The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh

the fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh

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SH PC Guide + the DL links :


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

SH2 PC fixes site:

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

If you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput & PS4 gamepads natively. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
There's OK emu-settings for SH1 in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Try the PGXP emulator for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.

-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.

Uhnf... someone post the Heather pastas

what pastas?

Is this what SH fanboys think is attractive? Pasty white crack whores?

Would you rather have poopy brown crack whores?

>tfw Heather will never piss herself in front of you

>This is canon is Shattered Memories

Are you always the same guy that posts this?

>Never play below Normal difficulty.
>Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
Explain these, please. I don't like clunky gameplay, so what's so bad about turning the difficulty down to avoid frustration?

just watch it on youtube kiddo

gonna need some BURN HEAL after that one

>Are you always the same guy that posts this?
No, but often.

>Explain these, please.
Easy modes remove any and all challenge, especially in the sequels, where they literally make enemies move in slow motion, remove or explain puzzles' solutions to you out loud, and can even make you unable to die some threats in the games.

Lowering the in-game Brightness makes the games look less washed out, and dark areas actually look dark.

>I don't like the clunky gameplay
there's nothing clunky about the SH1-3's gameplay.

>TFW I look like a boyish Heather mason
I should cosplay her someday

>tfw rangedweapon has the only good Eileen porn
she deserves more goddamnit

>Silent Hills
how does it feel like to know that you are literally a worse gamer than some 10-yearolds and 30yo girls?

It's a horror game, nigger. The possibility of getting your ass whupped builds tension. What's there to fear if monsters just lightly caress you and keel over instantly?
I'm a giant fucking wuss and played SH2 and 3 for the first time last year, haven't played 1 yet because I have to track down a copy first. Went Hard on Combat and Puzzles and I had a fucking blast trying to survive in a survival horror game.
Everyone that complains about controls is a retard, while we are at it. I have no nostalgia for these games and zero patience with shit controls and I had absolutely no issues.

I like star wars battlefront 2 and EA.

>played SH3 before finishing SH1
Please don't do this people. Please.
Just emulate it / buy it from PSN Store.

Androgynous faggots should be executed.

Is Heather a bisexual, I like her and she would be my sex bunny. She comes across as dirty yet beautiful- I like that but she would like how I make her moan more. Her hair is very nice, she probably doesn't know how to make herself look pretty but she tries her best and I would reward her for that by making her pregnant.

Not the guy you replied to, but what about the flashlight bit? I understand the difficulty and brightness parts, but I'm curious if there's a particular reason why it would be preferable to have the flashlight off, aside from making the game creepier.

I already knew the story in detail, so it didn't matter to me. Again, I'm a giant pussy that doesn't usually play Horror games. SH and Fear had me shitting bricks and even Eternal Darkness, Stalker or Metro put me constantly on edge. I only picked them up becaise I wanted to experience them for myself.

I don't think I'll ever get past the school section on SH1 on hard mode.. those corridors are just too tight and it's not like I can jump over those tiny monsters who dive at my feet and pin me down so all it's friends can wreck me silly.

>tfw ywn have a body this feminine
This shit makes me want to cry. Am I unironically transgender? What the fuck...

Can you be any more homosexual?

It was a simple question about why you guys recommend Normal or above for a game that I've never seen praised for it's controls, how about not being a complete jackass in response?

>Easy modes remove any and all challenge
So it's not like most games where the only difference is the health and damage of the enemies, that's all I wanted to know. Thank you, I'll be sure to follow your suggestion.

>there's nothing clunky about the SH1-3's gameplay.
That's good to hear too. I was worried because it's not odd for older games to be frustrating with that sort of stuff, Shadowman comes to mind for example.
Not insurmountable, but definitely annoying.

I haven't played it at all yet, you conceited idiot.

I wasn't bashing the game, just asking what the reason for those two tips were. I don't mind hard games, but I don't want it to be hard for dumb reasons like bloated health.

>but what about the flashlight bit?
It's a literal tactical advantage: enemies will have harder time spotting you, meaning at best, you can just sneak past them quietly and avoid fighting altogether. It also helps RUNNING away from them, and can be used to confuse some enemies that are already about to assault you.

I'm pretty damn stunned that people didn't know about this stuff already.

Google "Kloe Kane", she's a porn actress who looks just like Heather.

Thank me later.

SH 4 was the only game that I ever dropped because it got too hard/stresful
>Immortal dude chasing you
>Go to relax at safe hub, only to find it turned to hellhole that drains your life
Fuck that

>No, but often.
thank you for your service

>Kloe Kane
but she's ginger.......and not cute or damaged looking and her hair is not similar in anyway.

So you're saying don't play below Normal because the game becomes too easy, but then you're giving tips on how to make the game easier.

>I haven't played it at all yet, you conceited idiot.
Yet somehow, you knew that SH's gameplay is "clunky" ? Prejudiced underaged/b& much?

Look up the videos where she has her hair is shortened and dyed blonde.

Hey. He's trying to help, get a clue ok buck?

.tch. Now show a hard mode run with more than one of these things diving for you and trust me ..they won't go down that easy.

You're right. I'm a fucking asshole.

>le clunky xd

Knowing one or two basic tricks that are told in the games' Manuals, but requires you to manually operate and master the use of, is a totally different thing than the game letting you off a lot more easily, to the point of even L I T E R A L L Y making you invincible at best.

That being said, if you are not a fan of action in horror games, you can compensate with the old trick of using Easy action-difficulty, but Normal / High puzzle difficulty.

For the past 20+ runs, I don't think I've ever killed a single one of those kids any more. It's easy to walk past them.

No she doesn't even have the same face as her, you probably just trying to promote her. Heather is younger and although she is damaged she has a sort of sweet innocence yet toughness to her face that this whore does not.

no it isn't! how the hell do you do it then?! you probably memorised the layout of the school and know how to speedrun it but I don't.

>Now show a hard mode run with more than one of these things diving for you
Flashlight off + walking slowly = no need to fight them. Alternatively, just shoot them each once, and sprint past while they're staggering.

>no it isn't! how the hell do you do it then?!
Turn off flashlight before entering the area. Don't run, don't attack, don't bump into one. Simple.

Looks close enough to me.

No, I was worried that it was clunky because my only experience with old horror games is clunky stuff like Shadowman, and I simply wanted to know what those two tips meant before I played it.
But it doesn't matter what I say to you people anyhow, so whatever.

they still come for you even in the dark, how is that simple?! are we playing the same game here? I'm talking about SH1. There is little to no room to dodge them and sure turning of the flashlight makes them not chase you straight away but as soon as I try to pass them they leap on my foot and I'm going to die or use alot of health items.

>mfw kids these days have hard time with these games I speedran through as 11 year old


what the hell is wrong with you, they look nothing alike.

>I was worried that it was clunky because my only experience with old horror games is clunky stuff like Shadowman
I wouldn't even count THAT as "horror game". More like a third-person shooter x adventure mix, a la Tomb Raider. And yeah, that game was kinda clunky.

Silent Hill is quite literal carbon copy of original Resident Evil games when it comes to gameplay. Controls and your available options are greatly improved though, IMO.

>they still come for you even in the dark, how is that simple?! are we playing the same game here? I'm talking about SH1.
Yes, SH1. My absolute favorite of the bunch. The game I've played through some 40+ times after 1999.
If you don't poke one or alert them of your presence with sound, they won't attack.
If you suck at waiting for your chance to sneak past them, just kill them. Ammo's a plenty. Or at least drop them down and then run.

prove it kid. I'll wait here *drinks beverage* this is going to be another one of those nights.

Opinion: high difficulties and being killed easily ruins any sort of scary element to a game and just adds tedium

I'm playing the eu version so maybe yours is easier? just kill them... do you know how many bullets they take on hard mode? and they just keep coming at you while their buddies are coming too. I tried slowly walking past them with flash light off and it does not work.
And if you have played through it 40+times then you know they respawn on hard mode!

Tell me how. I still do have my OG PS1 memory card with the NG++++ save states, if that's any use any more.

I did however take a photo evidence of my first ever A-rank speedrun of RE2 (N64 version) back in the days. Sorry the shit quality, this was one the first ever available, commercial digi-camcorders.

>I wouldn't even count THAT as "horror game".
It's got all the boxes ticked at least, but yeah. There's always Playrooms though.
I haven't played Resident Evil 1-2 either, so I don't know how that is.

>not clunky

Listen you talk a big talk but it's not really possible for a kid to comprehend those games, you wouldn't even have been able to get past the puzzles even if you did somehow luck out against all the enemies.
You gave it your best shot but now its time to come clean.Do not lie to me kid, I always find out one way or another.

>Opinion: high difficulties and being killed easily ruins any sort of scary element to a game and just adds tedium
Opinion discarded.
Death as a true penalty is one of the elements adding tension to horror games. And as said earlier, Beginner/Easy modes in SH are some literal "this is the first time I've ever even seen a controller!" modes.

>I'm playing the eu version so maybe yours is easier?
Nope, I started with EU version as well. I've later on played the NTSC version too, there's no real difference between the two.

>do you know how many bullets they take on hard mode?
3-4 if you wait for their stagger animation to end, 5-6 if you just spam it to their face. Then you just kick their teeth in.
A lot less if you got the shotgun.

>they just keep coming at you while their buddies are coming too.
Just swap the target and stunlock the horde.

>I tried slowly walking past them with flash light off and it does not work.
Then you are doing it wrong.
The only section in school that ever causes me trouble with sneaking is the 2nd floor's hallway with Music room, thanks to the hard to spot cockroaches. But even there, if SHTF, you can just sprint to any of the doors in the corridor.

>you know they respawn on hard mode!
Yes, and some areas are re-filled with enemies even on easy-normal.
It's just a matter of choosing your route, avoiding some known death-trap zones, and / or avoiding combat.

Yes, it's not clunky at all.
Now, try playing stuff like Fade To Black or In Cold Blood. Hell, even Parasite Eve can be worse.

>Listen you talk a big talk but it's not really possible for a kid to comprehend those games,
Yes, kids THESE DAYS, it seems.
Excuse me that I beat stuff like RE1-3, SH, FF7, MGS, LoZ:OoT... etc. before hitting puberty. To add salt to the wound, I'm not even a native English speaker.

tl;dr: get gud, GenZ.

No difference between the two?did you forget how the child enemies were censored for EU?

How am I supposed to reach the shotgun when these little guys are swarming the school, I feel overwhelmed I can't even explore because they won't leave me alone.

How do you swap targets with the gun?

the moment you die whatever thing killed you isnt scary, it doesnt add tension.
I'm a supporter of video games not having difficulty options and just having one difficulty everything is balanced around

Hey, nothing wrong with white crack whores, they're fun.

right. You mean your older brother beat them and you watched and took credit for them. Maybe you pointed out that he had to kill that or shoot this but not much else. Maybe try beating these games yourself sometime on normal or above mode without a walkthrough?

To much work sh3 looked like shit when I tried to run it. Proper re release when

Even of they did, the girl in the video is pretty fat, so no.

>No difference between the two?did you forget how the child enemies were censored for EU?
That is nothing more than a literal model swap. Their behavior is identical.

>How am I supposed to reach the shotgun when these little guys are swarming the school, I feel overwhelmed I can't even explore because they won't leave me alone.
Just get in there. It takes like 5 minutes.

>How do you swap targets with the gun?
you just press on d-pad.

>the moment you die whatever thing killed you isnt scary, it doesnt add tension.
Yes, the tension is released at that point, leaving you with shock and misery. The realization that this shit just got real, and the game's not trying to be your friend.
Which is part of the horror experience. I know this might be a totally foreign concept to people who play shit like Amnesia and RE7, that auto-save and funnel you to right direction all the time.

Still, I do not understand where you have gotten this idea of SH1-3 being brutally unfair "DaS of horror games" on Hard mode. Excuse me that the difficulty modes actually represent their average challenge level.

>You mean your older brother beat them and you watched and took credit for them
I AM the older brother. I only got a younger brother, who is the typical GenZ filthy casual, playing everything on easiest difficulty + cheats.

>Maybe try beating these games yourself sometime on normal or above mode without a walkthrough?
Come back talking when you unlock the Hyper Blaster, the Hyper Spray, and Extra Difficulty X, my child.

What are your top 5 favorite games. Just curious, based SH poster.

>To much work sh3 looked like shit when I tried to run it.
literally unpacking one (1) file to the game's folder is "too much work"?

Hell, SH3 is the one game that doesn't even NEED any fixes necessarily! You can literally just add your custom resolution to game's own disp.ini file, or make do with the 4:3 res + tons of supersampling you can enable via 3D rendering resolution option.

kid, your not fooling anyone so knock it of and get back to school and maybe just maybe IF you study hard enough you maybe able to smile at that reflection you see.

>What are your top 5 favorite games.
too hard to choose between some titles, so here's my most recent 3x3

believe me, after finishing University studies 4 years ago, I wish I could go back to the easy and carefree school life. Being a working adult with obligations and constant busywork sucks.

I played all the same games as him before puberty as well, i was too scared to finish RE 2-3. The others however i finished by the time i was 11. I even got the weapon fights down in ff7 through the power of extreme grinding and overpowered materia builds suggested by friends. All those games were already designed to be easy enough for the average kid, the prime audience.

Well some people arn't even aware of that model swaps existence since it only exists in the US version, so I think you educate people on that especially since you are the SH sage around here.

I can't even remember where the shotgun is, I remember it's in a toilet but you have to make the toilet change or something like that and I'm struggling to get past these corridors.

What do you work as? why did you choose such a stressful career? hey I'm by no means a success story but I think it's important to earn just enough to make by on and while doing that job for you not to hate it, and to have enough free time

you finished SH1 but not re 2-3? how is re scarier?!
are you sure you didn't dream you played it, sometimes we get confused and mistake memories for what didn't really happen.

playing it in HD resolutions does wonders already

This still spooks me after all those years.

>Parasite Eve
The second one I can understand, but the first one is not clunky at all.

The stomp negates the awkward horror of the scene and turns it into something akin to guignol.

SH2 won't work!!!!!!!

Is it possible to play SH1 with mouselook in an emulator?

I've in the middle of my first Silent Hill run. I recently beat the Hospital, and I'm really liking it. I also bought SH Origins and Shattered Memories