Anyone else completely lose interest in single players after they've gotten invested in a multiplayer?

Anyone else completely lose interest in single players after they've gotten invested in a multiplayer?

I can't seem to enjoy any game besides League and alot of the people I know are the same, even the girls.

>enjoying League
Holy shit

Are you really going to argue the biggest game in the world isn't enjoyable? I know Sup Forums is contrarian by nature but come on.

shit taste detected

It isn't. It's addictive not enjoyable.

You think anyone would get addicted to something they didn't enjoy?

You should try one of those steam threads where people post their top stats. Then when you see dudes with 2k+ in dota/csgo/tf2 ask how they feel and then call them a faggot

I find it ironic you made this thread while posting a character from a single player game.

Kawakami best girl

>I only play LoL


Yeah, because slot machines are so engaging.

>I have the same taste of girls

Multiplayer games are awful unless they are co-operative. I only play co-op or single player. I have no interest in "competing" with some virgin with no life, especially not with the way games are set up to have long winded unlock systems these days

Why would I buy a game only to have my shit pushed in for 30 hours before I can perhaps enjoy it? You can't even play most multiplayer games now if you buy late. 1 month past release? Good luck getting fucked by everyone with full unlocks. There was never this problem with games like Quake 3. Except against certain players (which all competed in tourneys) you had a chance from the beginning to get a few kills in and have fun

I have the inverse effect, after leaving modern multiplayer games behind I played games I overlook and Im having a great time

Multiplayer games are cancer. You get too invested and then don't feel like playing anything else.

Go away EA rep

I feel the same. I like competitive multiplayer games but I always yearn for a good single player to immerse myself in but most single players are open world garbage. Plus the ability to be social is nice. I would also like for a single player to have some level of social interaction, not with real people but with NPCs.

Literally the opposite except I've kind of run dry of single player games that I have interest in.

Having a gambling disorder or a chemical addiction are obviously special cases.

ASSFAGGOTS have been widely disliked here for a long time

Lord no, I played Overwatch and Hots for a year straight and now I regret it deeply cause I eventually started to miss my single player games and my backlog has grown exponentially because of that lost year.
I find that all multiplayer games lose their spark eventually, it's just a case of how much of your free time you've wasted before then. At least with single player games you get your set play time then move onto another exciting new experience.

Also, single player games won't call you a faggot or have you banned for playing the game the way you want to.

I know that PvP games tend to be ignored or disliked here because people here aren't that skilled and probably lose more than they win so they hate it. You generally need to be good at a PvP game to enjoy it, there's not much fun in getting your head kicked in over and over without progress.

After a long day of work, I simply don't want social interaction and play single player games.

Thank god that JRPGs don't have online integration.

I'm not defending ASSFAGGOTS because although they can be extremely enjoyable. One person can ruin a match and it's a huge time sink for that match to be lost.
But, that seems like just a vocal minority it seems most people either enjoy them or don't care.

I can't get invested into team based multiplayer anymore after playing League for years because I can't control if I lose due to my team or due to myself.

That's how all addictions work yoy fucking Mongoloid. Being so addicted to something that you keep going back even when in your lucid episodes you know it's not actually enjoyable but you go anyway because your mind is conditioned to it.

My brothers played for years before they dropped it because they said it was the same shit over and over again and the didn't enjoy it. Literally a week later they were back at it, and they still said they didn't enjoy it. It's addictive, not fun.

>Get good in single player game
>Not a single person to acknowledge your skill or achievements
>Get good in multiplayer
>Everyone can see in the results you know your shit
>Praise and rewards constantly
Once you've gotten masters+ in League despite the heavy competition there's really no achievement in a single player game that can match that satisfaction. Everyone wants to play with you and constantly ride your dick, especially the girls. Being good at a popular game actually will get you a gf.

>>Not a single person to acknowledge your skill or achievements

They've got big events for speed running autism every year

The post of a loser

For your unpaid repetitive hours spent on videogames, I can do the same at work except in return I get the perks of women actually riding your dick, money to spend on whatever you want, lots of people who actually matter acknowledge you instead of sweaty nerd faggots - and get awards that people actually are jealous of

>especially the girls
Where's yours then faggot? And my god gamer girls are the lowest of the low, bottom of the barrel


>The mind of an insecure wageslave

you do understand there are players for multiple games that make more than you ever will through just their brand alone not even beginning to mention the paid salary they get

>HAHAHA wageslave
>*spends 60 hours a week* grinding on a shitty moba

I don't work at McDonalds, I love this argument though. It's pathetic that gamers even get paid at all. A brand for a faggot who sits on his ass on the computer is the most hilarious late capitalist idea

So pathetic

Literally the exact opposite for me. I love multiplayer when I was 13/14 and I now I haven't played a multiplayer game I've been invested in for years outside of Smash Bros. I still play Halo 3 around Christmas time every year with some friends though.

this desu
multiplayer disgusts me now

Yoy. Lawl this fucker needed to to post this sperg out so fast .

What's your point exactly? Yeah, there's a small group of people who make a lot of money out of e-sports , but that's not true for most of the actual public. If you want to feel good by getting praised for your skills, that's okay, but that doesn't mean you're going to get profit out of it. It's like comparing playing sports with their friends to professionals.

I've played League since season 1. I see myself playing it for a long time to come, too.

I feel you though. I felt pretty much the same as you. Singleplayers just felt boring. That is, until I got into Breath of the Wild. BotW and Odyssey taught me how to have fun again