero" but your methods of killing bad guys is extremely cruel/overly violent. Like Jedi Knight Academy, you could really fuck people up in that game. And all the stormtroopers acted really innocent and friendly (apart from the fact they're your enemies)
I LOVE guns and bacon...hella f*ckin epic...
what a disgusting thumbnail
>half life SPAS-12
>pump action despite firing normal ammunition
>somehow can fire two shots at once
what were they thinking
Walking and open world driving desu
don't you see the second barrel? idiot
do you ever get tired of all the violence in real life?
that's where the ammo is stored
Yes. I like discussing this issue with my bull while he's making love to my wife.
are you retarded?
Animal Crossing? Ace Combat? Assassins Creed? Air conditioning? What the fuck does AC mean?
This is a man who knows his guns
These are ignorant youtube warriors
how is the ammo stored in the second barrel??
Auto Correct
When I get bored of violence I just play Portal 2, Rocket League or Ark Survival with my friends. It is relaxing.
I thought I had grown tired of it but then Doom 2016 came along
it's not a barrel, it's where the shells are before you pump them into the barrel and fire them, 'pump-action'
Automated Cock.
Armored Core IIRC. It refers to a specific individual. This user in particular despises games that has any sort of cutscenes or story in them at all, and shits up threads by sharing his trash opinion.
so how does the second barrel shoot then?
I get tired of the lack of violence in video games.
It makes easier to make good gameplay so it's quite fine and most of the time fun.
But you gotta deliver that sweet gameplay.
it doesnt
Ass Crack
I switch up genres all the time so no. I'd imagine if I played shooters nonstop like some of the retards I know I'd be pretty burnt out on games. I don't know how people just bounce from major shooter release to release.
But he's right. Story is unnecessary in vidya.
Apple Core. From Software's game about giant robots who pick fruit.
The one thing I don't get tired of.
stop pretending.
right click
Depends. Some games, yes; others, no. Skyrim or Oblivion, for instances, I get tired off because the violence is lazily justified or the only option despite teasing more interesting or logical alternatives. Something like Half-Life, no not really. The violence is interesting, varied, and there always seems to be a good rationale for why its necessary.
No. video games need more violence and sexy women.
There's no second barrel, that is the tube magazine.
I just pretend it's a two-round burst option. It cools down my autism somewhat.
The only thing I find objectionable is the dry-as-fuck bacon. What the fuck, it's not supposed to look like bark.
Edgy violence, yes
Comic/cartoon violence, no
Cutscenes should fuck off of videogames.
It's not a movie ffs and retarded console third person interactive movies aren't games.
Let's celebrate violence and America a little bit more, why not.
Nobody cares, but yes, sometimes I wonder if in our entertainment in general we glorify violence, or if we prop it up as some instrument that the righteous use to make the world a better place
maybe it's to sedate our violent tendancies
Most psychologists don't recommend getting angry to people who are trying to overcome their anger
they should buff the reload speed with this weapon
I prefer to build and make defenses and let people/things attack them.
Shame defense is not the way to win wars.
You're not getting angry. You're expressing an impulse (violence) in a channelled and "safe" way, with the intent of catharsis.
What are some nonviolent multiplayer games? Hard mode: no minecraft
Is that what a Bolter round would look life?
Life is suffering. Strife is a normal embodiment of this untouchable reality. Violence is only one of the most obvious aspect of strife.
Violence in videogames, or in any other way that is not 'real,' is a good way to channel emotion and sentiments in a safe way.
Killing paper targets, for example, can be cathartic same was as the hero of a story kicking the villain in the nuts can be.
Weapon buffs don't work on rangers, you should know that. Don't waste mana.
Overcooked, Wii Sports
>the best swordsman should fear a beginner swordsman
whoever said that is a fag
yes i have unironic PTSD and can rarely enjoy most games.
i like to play GTA online in a private session and just spend most of the time exploring the map or flying a plane.
i used to hang out in the mall in vice city all the time.
i like to relax and read books inside my house in skyrim too.
what are some other peaceful games Sup Forums?
Why would we get in the way of natural selection?
City builders with the crisis events turned off if they even have them.
Only when it's dull.
I like to relax by playing simple and long detail-oriented missions in flight sims when I want to relax. Sometime, just flying leisurely.
Not dogfighting, though. That gets my heart pumping like mad.
I think most bolters are supposed to be .75 caliber, so they'd be about half the diameter of a 40mm grenade.
Conflict is necessary to make things interesting, it's essential to all artforms, granted you don't need violence to have conflict, but it's the most effective way.
I used to love flying the little reconnaissance aircraft in IL2:1946 and just running simple observation missions.
I dislike super violent games. Halo is about as violent of a game as I'm interested in.