The great debate.
The great debate
Other urls found in this thread:
the real debate is why the shopkeeper isn't selling any spears
Sword/shield, still hold out hope to enchant the shield to get a 100% block rate
How to detect a faggot : 101
Plain longsword is the patrician's choice.
I steal them all since the shopkeep is gone and sim it myself.
All 3
Sure thing "patrician".
Wait for the shopkeeper, ask for her recommendation, get to know her, impregnate her, etc.
>Plain longsword is the patrician's choice.
Enjoy getting stabbed to death before you even get in range to swing your sword
>weapon of the masses
>apparently not for plebs
yeah ok
Stick the 2swords in the sides of the crossguard of the bigsword, the 1sword's pommel to the bigsword's pommel, and the shield against the bigswords's handle.
swap between all three because the move sets are extremely boring and the only way for me to finish the game is to have them all. If mmo
>control panel
>uninstall programs
>are you sure you want to uninstall mmo y/n
d-style > k-style
Give me a dagger so I can make all those swordfags cry
>big sword
>max str and dex so you can wield it like a normal sword
Big Sword is the weapon of ballers
the slow attack speed punishes you for mistakes so people know you are good
fuck off with your literal peasant weapon
*blocks your path*
Sword and board
Where the fuck is my big ass hammer of skull crushing?
>slow attack speeds
>ignores 50% armor every hit
>crit damage 150%
>Stunning blows give a 10% chance every hit to stun for five seconds
>Formation with no flexibility that only worked against retards who launched themselves at the enemy without a plan.
Remember Cynoscephalae, shitter.
s&s is op compared to the other two.
On demand stuns can help deal with so many mechanics and abilities that even with the dps loss you would likely survive with as much hp as the other two, then add in the defense of the shield itself and you have a broken weapon.
Greatsword is better though as im not a faggot.
Greatsword sounds broken as fuck dude
There's a reason why shields were the norm until plate armor irl.
>Cleave isn't an AoE
You're triggering my /tg/ autism
big ass sword any day
you'll wreck enough shit alone but with a healer behind you you're untouchable
lemme get uuuuhhhhh
Why not 2 shields?
GW2 has the best girls
Debate why I'm going to a shop that only carries plebeian swords
I'm going to use my generic RPG knowledge and text wall creation skills to solve this.
Sword and board only has a chance to block damage with normal attack speed. Assuming the fast attack speed on the two swords comes from the fact you are using two swords and it isn't fast attack speed AND two swords, the damage and survivability between these two is mostly similar if you ignore the skills at the bottom.
The big ass sword is the only AOE sword in the game. On top of that, the only reliable AOE is on a skill cast. Fighters generally have low mana. This tells me that if the game is balanced, AOE is useful but not required. The sword is very slow (2 levels below sword and board, and 3 below 2 swords). Considering the likely mana issues slow hitting weapon with only a chance to AOE, this seems like a bad choice. The only thing it has going for it is the crit damage.
Two swords is interesting. The multi-hit skill effectively raises the minimum critical damage. "Multiple" implies at least 2, and likely at least 3 (these can crit as well). Even two hits raises the effective minimum crit damage to 300%, making the big ass sword basically useless. You can likely gear up for crit chance and do tons of damage with this. The kill speed likely outweighs the sword and board, and thus 2 swords is the correct answer.
OP, you were missing the flat damage increase on the big ass sword, and made the mistake of putting on a passive ability that scales with itself.
Right, it looks cool and is the most fun play option.
No dual shields?
Morning stars are the weapons of patricians.
>out for lunch
I'll take all of them for free.
Yeah but two swords has a chance to make the user take more damage.
I want the shopkeper to come back. I hear she has tits.
all of these suck ass. spears too. polearms on the other hand... true patrician's weapon
>Ignores armor
>Gets better with strength or momentum
If you can get more crits from dancing blades, you can basically stunlock the opponent to death
>use shield to stun
you don't need damage if you can stun someone
Why would a crit stun?
You would easily be killing twice as fast with them than the sword and shield based on the few numbers given, even without stacking crit. Almost no AOE abilities tells me enemy fighters are not hordes of weak things, but few strong enemies that you engage with for a long period of time. Less fight time = less damage in total taken. There is always the chance to get blown up I guess though.
What games have cool maces? The possible designs for a mace feel pretty limited unless you go silly like a meteor tied to a stick
i aint readin that shit nigga
big sword every fuckin time
Dual knives
Why do so many girls play gw2 anyway? Because of all the gay pandering?
>no poleaxe
>no halberd
>no wakizashi
>no epee
>no swordstaff
>Character uses sword and shield
>shield does nothing and is purely aesthetic
That is literally the only downside to the sword and board.
People who like swords have no taste.
Name 3 games that do this.
Those seem too small to parry something like a spear
Swords are heroic because of things like excalibur and star wars.
Hafted weapons are seen as peasant weapons, axes are the weapons of brutes who favor strength over skill. Nip swords and fencing weapons are still swords. Swords will always be seen is the default heroic weapon because it's been that way for millennia.
For what its worth, duel wielding was never actually a thing historically.
This com ing from someone who goes straight to duel wielding in any rpg i play.
Start drawing lewds fag.
That'd the only reason I'm here.
TL;DR big ol' sword
tfw can't find the thief picture anymore
I wait for the cute anthro shopkeep to return.
Why do dual daggers and stealth abilities always attract scumfucks.
Seriously every game that gives players the option to choose a class/weapon the dual dagger players are always the most selfish, arrogant faggots I've ever witnessed.
Normal 2 handed sword please, not that japshit sword.
They're the same people who get a character to max level, but aren't good enough to raid or battleground so they go out in the world and corpse camp people 30 levels below them. They don't have any other way of feeling good about themselves or useful in any way.
>no 1 regular sword
Dragon's Dogma has some pretty cool mace designs. Pic related is my favorite.
Have fun getting that swing animation off before dying loser
I'm sure he'll be back soon.
You mean this one?
why jap game weapons are so hilarious?
i love you
how so?
"lel my spin2win"
fuck those niggers
>shopkeeper is out for lunch
this sounds like a trap, that shopkeeper's setting up an ambush
nethack taught me how to deal with this situation. i wait outside the shop and let my dog pick up all three items and drop them by me.
You'll get interrupted every time you try to swing it. You'd only be fast enough if you plan on jabbing with it, which at that point just use a spear.
>being this assblasted you got ganked in a video game
Suck it up buttercup. Sometimes you get shit on and sometimes you shit on others. Such is life.
Tonfas or spear?
>being this assblasted nobody wants you around in endgame content
git gud
>playing WoW on private server
>some low level is saying he's been camped by a dude for 30 mins
>team up with guildies
>camp him for 2 hours
>get insulted by him (you can /w between factions)
>have an Idea with the guildies
>get on forum
>create a thread where we offer our Bounty hunter services
>basically someone pays us gold and we track/camp any fucker in the Alliance
>eventually shit blows out of proportion, there's like 5 guilds about bounty hunting
>even PvE fags start hiring to camp other guilds
>massive PvP events everywhere
>some rich fucks (ones that give money to the server by paying 20$ mounts and shit) get so much assblasted they threaten to leave
>jewish admins aren't pleased about losing source of income
>bounty hunting is prohibited
>get banned cause we started it
Where's the halberd or big ass axe
*swish swooosh*
A long sword is the most effective weapon in the duel because of it's versatility and speed and reach. A shield + sword combo is two easily countered by a mace, flail spear or even longsword, but that's in a 1v1 scenario.
Dual wielding is absolutely autistic and ineffective and no one ever did that shit in real life. The appropriate gear would be Sword + Dagger, the dagger being used for a parry. You can't use both swords effectively because the length will interfere with each other when you try and parry or fight. You'll end up just using one sword. Things like blocking with both swords gives your opponent control over your weapons and slashing in an X fashion is autistic, and ineffective because the cut is ineffective, primarily because you can't put your weight into the cut.
tl;dr Big sword or Sword + shield and dual wield is for faggots and edge lords who watch too much anime.
>Dual wielding
Kill me, Pete.
>Space invaders > Butterfag
Mein neger
>A long sword is the most effective weapon in the duel because of it's [...] speed
Unless you know something I don't, the long sword is the slowest weapon choice here.
Sorry,forgot I'm on Sup Forums, I'm talking about IRL. It's a false conception that 2handers are slow. They are usually designed to be light and agile, if you watch high level HEMA fights it's almost like my japanese anime. Sword and board is slower because it's more patience and waiting for an opening than just constant attacking and parrying. In video games big sword is slow.
And as I said, dual wield is autism.
>Highest reach
>lowest speed
Go watch some actual sword fighting and stop using rpg's as your basis for weapons. The best weapon for a 1v1 duel, no armor involved, is a rapier. Bar none. Introduce other, elements into the fight, and the rapier loses its advantage, but the rapier is the absolute best sword of all time for an unarmoured 1v1 duel.
>The best weapon for a 1v1 duel, no armor involved
So it's completely useless then? I guess it's a great weapon to carry for bar night.
if that's true those admins are 100% retarded
building a strong, involved community will bring more people in who are willing to spend money. they had something special and they handled it in the most retarded way possible.
Yes, actually. That's what it was used for. It's primary use was a sidearm for civilians. You don't tend to run into too many armored opponents during a night on the town.
Polearms are patrician but spears are the second-worst.
Why isn't the shopkeeper selling any halberds or poleaxes?
>cum on the swords
>They are usually designed to be light and agile
Opposed to the one handed sword, which is designed to be heavy and slow used like a sledgehammer...
The long sword has the most mass and therefore the most inertia. Meaning it's the slowest weapon.
Maybe SnS is slower paced, but it is definitely faster to swing.
The one handed sword is slower because you are only using one hand to swing it, meaning less power and far less torque. Plus the blade has to be shorter because of its lower weight and lower required torque, and as middle school physics 1 should have shown, the far end of a lever moves faster the longer it is.
>using one hand to swing it
fuck that's what I was missing. I was assuming equal strength was being used to swing each weapon sorry for being a dummy head
Shopkeep's been on lunch break for two hours. Just how much can they eat?
People can’t feel someone’s murderous intent unless you’re literally bearing the knife.
*blocks your path*