Am i playing a different game? This game is fucking easy, killed the first 5 bosses in less than 10 minutes...

Am i playing a different game? This game is fucking easy, killed the first 5 bosses in less than 10 minutes. Is this how retarded gamers are nowadays? Jesus christ .

What difficulty were you playing on

>inb4 t-the game gets h-harder after that!
>inb4 y-you're just lying about it being easy!!

It doesn’t get hard until the third island.
A couple of the srcond island bosses will take some time (the dragon comes to mind) but yeah the first island is basically just getting you used to the controls and movement.

Yes, the game is rather easy.
It's still fun, especially in CO-OP with a member of the people who think it's hard. I'm not even playing against the game, I'm playing against him.
Dodging projectiles is easy, shouting when to jump as you jump, getting him to stay still so we can direct the bullets where we need them, etc. Now THAT's a real challenge.

It really isn't hard at all as long as A) you grew up playing with Contra and Metal Slug, B) you get that parrying the pink shit is a thing for a reason.

You gotta understand OP that not everyone plays this sort of shit plus it was the hot trendy "hard game" for a bit so even people who just watched it on Twitch would claim it's difficult. The bosses get a bit tougher deeper in but its mostly just "learn the instant full screen attacks and dodge them next time"

The game isn't terribly difficult (though it's challenging if you go for A+ or S ranks). It's a meme pushed by game journos because they're beyond incompetent and would rather claim elitism then realize they're being made fun of for a reason.

You are better man than me, last time i played a game with a retard like that i wanted to kill him pretty fast

Dark Souls mode