*ruins your community*

*ruins your community*

how does a platform ruin a community
all it does is connect people, if the result is shit, the people are shit

Die, you fucking degenerate (discordfags)

>Floods your server full of raging furfags that inevitably becomes mods for the server
Stay away from populated servers lads. They're no good

>x general ceases to exist because some faggot made an x discord


Go back to Teamspeak Grandpa. All of your old WoW friends are waiting for you.

Fucking lel

Everytime I see this logo it looks like Micky Mouse pants.

Why did they make the logo of Discord Mickey's pants?

That's a good thing though
/vg/ is in dire need of a proper purge

How does it feel to finally be shown generals are cancer as they're mostly abused by attentionwhores to chat - something discord is much better for?

Kill yourself

>plays with autists

>Baby Bop
Somehow, Lee was right the entire time

I think you mean improves. Keeps all the underage normalfag attentionwhores contained.

>he thinks a platform that eases communication can "ruin" a community
Your community was shit to begin with.

>how does a platform ruin a community
By people treating a voice comms platform like it's facebook.

I ALWAYS imagine Floyd from Jet Force Gemini when I see that logo.

*ruins the dissemination of information*

All I can see is doushite-chan from pinnochio-p's music videos

I see hatsume miku and mickey mouse pants sometimes

*blocks your hatred*

t. /vg/ay


Every discord I enter is either in the process or has already been infested by either furries, trannies, roleplayers, or a mixture of all three.

Ahahajahaha so this is the power of discord

At least until you get to the tribal collecting, and mizar.

regardless of what you think, discord has helped connect people in smaller, more niche gaming communities together to grow them if not put them on life support. regardless of what i think about discord themselves (they're faggots), it's a good platform to connect people. as first post said, the community ruins it if it is bad in the first place.

I know.
I love it

It doesn't do this. You're making shit up because you want to act like you fit in around here.

Sounds like a personal problem man

>voice comma platform
It's literally just a free chat room of people with one click to join voice rooms. I'm in like five servers for my different guilds and groups of friends and the voice rooms almost never get used.

fucking cracking up

Oh the naivety.
It needs moderators.
And any thread that subsists off of waifufaggotry, attentionwhoring, drama, tranny shit, etc. needs a good purging.


I like how people forget that google tailors it's searches to it's users.

Because people ignore all ingame comms, so MMO community is deader than ever.


>[b] [/b]


what exactly is the problem? you cant shitpost?

In game comms are shit.

>outing yourself with Google's search algorithm based on past searches
Sit down, let's have a chat.

>Baby Bop

Why would you want that user? That's not christian.

It doesn't. These contrarian faggots will shit on anything for no reason. They won't give you any legitimate answers because they don't have any. They'll just respond in memes or buzzwords.

>Baby Bop

>And any thread that subsists off of waifufaggotry, attentionwhoring, drama, tranny shit, etc. needs a good purging.
that's every general

I'm done joining discords. They're always filled with 16 year old high school normies.

Before discord it was IRC, or some other chatroom.

>mfw the /vg/ group I'm in was split in a brutal civil war over staying on mumble or moving to discord
>mfw I still don't understand why it happened and why everyone is still so bitter about it over a year later

It's their private property commie

Nobody wants you there faggot. Make one just for your friends although you probably don't have any.


but on the other hand, the only means of contacting i have with many old friends is now discord


>guy goes on a tirade of bitching and whining about how discord is bad, thus causing dissent and drama
>complains that discord causes drama

yeah that fagtron sure convinced me with his hot opinions!

no thanks, i'll rather host my own teamspeak server rather than let some chink mess with my data



No. It's the vast majority. I have my own generals that I go to every other day and not once have they been plagued with
And they've been fantastic for years. It helps that they have shit graphics or no graphics at all, though, also the others usually don't have any women, for that matter. That seems to scare most of the aforementioned cancer off.

What a nerd, nobody even cares about your "data"

Why do they treat Discord as it's own community? It's used for so many groups that it's laughable to even see anyone generalize an app.

There's video games, comics, movie discords.. He's probably a kid who hangs out with other kids on Discord and thinks it's all the same.

It doesn't really bother me that they shut it down because "muh alt right"

What pisses me off is that there are known CP swapping servers, and instead of going after those, they have to virtue signal about removing nazis.

while i don't like discord why is it any worse then TS, RW, Skype, or any other chat program

What's your address?

*makes every /vg/ general worse*
didn't think it was possible, congratz discordfags

>he said posting on Sup Forums

I wan /padg/ back

At least it doesn't compare to the monstrosity that was /gsg/'s steamgruppe.

>shutting down honeypots

>*ruins your community*
>*is named discord*
>*is surprised*

remember to report and ignore shitposting

How does an msn replacement ruin generals? Genuinely curious.

Discord doesn't ruin communities. Faggots ruin communities. Every general I've been to even the people who like to keep it on topic have admitted to contributing to the shitposting. /vg/ is inherently a mistake. There should be no dedicated threads to any game.

t. discord degenerate

Whats the difference between this and some IRC chat full of attentionwhoreing?
The problem is people, not the program itself, fags are everywhere

it brings all the fags, degenerates and teenagers into one place so they spend half of the thread posting discord screencaps and shitposting about it
have you ever seen /wpsg/ and /nosg/(+ its derivates)?

looking back when I used vent/TS/skype/steam I can see why most people love discord.

>join new group
>"be sure to join our teamspeak"

Again, that has nothing to do with discord, but the fags who are in your general. They would attention whore one way or another.

Imagine Sup Forums but everyone is a tripfag.

So 2004 Sup Forums?

>/vg/ is inherently a mistake
It had to be done.
I don't want to go back to the days when there were 4+ LoL threads and then some taking up page 0, as well as making room for the myriad of other generals.
Generals are shit, though. They are what killed Sup Forums.

Imagine modern Sup Forums but everyone is a tripfag.

This is why I love it. The shovel knight community was relegated to reddit (cancer) or replying to the dev's twitter posts before. Now there's two big ass servers (one for speedrunning and one for just general) and it's a pretty nice lil community. However most other discords I've joined are fucking garbage and full of autists, so I guess these SK ones are exceptions

Dude he's just another shitposting contrarian don't even reply


>Join our Livejournal gaming group!

>copy paste ip and connect
wow that was hard, not to mention teamspeak has an amazing permission system, it just needed to be fleshed out more for features such as file sharing and such

>tfw only use discord with my friends and it's so much fucking easier to use than skype or teamspeak
I don't think I've ever used it outside of that, why would you want to chat to random assholes all day?

>go to a Discord Server
>it's nothing but a hugbox filled solely with blogging and normalfag memes
Every. Fucking. Time.

>he's not in a fighting game discord

The problem with discord is that the server for a particular game is generally made by one person. This person is the de facto leader. Depending on how bad the community is, the server basically resembles a forum with a power hungry mod. But like others have been saying, that's mainly an issue with people. Discord still logs all of your shit though. That's not cool.

Fuck. I just went back and found mine. I feel a mix of shame and longing for those days gone by.

ask /vg/ /trash/ and the degenerates on Sup Forums

kill yourself faggot, I bet you have an ironic cartoon avatar

>he's in a discord

>90% of users have an anime girl avatar
>custom thinking emotes and shit not related to the game at all out of the ass
>porn channel (always the fastest-moving room)
There are a few good places but these are most of the channels.

You kill yourself, faggot. I bet you don't even play video games

>he's talks public discord
hahaha holy shit

If that happens its because the posters were obsessed with attention whores and no longer cared about the game.

gee it's almost like humans are social creatures or something who'da thunk it

Is there a discord for multiplayer/co-op dead games?